20,000 лье под водой: Капитан Немо

  • Fantastic gameplay
  • Incredible action
  • Escape from the Nautilus!
Min System request
  • OS : Windows XP/Vista/8
  • CPU : 1.0 GHz
  • Memory : 512
  • DiretX : 8.1
  • Hard driver (MB) : 120

Оценка игры: 20,000 лье под водой: Капитан Немо

Профессор Пьер Ароннакс, его помощник Консель и гарпунер Нед Ленд захвачены капитаном Немо, который путешествует через океаны на печально известный "Наутилус". Несмотря на поразившую их красоту морского дна, три друга надеются сбежать и вернуться к своей жизни на сушу. Помочь им спастись от Nautilus в 20 000 лье под водой, забавная игра скрытых объектов!

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Оценка за раз
Жанр : Puzzle

Find your A-HA! moment with mind-bending puzzles and jigsaw games.

Рейтинг игр (англ. Game Rank)

5275 баллы

(представления, взгляды: 144)

20,000 Leagues Under the Sea: Captain Nemo Image 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea: Captain Nemo
5 извне, за пределами 5 на основе 65 оценки пользователей
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USD 6.99 0 from 1 продавцы В наличии
Возраст: 3 ГОДА СТАРше 8

Описание игры:

Капитан помочь трем пленным Немо сбежать с Наутилуса в 20 000 лье под водой, забавная игра скрытых объектов!

AFERON - BigFishGames
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea: Captain Nemo game play 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea: Captain Nemo Игровой процесс (играбельность игры, геймплей).


A Different Hidden Object Game

The game itself was too short, and there didn't seem to be much of a challenge, it was too easy and over way to quickly for me.

Average all the way - but not the worst I have tried.....

Despite the rating thought I'd give the trial a go. I agree with what has already been posted re the language & being forced to use hints to find something completely different to what you thought you were looking for. I also agree with many of the other comments re quality of graphics etc. Certainly not up to intermediate/expert level. Straightforward HO but with too much narrative for my personal liking. Good for HO beginners or youngsters (given no dark overtone)?


I was excited to play this game as I had just recently read the book. Sadly, the game was disappointing. While following the book quite closely, it is just telling the story, you click on some objects, here's more story, etc. It wasn't exciting or compelling to play. I didn't even finish the trial. Also, this game must have been translated into English, seeing as there were some strange things to find, ie. "roped instruments" instead of "stringed instruments." Disappointing. Give the book a read instead.


I was a nice game, not very hard to play.


When I first started to play the demo I wasn't sure if I was going to like it but about 10 minutes into the game I really enjoyed playing this game. You are on a mission to explore the Nautilus with Captian Nemo and his crew. You have to so a series of things leading up to the task. But the only downfall I have is that it is short. I wish the game was longer.

i learned things about captain nemo i didn't know.

i don't know how true this story is and didn't look it up, but if it is true, i learned a lot. captain nemo takes on on a crew that he rescues and says that they can spend the rest of their lives on his submarine or perish in the ocean. they have no choice. this is the adventure of captain nemo and that crew. hint and skip charge at an average rate. mini games not overly hard. played casual, low sound. the clicking sometimes doesn't respond too fast and you have to wait, but it is an older game.

It was just ok

I only played the trial version, but was glad I did not spend any money on it. It was mostly sort of lame from the story line to the hidden object scenes. The creators used old world definitions for objects, making a two fold thing. One to figure out what they meant, two to find it. The graphics were good, the story was cool, but I would not buy it.

Legend Of The Steel Sea Monster!

I played the entire demo and found this game to be entertaining enough to hold my interest. The tutorial does an excellent job and the hidden object scenes were a mixture of list finds and finding the object that matches the silhouetted shape. The scenes were different each time and some of the scenes required you to interact with the inventory such as finding and using scraps found in the sea to construct a raft. Mini games were available such as organizing books on the shelves to reflect a spectrum of colors from greens into blues. You could find hidden stars to recharge hints with a maximum of 6 and there were controls that allowed you to zoom in and scan the room for items. I actually liked this adventure aboard the Nautilus, enjoy!

Lighten Up, People ... It's Not That Bad

More often than not when a game gets horrible reviews and I try it, I like it. Conversely when a game gets rave reviews, I am left disappointed. Yes, this game has some translation flaws, but the hint system helps. You increase your hints by finding stars, which are fairly obvious. You can have a maximum of 6 hints, When you use hint number 6, a star will automatically pop up in the scene to replace the used hint. As far as getting around in the Nautilus, tIhere are highlighted arrows to click on so you know where to go. There is no guessing, or clicking 8 times down, 5 times to the right, as other annoying games make you do. The graphics are clear and bright and the hidden objects are not heaped on top of each other in what some call junk piles. There is no blood and guts, no vampires, no monsters -- so if that's your liking, stay away from this. I finished the trial and will purchase it, so I cannot comment on the length. If you want a "sit back and relax" game this will fit that bill. And when something gets lost in translation, just carry on. I hope this review will counteract some of the overstated mishaps of this game. No, it is not the best hidden object game, but it is far from the worst. At least give it a try.


Bought this for $2, but wish I hadn't. The game is ok but the left and right zoom is just annoying. The story wasn't that great. The different types of games is nice. Makes for a nice change of pace, but isn't enough really.

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