7 чудес II

  • New explosive power-ups!
  • 7 all new locations.
  • Totally fresh look and feel.
  • Collect the worlds treasures in7 Wonders: Treasures of Seven
Min System request
  • OS : Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7/8
  • CPU : 600 Mhz
  • Memory : 128
  • DiretX : 6.0
  • Hard driver (MB) : 24

Комментарий к игре: 7 чудес II

Путешествие назад во времени с серии 7 чудес, когда великолепные строения были построены в далекие земли. Наслаждайтесь сложной матч-3 Игра, играть в улучшенную интерактивную среду, где вы не только узнаете о дивных новых чудес света, таких как Стоунхендж и Тадж-Махал, но и смотреть их в жизнь кусочек за кусочком, перед вашими глазами.

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Комментарий на взгляд
Жанр : Puzzle

Find your A-HA! moment with mind-bending puzzles and jigsaw games.


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(вид: 662)
7 Wonders II Image 7 Wonders II
4.94 из 5 на основе 68 рейтинги пользователей
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Требует Windows/MacOS

USD 6.99 0 from 1 продавцы В наличии
Возрастов: 3 ЛЕТ И СТАРШЕ

Описание Игры:

Путешествие назад во времени и использовать свои матч-3 навыки, чтобы построить некоторые из самых впечатляющих сооружений в мире.

AFERON - BigFishGames
7 Wonders II game play 7 Wonders II игры

Even Better Than the First One!

When a developer improves on an already excellent game, all I can say is Whoo-Whoo! We are back with the same entertaining characters ? but with even more to do! Besides visiting each wonder, and learning about them, thank you, we have a special rune we need to match to collect map pieces. Each map piece after collecting all the map pieces for a level, we then start a mini-game and are challenged to complete the game within a designated amount of moves, against time! If all the maps are collected, at the end of the game we have our secret wonder to play! Plus, you are able to earn different powers to help you clear the puzzle to achieve your goal. The original game was great, this is awesome!

Fun Hidden Object Game!

odd title, but that is what is says to do...it doesn't run at all so maybe it is a hidden object game. My computer is a quad 64 bit, so what can I say...

I liked it!

The type of game that one can play without committing a lot of time to playing. I enjoyed the challenge of building points without regard to the overall game length. A perfect game to just relax and enjoy. Sound was not bothersome, but I muted the music. No problems or glitches.

Incredibly boring

I had intended buying another game with a very similar title and got this one by mistake. Cute graphics but it is just another silly Match 3 game and that genre has been done to death by all the Bejeweleds, etc.. Also, you miss a lot of the graphic content because the game is on a clock and cuts off before you can see the background activity. To sum up, I can't see this game appealing to anyone much over the age of 6.

Needs aded bonus play TO SHORT

I love your (seven) games but there way to short. They need extra play so you can build 14 items and this review is for EACH 7 wonder games you have expand them there to good not to last

Not as good as the first one

The gameplay isn't quite as fun, but still good. The music in this one is terrible. It's just a bunch of noise. The songs in the first one were catchy and pleasant. Not this one.

Won,t load anymore

I have tried everything to get this game to come back up but it wont. I bought it in 2011 and played it very often,then all of the sudden it quit loading. I,m very disappointed.

Wonder Where the Rest Is

This game just wasn't long enough, there wasn't enough there for the money.

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