Луна на небе

  • Create platforms for the moon
  • Work around obstacles
  • Launch A Moon for the Sky!
Min System request
  • OS : Windows XP/Windows Vista/Windows 7/8
  • CPU : 1.0 GHz
  • Memory : 512
  • DiretX : 9.0
  • Hard driver (MB) : 211

Оценка игры: Луна на небе

Запуск до Луны на небе после того, как старая Луна умирает! Внимательно руководство новой Луны вверх в космос в этой уникальной игре действий & Аркада! На заре каждого нового тысячелетия, Astrolunia видит ее луна умирает и мир выброшен из равновесия. Создать платформы, что Луна вверх в ночное небо. Избегайте сложных препятствий, как вы освоите различные уровни и спасти планету Astrolunia!

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Оценка за раз
Жанр : Arcade & Action

Test your hand and eye skills with quick action and challenging levels.

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4688 баллы

(представления, взгляды: 139)

A Moon for the Sky Image A Moon for the Sky
5 извне, за пределами 5 на основе 65 оценки пользователей
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USD 6.99 0 from 1 продавцы В наличии
Возраст: 3 ГОДА СТАРше 8

Описание игры:

Запуск до Луны на небе после того, как старая Луна умирает! Внимательно руководство новой Луны вверх в космос в этой уникальной игре действий & Аркада!

AFERON - BigFishGames
A Moon for the Sky game play A Moon for the Sky Игровой процесс (играбельность игры, геймплей).


Cute and fun

The description of this game makes you feel that this is a stupid game But I gave it a try after lunch, having a cup of coffee - and liked it very much. It's a real cute little game, just the right one to relax a bit. You have to draw lines with your mouse which serve as a catapult for your moon (btw. you can later chose other objects, not only moons) and thus you have to make your way up to the sky; the line disappears after some seconds. For sure, there are a lot of obstacles as well as bonus stars; so you have to plan the position and angle of your lines exactly. Its a quick game and lots of fun.... BUT: Why does this game come with a terrible, awful German translation??? I didn't want a German text, and this translation was done by a translating program, that's for sure. The translation is really outstanding - in a negative way and might be a reason for me not to buy this really nice game; but perhaps the English original is better?

Someone, in all of BFG membership files, will like this one...I hope...fingers crossed!

A Moon for the Sky I have been trying each new release. This game seems like it should have been released 15+ yrs ago! Well maybe that is the feeling the dev?s wanted to bring out in players. For me, it did not work. When I am confused at what needs to be done, I scan through the games options to see if anything in those categories will help me, plus help me to find the volume controls so I can turn those down right off the bat. In this case, there were no options listing on the main page or ?sign in? under ?profile? or volume controls anywhere. I became more confused, so I exited, read the forum pages & bravely tried again. This time with my ear buds with volume control & armed with Big Fish Game member Mr_Russ's response to another confused player, Mr_Russ states "That first line between the stars is only the start. Draw another line higher up the screen before the moon comes back down (so it hits and bounces again). The shorter your new line, the higher the next bounce. Green / orange / red reflects the length of the line and the power on the bounce." The opening screen will say Play & Profile. If you choose Profile you will see a Moon with a star badge, ?Custom C? & ?Shop?. At the beginning of your gaming experience with this game, the Custom C category will only have a crescent moon avail. Under "Shop" along the bottom of the screen, ticker tape style states "here you will find new moons & hearts to unlock." In ?Shop? there are 4 icons, an 8 ball egg@ 50 units, yarn ball@300, frog like creature@300 & a gear@300. I am not sure what to call the unit of measure that looks like a Capital B with a double long line. Under "Lives" you can purchase 1 hearts@200, 3 hearts@ 500 & 10 hearts @1000 units. The game states at the bottom of the screen again "Buy a lot of lives for the No Limit mode." Under ?Badge? you have the choice of a star, a heart or what looks like a cellophane wrapped candy ball. I am ba

Don't bother

I thought I would try this game as BFG should now be named BFG HOGS as I think it has lost its way, what TM or other games do come along they are of poor quality, so maybe BFG should have a rethink to its buying policy. Back to the game, firstly you cannot turn the awful music off if thats what it can be called, it is disjointed, it seems amined at young children yet it is complicated, the first hour would be spent reading the never ending pop ups explaining what you need to do. That is as far as I got, the first eight minutes mostly speny trying to find the options to turn the noise off.

nothing to do here

draw a line a moon drops and shoots up. one has no control. the first review spoke of pop ups telling what to do. that was not my experience. i had no idea what to do except draw the line. then supposedly i was to earn something that allowed me to try again. but i never did it was just draw the dumb line and there was nothing more to do. This game rates a zilch.

Worse game I have ever tried on Big Fish

Rubbish. Could not understand what you had to do. Waste of my time

Not even worth the disk space it occupies

The game is well below average level of BFG games. But the worst part are instructions - and believe me, calling them instructions is an euphemism. You are instructed to draw a line to make your moon bounce. What is completely unclear, is that you need drawing more lines while the moon ascends, in order to keep it bouncing!! I suppose most people gave up because the game mechanism was completely unclear. Well, they didn't miss anything. One last word. The game seems to detect the locale settings on your computer, because the texts were shown in Italian to me... great idea! But the translation was so opprobrious that any good intention was washed away. Thumb down. Dear programmers, try harder next time


Horrible Game! This has got to be one of the worst games I have ever seen on BFG.


This game bored me, no imagination what so ever!

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