Древний Рим 2
- 30 levels
- Build your own villa!
- Large maps for construction
- Play Ancient Rome
- OS : Windows XP/Windows Vista/Windows 7/Windows 8
- CPU : 2.0 GHz
- Memory : 1024
- DiretX : 9.0
- Hard driver (MB) : 154
Оценка игры: Древний Рим 2
Построить целые жилые районы для людей и улучшайте их благосостояние, строя рынки, школы, театры и другие места, и соединить их с дорог для облегчения доступа. Создайте склады и фермы, сеять пшеницу и печь хлеб, шахта глины и производство всех видов посуды. Если у вас есть производство на месте и работает, обеспечить население продуктами питания, улучшение положения домашних хозяйств. Продавать излишки продукции и заработать больше денег. Чем богаче домохозяйства становятся со временем, тем больше налогов они платят, тем самым помогая вам улучшить город. После того, как вы успешно выполнили все миссии, вы сможете построить свою собственную виллу!
Manage time, customers, and money in games for the serious goal-setter.
4598 баллы
(представления, взгляды: 173)

Возраст: 3 ГОДА СТАРше 8Описание игры:
Получить землю для строительства городов, домов, школ, рынков, ферм и сети автомобильных дорог для улучшения качества жизни и экономики Римской Империи.
AFERON - BigFishGames
Absolutely love this!! I was fan long ago of the sim building games Caesar/ Zeus/ Poseidon etc. distributed by a "desert named company" that no longer exists. With the exception of the music this is a simplified casual game version of the original Caesar right down to the "brigands". Build a roman city with homes, hospitals, markets, farms, barracks ..etc. 30 levels of gradually increasing difficulty and no timer. You can even decide if you want to end a level or just continue building. As to the music...in options you can turn it off and retain all the other sound effects. Personally I would recommend this completely if you remember fondly the games I mentioned. Happy Gaming ;)
It is true, that this game is for people who love ancient cities and love to build things. This game needs a lot of imagination and one thing that I love is the music. The reason why I gave this game a five star is because the storyline is down to earth (building a city). The challenge is you have to use imagination and that makes it fun. Both the visual and sound is excellent ( if you like ancient cities and that kind of music).
I LOVE IT ... so the graphics aren't quite as good as the old style building games like Caesar 3 but they are certainly good enough for my old eyes to have no problems with and this game didn't cost as much as they did either. I personally think this is excellent value for the money and I would love more games like this please. I can't comment on the music because I prefer none while I am playing these type of games as I like to concentrate on what I am doing ... I actually count squares so that everything lines up exactly where I want it to LOL. There are two things I don't like, one is that I just lost my level progress when I exited the game but that could have been because I hadn't done enough to make it worthwhile saving. The second is the villa that you build with the points you earn for each level, I would have preferred a sandbox level but perhaps there is one at the end of the game as this review is based on playing only half.
i missed the old games of Caesar and Pharaoh that i used to play when i was younger, just really simple city-building games like this. the steps to build the city is really easy, uncomplicated. the only con is that the levels are pretty repetitive and not really challenging. once you have a pattern of a good city, you can basically use it for all the levels. But it's still great fun to play.
I have played a lot of games in the last ten years and this is one of the best ever. I have played all of the levels at least once and nearly twice.I lke the pace, almost as slow as you like. l also iike the chance to 'build' a city. The sound and graphics could certainly use improvement.i would like more challenging levels where supplies are lacking or Rome is more demanding, to make it more fun to play again,
Love this game. Great strategy game. Loved the building and producing goods. Cant wait for Ancient Rome 3.
I loved this game but to be fair it's not for everyone. It isn't a fast paced game you can finish in a few hours. Each level is progressively longer than the last and more difficult. All I can say is play the trial to see if you will like it because it is hit or miss.
I just love building games, even though you are supposed to finish with in the deadline, I just play until I feel like moving on and get more buildings. No rush for me, which is what I love about this kind of games. Can't wait to see if more of this genre comes out!!!
I love city building games and I enjoyed playing this game. Growing, building, trading, mining, fighting, etc., and keeping everyone happy is challenging at times but fun. I liked how the game became more challenging with each of the 30 scenarios. I completed it in a couple days but will enjoy playing again and again. There is also a sandbox option that becomes available.
I really enjoyed this games, the only real problem was that the text was a bit hard to read.