Сокровища осени: Нефритовая монета

  • Gorgeous graphics
  • Immersive gameplay
  • Find Autumn`s Treasures
  • Check out our Blog Walkthrough
Min System request
  • OS : Windows XP/Vista/7/8
  • CPU : 800 Mhz
  • Memory : 512
  • DiretX : 8.1
  • Hard driver (MB) : 125

Комментарий к игре: Сокровища осени: Нефритовая монета

Помогите осень найти сокровища ее дедушки в этом скрытый объект приключение! После получения ее наследования, осень находит таинственный странице журнала в gramps в антикварный магазин, и следует его ключи по всему миру для восстановления бесценный антиквариат. Осень сокровища содержат древние секреты, которые только можно обнаружить! Вы можете помочь осени восстановить загадочные реликвии из прошлого своего деда?

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Жанр : Puzzle

Find your A-HA! moment with mind-bending puzzles and jigsaw games.


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Autumn's Treasures: The Jade Coin Image Autumn's Treasures: The Jade Coin
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USD 6.99 0 from 1 продавцы В наличии
Возрастов: 3 ЛЕТ И СТАРШЕ

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Помогите осень найти сокровища ее дедушки в этом скрытый объект приключение! Следовать его ключи по всему миру!

AFERON - BigFishGames
Autumn's Treasures: The Jade Coin game play Autumn's Treasures: The Jade Coin игры

A Well-traveled Game

Based on complete game, casual mode. Lengthy. Storyline is interesting, logical and flows smoothly as Autumn travels from Seattle to Boston, with 7 countries in between. Each country is a separate chapter, with a few locations in each. Travel is minimal between locations - no traveling back to a country already visited. A progress bar advises how far you are in the chapter. The graphics are beautiful, bright and colorful, with a lot of attention paid to detail. There are only a few ?darkish? scenes in Egypt and Paris. HOS are in the form of finding pieces of silhouettes. Hovering over a silhouette shows what pieces must still be found. They are then used in one of the locations. Objects are well defined and easy to find. There are a wide variety of mini-games and puzzles. There is a skip option, but time will be added to your total game time for skipping any. Nothing terribly difficult. Music is fine. Hints show the area in which the item you are seeking is located. Hints take a while to recharge and time is added to your total game time for each hint used. Overall, an pleasant game to play. Because of the chapters, it is easy to take a break and not lose track of where you were.

Almost great

I love the hidden objects that break the object up in to parts and scatter them around the scene. So this one works for me. This one is a few years old so it doesn't have the same visual beauty of some of the newer ones, but isn't ancient. It's pretty easy to find the objects. It would be a fun game I could play over and over if the character didn't pop in every time I found an object. It gets really annoy, really fast. I've gotten so used to the way games are designed in just the past year, I find even more annoying today. But, I keep it on GMgr because every now and again, I try it again. If you don't mind the characters interacting constantly, you'll like this one.

average game

Older game so does not have what you see now in the good games. The HOS are good and the puzzles are ok. Hint button works good.

Fun and surprising.

At first I thought the game was predictable but as it went the more surprised and happily shocked I was. Not particularly a game for people who want action or well played-players who want an extreme challenge. This game is relaxing and can be played with a nice, laid back attitude. The prequel to Born into Darkness (which surprised me the most, seeing as I played that game around two years ago!) The heroine, Autumn is resourcefull and not the kind of girl you would see globe-trotting and in the line of fire. All together a good game that I thouroughly enjoyed and can't wait to replay Born in to Darkness and then this game once again! :D

Good Ol' Vintage

One of the features I liked in this quest is the absence of pure HO Scenes, those junkpiles that pop up in most games and make you find a multitude of useless, too often invisible, thingies in order to get the one useful item that you need in order to progress. Here you search for fragments of useful objects only. Another nice feature is the amount of tasks you have to perform. They are all interesting, even funny at times like what you need do in the Mayan Ruins, as one instance, and there are so many of them that you don't have time to get bored. Tasks and object use are neither far-fetched either, nor the result of the figment of a developer's imagination; they all respond to logic; some of them, being quite unusual and not all that obvious, require good thinking and being creative. The emphasis being placed essentially on actions, the number of puzzles is limited; all of them are simple, not overly tricky, yet enjoyable. The first minigame in Sri Lanka is good fun, the second original. From Seattle to Boston via different countries through 9 long chapters, there are many locations to visit, each artistically hand-drawn, lively colored, at least equal in quality, if not superior, to the graphics of several recent releases. The Jade Coin is an older game which offers enough inventiveness and challenge to compete with newer ones and provide many hours of enjoyment. The one hour demo is not enough to truly appreciate this adventure as it gets better and better with every chapter. A 4.6/4.7 star game [rounded up to 5] that deserves to be played till the end.

Grandpa Was A Mysterious Man!

Autumn's Grandfather passed away and left his favorite granddaughter an ancient amulet (which you use for hints finding things) and the keys to his antique shop. When she opens up the antique shop she finds that everything was auctioned off, but she also finds her grandfathers journal and a few items leading her to believe that Grandpa had a jade coin that was invaluable. The clues to the whereabouts of this coin are located within the very antiques that were auctioned off so you must travel around the globe in search of the antiques that were sold and might contain clues. This is a fragmented search game where you must find several pieces of an object hidden within a couple of different scenes and once that object is complete, you can use that item to search for another item. You may have to put together a hanger to use on a chain for the attic, something falls down into the debris so you search for broom fragments only to find the object fell into the floorboard cracks, so you have to find magnet fragments to get to the safe key and so on. This is a timed game that penalizes you by adding extra overall time if you use the amulet for a hint, but it also subtracts time if you solve a mini game quickly. The mini games are super easy such as putting together map pieces or following a key code of star, star, square, circle. My honest opinion of the game is that it quickly becomes monotonous and Autumn talks way to much in between finding items and using the items. It isn't a terrible game, and it's pretty easy to figure out where items are to be used, but it just gets kind of boring after a while.

Just OK

I thought this is the first in the series but there is no sequel coming up. This game is rather cute, with a teenager as the heroine. I play this game twice before I find it rather annoying and boring. You get to remember which part is which and where to find them, there's less challenge in it. Good for novice, not recommended for advanced gamer.

Nice Lil Game

vo's were nice and understandable :) drawings of the characters are nicely done (this is an older game) sound crisp and clear acquiring pieces are hard to find sometimes which means you have to really use ur eyes this is a short game as u see by the size of the program but have beaten newer games with bigger file size in less time it is worth the download and if u have a free game coming! this game is worth a 2nd look if u have checked it out b4 it is challenging cut scenes help u with the story line this lil gem in a nice addition to any collection


I thought this game was an exciting adventure in good old fashioned hidden object form! I have but one regret about this game, the ending. The end has nothing at all to do with the story. I thought the game should have ended with the coin; not the start of another story that doesn't exist!!!! The irritation of that aside this is a very charming game. I fully recommend it to anyone who is willing to play! Enjoy!!!!!!

Very enjoyable

I have played this game several times and will probably go back to it in the future, so I guess I must really like it! There are a few slightly irritating features, such as the main character giving a running commentary on everything, but otherwise it's an absorbing game. I don't mind the old-looking graphics - a good game depends on good design and well thought-out puzzles/HOSs, not how many bells, whistles and 'real' actors it contains, in my view. The graphics here are clear and bright and for the most part it's not too hard to find the necessary object parts in the scene (though some are very well camouflaged!) The storyline is good and flows well and the separate chapters (when Autumn travels from one part of the world to another) make it easy to play the game in short segments when you have only a short time available. It's quite a relaxing game - the kind I like - and the puzzles require some thought, without being too hard. All in all, I'm glad I bought this one.

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