Племя Ацтеков: Новая Земля

  • Fast-paced gameplay
  • Exciting action
  • Restore the Aztecs to glory!
  • Play Aztec Tribe
Min System request
  • OS : Windows XP/Vista/8
  • CPU : 1.0 GHz
  • Memory : 256
  • DiretX : 8.0
  • Hard driver (MB) : 72

Комментарий к игре: Племя Ацтеков: Новая Земля

Некогда процветающий народ, ацтеки стали жертвами ужасного поворот судьбы как проливные дожди, землетрясения и извержения вулкана протирать их земель. В качестве их лидера, вы должны восстановить группу американцев, их былую славу! Собирать ресурсы, строить и улучшать здания, нанимать работников, и использовать ваше остроумие, чтобы сформировать лучший план действий для каждого из уровней игры. Упакованные с проблемами и награды, племя ацтеков: новые земли это захватывающая игра стратегия!

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Комментарий на взгляд
Жанр : Time Management

Manage time, customers, and money in games for the serious goal-setter.


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(вид: 138)
Aztec Tribe: New Land Image Aztec Tribe: New Land
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Требует Windows/MacOS

USD 6.99 0 from 1 продавцы В наличии
Возрастов: 3 ЛЕТ И СТАРШЕ

Описание Игры:

Восстановить ацтеков былую славу! Упакованные с проблемами и награды, племя ацтеков: новые земли это захватывающая игра стратегия!

AFERON - BigFishGames
Aztec Tribe: New Land game play Aztec Tribe: New Land игры

Fun and replayable

I love this game more than I should. The original of this game gets repetitive, as you pretty much have to start things the same way over and over. In the New Land, what you start with and your goals change from level to level, keeping things fresher. Sometimes you get access to a fish hatchery, sometimes you use something else for food. The pesky warriors who come steal your things can now be smacked around, just like animals, but you don't get food. You get, usually, a unit of gold, but if you're lucky you'll get a special crystal worth 10 units of anything in trade. Or you can collect them to get a trophy. There's a lot more to do than in the original, and there's also a set of 'free play' levels that come with or without disasters. All in all this is a great game for folks who like the building/time management games, you can play it again and again.

Gives sequels a bad name! :(

I loved the first Aztec Tribe, although by the end of the game I was getting sick of constant repairs. I hoped the second game would improve on this point, but it's got so bad that I can't keep ANYTHING going for more than a few minutes, and those repairs rapidly break down too. When you have 5 mines needing repair, you don't have any hope of completing this game in the required time. Total waste of money, all it did was make me angry and stressed! There's NO fun in this game!!!! :(

Lower than my low expectations for it

Once again I tried an Aztec Tribe game. The initial levels held a lot of hope that the problems with the original game had been fixed. The herky-jerky animation problem seemed to have been largely fixed but the writers still have way too many disasters in the game to make it any fun. I got through level 23 and finally decided that I?d rather clean house or go to the dentist and I erased this loser. Another FAIL. The game authors obviously never played the game and really do not understand what constitutes fun. I have two jobs, I want to be entertained. This did not fit that bill at all. Spend your money and your time elsewhere.

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