Пляжного Переполоха
- Thrilling levels
- 10 client types
- Conquer exotic mini games
- Get help at our Forums
- OS : Windows XP/Vista/7/8
- CPU : 600 Mhz
- Memory : 256
- DiretX : 9.0
- Hard driver (MB) : 148
Оценка игры: Пляжного Переполоха
Встретить пляжный богиня Мария и наслаждаться летним солнцем. Зарабатывать деньги, заняты другими отдыхающими и управлять их потребности. Песок и серфинг-это ваш домен, когда вы подаете пищу, напитки и близлежащих сувенирных магазинов. Взаимодействовать с десяти видах солнцем клиентами, завоевывая семь мини-игр в этом дубление Управления время сессии. Поймать пляжного переполоха с прохладной Калипсо-стиль музыки в 50 уровней.
Test your hand and eye skills with quick action and challenging levels.
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(представления, взгляды: 373)

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Греться в жару и управлять клиентов, нуждающихся в 4-звездочный сервис в этой набережной дубление Управления время сессии.
AFERON - BigFishGames
I love this game. Once you start playing you may not want to stop. Each level changes things up and I love the different challenges. I'm hoping some day there will be many more like this.
I've tried many TM games and haven't found any I liked till I tried this one. In fact, I landed up buying it. It is fun and entertaining. I am in the process of playing in "Relaxed Mode". When I am finished I will then try the "Timed Mode" and hopefully I will get Gold in some levels. I hope they make a second one!
This is the best time management game on the site, without a doubt. The levels are very varied with a good range of challenges. Some are about selling a certain amount of a product, some are about making a certain amount of money, others are a combination. The level of challenge is excellent. Once you hit the early-middle levels you have to really start thinking and plan a strategy before you start. Sometimes it takes several tries and for you to realise small details, such as which character type will rent a lifesaver or a scuba diving set. The graphics are nice, colourful and clean. I can't comment on the sound since I always play muted. The storyline is simple and doesn't get in the way of the game, which I like. There could be a few minor improvements. You can hire staff to help but they won't multi-task and you can't assign them specific tasks, they will just pick up the first one they can when they're free. You don't have the opportunity to turn away guests which is useful when you want a particular type of guest on the beach. This is one I've played again and again and I always enjoy it.
This is a time management & strategy game. there is a certain element of quick clicking in it, but beating the level is more than just clicking things in in a fixed order like some TM games. You need to develop a logical strategy and time your clicks correctly. You can take as long as you want per level, or try to beat the timer to get Gold or Silver time. It's up to you to decide which order to do tasks, and to try to "chain" related tasks efficiently. You also get to decide which upgrades to buy which you then get to use on the levels. The story itself is pretty hokey, but the graphics are cute and there are mini games involved. Getting Gold Time is a challenge. If you are trying for gold, this game will entertain you for 15-20 hours which is pretty long. If you like this game, you will also like Huru Beach Party which is the same concept, just different characters.
This beach game is fun and actually quite challenging. The graphics are a bit too cartoon-like for my taste, but you really are too busy to pay attention. You can do some mischevious things without too much penalty, like serve nearly empty glasses to the grunpy guys on the beach...
I sat on this game for a long time but once I decided to not give up at the first hurdle, I was addicted. The + for me was that if you failed to get gold on the first try, you can try again but the money made on the first go, is added, which meant, you could shop for upgrades etc, again. I haven't been able to get Gold on all levels but I will keep trying ;-) The downside was the ending, "You both made exactly the same." Was definitely a disappointment. I'm now waiting for Beach Party Craze 2!!
This was the first beach TM game I played and I haven't looked back since. It is absolutely brilliant and I still haven't actually completed all the levels in gold yet. I still have a few levels that I haven't been able to conquer yet. The game itself had enough levels to keep me playing for a few hours the first time around the game and I still replay levels as I find the game play very fun.
I had so much fun playing this game!!
Fun different from the usual time management games, interesting challenges and fun accomplishments. Different requirements to get to the next level.
I love this game. Bought it and play it over and over again. Wish they would come out with a 2nd one!!