Центра Cajun COP: Французский Квартал Каперсов

  • Perplexing puzzles and minigames
  • Unique atmosphere
  • Catch the jewel thieves!
  • Check out our Blog Walkthrough
Min System request
  • OS : Windows XP/Vista/7/8
  • CPU : 800 Mhz
  • Memory : 128
  • DiretX : 8.1
  • Hard driver (MB) : 96

Комментарий к игре: Центра Cajun COP: Французский Квартал Каперсов

Присоединяйтесь к знаменитой инспектор Жак Ламонт, как он преследует подлого банды воров драгоценность по улицам Big Easy в этой захватывающей игре скрытых объектов! Рыскать города Новый Орлеан для подсказки, от мест, богатых песком аллеям, ловить жуликов. Используйте свой острый ум, чтобы принести эти умные бандиты к правосудию, поскольку они пытаются замести следы и уйти от Кейджинская КС!

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Жанр : Puzzle

Find your A-HA! moment with mind-bending puzzles and jigsaw games.


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Cajun Cop: The French Quarter Caper Image Cajun Cop: The French Quarter Caper
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Требует Windows/MacOS

USD 6.99 0 from 1 продавцы В наличии
Возрастов: 3 ЛЕТ И СТАРШЕ

Описание Игры:

Присоединяйтесь к знаменитой инспектор Жак Ламонт, как он преследует банды воров драгоценность по улицам Big легко!

AFERON - BigFishGames
Cajun Cop: The French Quarter Caper game play Cajun Cop: The French Quarter Caper игры

A No Go

There must be something wrong with me. I fail to see how such an unwholesome game can attract so many stars. I played the demo for 30 minutes. The game started on a hidden object page of the usual find items by name. After all objects are found you move to the next scene which is another hidden object scene. When these objects are found you move to another hidden object scene??.After 10 scenes, all being find hidden objects and nothing else, I decided to retire. I thought the graphics? quality were rather mickey mouse. Maybe as the game progresses it gets better, though I doubt this.

Cajun Cop: The French Quarter Caper

This is a well done seek and find game. I don't classify this kind of game as a hidden object game because items aren't hidden, they are in plain sight, simply scattered about the room or yard etc. There is a list of items to find, some are multiples such as 3 bullets. There is one item in each scene that require you to click on and drag to reveal the final listed item. There are sparkles that indicate another room can be searched, each room however has it's own separate list, you won't need to search elsewhere for items on that current list. There are a few items that need to be interacted with by using a set of keys on a locked filing cabinet for example. I really don't know what cajun has to do with this game, but it's really a decent seek and find game, enjoy!


I absolutely loved this game until I got to the end. You think when you buy this that you are getting the whole story. You are not! They throw in "To be continued". Really ticked me off! I want the whole game when I buy and I expect it. This was just wrong! I can't believe Big Fish did this to us.

Enjoyed this one very much

This was a bright colorful game, some large objects, some small, but not hard to find. This was a good change from the current trend. I'm looking forward to the sequel. The game overall was very good, I will have my grandson look for some of the objects. He will like that. My only complaint is the abrupt ending without any resolution. Keep up the good work with the brightness, my old eyes loved that.

Fun Hidden Object Game

Great, finally a hidden object game that is just that, scene after scene of hidden object searches with some guidance but not invasive and is not preventative either unlike some other so called hidden object games. Its as good as any of the Big Family Vacation games.

good but...

I liked the game because it is pure HO, no dark story theme running through and it isn't one where you have to jump through hoops before you ever get to the HO part. However, it just ended very abruptly..no warning...just a ..."ok, Joe, I gotcha" ending. I would, however, probably buy a sequel because it is, as I said, pure HO. It is the closest thing I've found to the Mystery PI series but not nearly as good.

Liked this game

had what I like about hidden object games...looking for hidden objects. Wasn't having to hit the hint button to try and figure out where to go next.

Loved the game!

The game was fun. There were alot of mini games. Alot of levels to play. I really enjoyed this one.

Motion issues - BEWARE

Whose idea was it to make a cursor that constantly spins around with no option to turn it off !! If you have motion issues, please download the game first to find out if you can (or want to) deal with these. It also has a flashing arrow at the bottom that is always on. I am going to buy because game seems fun, graphics are colorful and some objects present quite a challenge. I am going to play for short periods - keep my left thumb over the flashing arrow - and keep the cursor off the page until I need to click on an object.

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