Торт Mania

  • 45+ levels.
  • Custom kitchen upgrades.
  • 4 unique settings.
  • Bake your way into the sequel in Cake Mania 2
Min System request
  • OS : Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7/8
  • CPU : 600 Mhz
  • Memory : 128
  • DiretX : 6.0
  • Hard driver (MB) : 19

Оценка игры: Торт Mania

Держать Джилл от получения локаут по новой Мегамарт в этой быстро нажать выпечки исступления. Она вернулась из кулинарной школы, чтобы найти ее родителей магазин по тонкому льду. Начиная с ее домашней кухне, она стремится, чтобы спасти день. Помогите Джилл испечь и украсить индивидуальные торты для каждого клиента, как вы восстановить умирающий семейный бизнес. Вы будете иметь, чтобы заработать достаточно денег, чтобы обновить кухню и сохранить пекарни открытыми. Добраться до выпечки!

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Оценка за раз
Жанр : Arcade & Action

Test your hand and eye skills with quick action and challenging levels.

Рейтинг игр (англ. Game Rank)

1923 баллы

(представления, взгляды: 378)

Cake Mania Image Cake Mania
5 извне, за пределами 5 на основе 65 оценки пользователей
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USD 6.99 0 from 1 продавцы В наличии
Возраст: 3 ГОДА СТАРше 8

Описание игры:

Недавно Джилл окончила кулинарную школу и теперь стоит задача сохранения хлебобулочными ее семьи. Помочь ей сделать это!

AFERON - BigFishGames
Cake Mania game play Cake Mania Игровой процесс (играбельность игры, геймплей).


Addictive Cake Making Fun

A truly fun game that entertains

Ahhhh....the memories!

I have only good memories to associate with Cake Mania. One of the reasons BFG's got my attention. This was a pretty new and cool way of playing games back when this original came out and it rocked. Obviously, it still does for it to have so many sequels! You ever want to try to be the cupcake queen? Try getting a little messy, or pre-cooking to keep up with your customers. You get to make cupcakes and watch your business grow as you upgrade. It always gets more challenging as you go, and you'll feel like you've had a full day at work after one of the harder frustrating levels. Great replay value ... makes me think of playing it again!

Cake Maniac!

The first of a seriously fun series of TM games.. I've played through the whole series at least twice and I have nothing but fond memories of it. This is a replayable TM game that in my opinion is worth more than the hours trial! If you like TM games I suggest you try them, I love every single one of them. Even this being the first it is still a very good standalone. I find that the levels are hectic enough to get you addicted (and flustered when you mess up an order!) but as the difficulty increases, so does your cash! Which of course means upgrades (faster ovens, faster shoes etc) make the hecticness bearable and fun. I also have to admit that the cheesy 80's soundtrack, however dated is very addictive aha! I know many people don't play TM games for the storyline, but I find Jill's whole story very cute, I love how each game is like a different chapter in her life and this of course is the very beginning where Jill is trying to raise enough money to buy back her grandparents bakery. Bottom line: If you like games like diner dash, jet set go, and *insert fun time management game here* or if you're just getting into time management games I'd suggest a download of the trial at least :).

Delicious Challenge

No matter how great of a player you are, this game puts the frustration to the max. I love great challenges and I love cake. This game was my very first Time management game. Try it and see if this is challenging enough for you.


This is fun to play and pretty cakes to make.

Golden oldie.

I've adored this game since it was first released, and have replayed it numerous times. Highly recommended! The main drawpoints relate to its age: since it's fairly old, the graphics aren't as impressive & it can be a little tedious compared to the sequels.

Great Time Management Game!

I enjoyed this game very much!

missed this game

I bought this game years ago and enjoyed it for hours and hours but somehow i could not find the game in my computer. I am currently playing the cake mania 2, 3 and main street. I missed the first one. do i really have to buy it again?

true time management

loved the game. you definitely have to be quick to get the expert baker lvl each time. different seasonal characters make it more original. good game

Very Good.

This game was very challenging for me. Near the end it became very difficult to pass all the levels, but I still love it. There wasn't much storyline to it, but I've found that many time management games don't have much of a storyline. I love the different cake decorations and the variety of characters. I really enjoyed this game.

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