Беспорядок II: он сказал, Она сказала

  • Exciting Mini Games
  • Randomly Generated Puzzles
  • Clean up the Clutter
  • Play Clutter
Min System request
  • OS : Windows XP/Windows Vista/Windows 7/Windows 10
  • CPU : 800 Mhz
  • Memory : 512
  • DiretX : 8.0
  • Hard driver (MB) : 185

Оценка игры: Беспорядок II: он сказал, Она сказала

Беспорядок вернулся, и его надо чистить в беспорядок II: он сказал, Она сказала! Все, что вы любили о беспорядка и многое другое включены в этой захватывающей сиквел! Больше уровней, больше вариантов и более захватывающей, чем прежде. Все заново, даже мини-игры! Приключения 12 новые земли, как вы пытаетесь поставить все обратно вместе. Случайным образом генерируемые головоломки подарят вам часы новые вызовы и геймплей. Сможете ли вы очистить беспорядок?

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Оценка за раз
Жанр : Puzzle

Find your A-HA! moment with mind-bending puzzles and jigsaw games.

Рейтинг игр (англ. Game Rank)

4836 баллы

(представления, взгляды: 140)

Clutter II: He Said, She Said Image Clutter II: He Said, She Said
5 извне, за пределами 5 на основе 65 оценки пользователей
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USD 6.99 0 from 1 продавцы В наличии
Возраст: 3 ГОДА СТАРше 8

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AFERON - BigFishGames
Clutter II: He Said, She Said game play Clutter II: He Said, She Said Игровой процесс (играбельность игры, геймплей).


A Joyful Jaunt through a Junkpile Jungle

This is one game where junk piles are a necessary part of the game. Clutter 2 is far and away much better than the first game. The gamer has more control of its environment, you can play with or without a timer, turn off hints, and pretty much setup how you want to play the game. The purpose of the game, is to learn to de-clutter the ordinary things in your life.... but this game does more for me than just gameplay, it relieves stress, makes me laugh, and teaches how to focus on the task at hand. it is a Joyful Jaunt through a Junkpile Jungle...... at least that is one man's opinion

I have been waiting for this game

I loved Clutter. This game was so fun that I could not stop playing it. It is a great "go to" game when I need to just focus and do something different. When I learned Clutter II was in the works, I was so excited. This game was worth the wait. The games in Clutter II are similar to those found in the first game, but there are more options available to customize the play. This makes the game truly delightful to play. The graphics are sharp and the game is a great challenge for the mind. It is just different enough that it stands out from regular puzzle games. I am definitely buying this game.

I don't have to kill ANYTHING!

This one is just fun. It is challenging but not heavy handed. I enjoy games for relaxing not for trying to take over the world. I am delighted that there is a second Clutter because I have worn out the first one!!! Pat

I loved it!!!

I really liked the first game, complete with all of the decluttering tips. This game is just as good, if not better. You get the option of turning off the timer, for one thing. This reduced the stress level of running out of time, but kept me from getting that feeling of accomplishment when I finally beat the timer and passed the level. (I'll play it both ways eventually.) Another option in this second game is adjusting the speed of the conveyor belt. I haven't tried that option yet, but may have to later on in the game. I like the mini-games, especially the Window Blinds one, which carried over from the first game. The clock mini-game from the first Clutter (extremely difficult for me) was replaced with a 15 numbers game (also, unfortunately, very difficult for me). I own both games and enjoy playing them when I have a short amount of time to spend relaxing and don't want to get into a complicated Nancy Drew game for just a few minutes. I'd have to say the story in Clutter was better and more interesting, but there are photos of Leon and Ana's house in Clutter II: He Said, She Said which give it a more personal touch. All in all, it's a very good game. Kudos to the developer.

Clutter II says it all.

Great game !! It is about twice as big as Clutter which makes it twice as good,not that Clutter is a bad game but for $7.00 buy the 2 and wait for Clutter to be a Daily Deal. That way you get both games for under 5 bucks each. That is a really good deal. Come on Big Fish-lets clean out the CLUTTER.

Bring on Clutter 3, 4 and 5!

Joe, you did it again!. Heard this was around the corner and was so glad when I ran into it this morning. Purchased immediately. Love the change ups, quips, quotes, and the mars/venus chats. And like I said in my previous review of Clutter 1, this blue pointer makes the entire game. It went ahead and made my day!

Great game!

I love these types of HO games. It is more challenging than the 1st one but great all the same.

Unique and entertaining

In an hour of play, I learned very little about dealing with clutter, but there was an interesting, non-stop variety of unique matching games to play. Lots of customizable options. The he said ? she said component was novel ? and it worked. Loved the quotes.


If you are tired of playing 'evil' type and dark games, and you like to find matching - 2 of a kind - then this is the game for you. relaxing but you are also timed. I played the trial game and found it to be not only cute but fun. I kept saying I needed to quit and cook but I kept playing. Even though finding 2 of a kind sounds simple - it isn't in this game. There are also challenging mini-games that are fun. I would say that If You are Not sure - try the Trial game and keep playing it. It seems to get a little harder as you go - and I always play the simple, casual games. - As for Hints - You have lots and for each game you collect a lot more - just click on all the 'coins'. - There are also Nice sayings, things you can think about OR Not read then just click ok and keep going. some comments say - the sayings are 'preaching' at you - Not anywhere close# Try the Trial and see some simply, common sense, good words.


I cannot stop playing this!! like the ultimate hidden-object challenge. and it is not just a one-play game. you could play this for years and it would never get old.

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