Темные сказки: Эдгар Аллан преждевременных похорон

  • Dark atmosphere
  • Incredible locations
  • For a more in depth experience, check out the Collector's Edition
  • Get the Strategy Guide!
  • Check out our Blog Walkthrough
Min System request
  • OS : Windows XP/Vista/8
  • CPU : 1.4 GHz
  • Memory : 1024
  • DiretX : 9.0
  • Hard driver (MB) : 613

Оценка игры: Темные сказки: Эдгар Аллан преждевременных похорон

Шаг в темные сказки: Эдгар Аллан По�с преждевременных похорон , где Жюльен нанял мире знаменитый детектив Дюпен расследовать внезапной смерти его любимой Викторин. После ее ухода, викторина�муж, которого она не любит, ее похоронили невероятно быстро, делая Жюльен непросто. Станьте детективом Дюпеном�с помощником и использовать ваши таланты скрытый объект приключение головоломки разгадать тайну!

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Жанр : Puzzle

Find your A-HA! moment with mind-bending puzzles and jigsaw games.

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Dark Tales: Edgar Allan Poe's The Premature Burial Image Dark Tales: Edgar Allan Poe's The Premature Burial
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Молодой человек нанял детектив Дюпен решить загадочный случай в темные сказки: Эдгар Аллан По�с преждевременных похорон!

AFERON - BigFishGames
Dark Tales: Edgar Allan Poe's The Premature Burial game play Dark Tales: Edgar Allan Poe's The Premature Burial Игровой процесс (играбельность игры, геймплей).


A Wonderful Story

Third in a series of Dark Tales games, this is one of the best. Quite long for a standard edition, and very captivating in mood and storyline. Although this is a well known tale, as are most of Poe's stories, this one will captivate you with how it is told adding a new and refreshing angle. No longer are you a spectator, or mere reader, this time you are part of the story. Filled with intriguing puzzles, and beautiful hand-drawn scenery, this game will keep you playing!

No hint button so more challenging

ERS has adapted another Edgar Allen Poe story into a game & as ever it has sublimely beautiful artwork in the main scenes; it is the little touches I like, a ribbon tied to a door blowing in the wind, a little bird hopping about. The artwork was let down by some badly drawn items in the Hidden Object scenes & there were some odd choice of names in the list of things to find. The usual type of mini puzzles crop up & these were reasonably easy to solve & in addition there are 33 roses to collect; I always love having this type of extra. The story is set in France & the music suits the location, the background sounds are also excellent as are the voiceovers. The dialogue is clickable for those who prefer to skip through. There are two modes of gameplay; in easy the hint recharges at 1 minute 15 seconds & there are sparkles to mark H0 scenes & areas of interest. In the harder mode the hint is 2 minutes 30 seconds & no sparkles, just the odd glint very occasionally. It took me around 4 hours to play; without a hint button I had to think more about where to go & what to do which made the game very interesting. You do get a notebook that gives some clues. Good story & satisfying ending, now I know why I collected all the roses

Another Outstanding Allan Poe

The third is so good and challenging as the other two. It does not happen in all serial games. You feel inside the very good story, plenty of puzzles, with awesome and crisp graphics, nice sound, great atmosphere and amazing characters. I love the irony and charming of comments in certain scenes !

A Must have game that leaves you wanting more!

The end of this current trilogy was by far the best of them all! Wonderful graphics and amazing story. Best of all, this is the first one with VOs and they were very complimentary to the story. I was so into the story I would forget about the real world! It has just the right amount of HOS and the puzzles were nicely ranged from easy to med-hard. The cut scenes are something I usually don't watch, but these were definately worth it.

Best one yet

Out of the 3 Dark Tales series this one is by far the best. I liked how when you were searching for hidden objects that you had to do certain sequences of actions to find an object. The answers to the puzzles were not outright done for you like in The Back Cat story. The puzzles did require some thought, but were easy enough to do. The story was good and I liked how there was spoken dialogue this time. I thought it was kind of funny that the dective spoke with an American accent when the setting took place in France. I liked the backgorund music to the game. The drawings were much better than the previous 2 Dark Tales stories. It felt like more thought was put into this game than the other Dark Tales stories.

Excellent Third Game in the Series

This game continues with the excellent Dark Tale's both in quality and in style. Some better visuals have been added to enhance the story, which is well written and executed. I still find the second game in the series, The Black Cat, to be the best overall, but this is an excellent addition and I really recommend it to those who liked the first two. Only quips I have are: addition of anachronistic items in some of the hidden objects scenes, and we get no clue what city we're actually in. Dupin lived in Paris, but it is definitely not Paris. Getting back to gameplay, it is easy to get into, perhaps a bit easier than the Black Cat but harder than the Murders in the Rue Morgue (I have played all three games on expert mode). There is nothing really to say there. The music is good, sounds are good, etc.

Brilliant crime detective game

For lovers of crime murder mysteries, the Edgar Allan Poe games are the most enjoyable! I love how the detective looks at you as if you are actually there in the game. There are different challenges, not just hidden object, so the game keeps you entertained for longer. Enjoy it as I did.

Wow loved this game/story line

Edger Allen Poe's Premeture Burial was a great game. I played it on expert level and it was not difficult; and not to easy. The story line is great and the interaction(talking) of the investigtor was great, matter of fact I feel the speaking of the investigator was an integral part of the game. Not too much talking and not too much reading. I would recommend this game to everyone!

Love the Dark Tales series!

The Edgar Allan Poe series is awesome and I think ERS does such fantastic work. I did the more difficult level (no sparkles, hints take longer) and struggled a few times, played the game a few hours for several nights and feel this game was totally worth the $$, it seemed to last a bit longer. Lots of walking back and forth but that is ok with me, beautiful music and graphics as always, good storyline and characters, skip options, all in all I think this was an awesome game, thank you ERS.

Better than the other 2 EAPs

This game is premium quality in every way. Graphics are so beautiful they nearly take my breath away. Each outdoor scene is hit by light in such a way that it looks like either a sunrise glow or a sunset glow. Little fun details peek out at you when you least expect them, causing a big grin. Play is not too difficult, but challenging enough to give a sense of satisfaction when something is figured out. Ten thumbs up if I had that many!

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