Департамент 42: Тайна девять

  • Check out our Blog Walkthrough
  • Gripping gameplay
  • Save the world!
  • Perplexing puzzles
Min System request
  • OS : Windows XP/Vista/7/8
  • CPU : 1.0 GHz
  • Memory : 512
  • DiretX : 9.0
  • Hard driver (MB) : 140

Оценка игры: Департамент 42: Тайна девять

Присоединяйтесь к Департаменту 42, тайной организации посвященных паранормальным, и защитить мир! Помогите агенту Алисе Райт разыскать девять таинственных и злых артефактов, которые пропали без вести. Используйте Ваши навыки hidden object для защиты планеты от кошмара, который был развязан и восстановить порядок! Путешествовать по стране и собрать воедино загадкой, что Департамент 42: Тайна девять!

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Оценка за раз
Жанр : Puzzle

Find your A-HA! moment with mind-bending puzzles and jigsaw games.

Рейтинг игр (англ. Game Rank)

4885 баллы

(представления, взгляды: 174)

Department 42: The Mystery of the Nine Image Department 42: The Mystery of the Nine
5 извне, за пределами 5 на основе 65 оценки пользователей
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USD 6.99 0 from 1 продавцы В наличии
Возраст: 3 ГОДА СТАРше 8

Описание игры:

Помогите Департамент 42 собрать девять таинственным и зла и защитить мир! Остановить зло и спасти день!

AFERON - BigFishGames
Department 42: The Mystery of the Nine game play Department 42: The Mystery of the Nine Игровой процесс (играбельность игры, геймплей).


A disappointment

I gave this game 3 stars, but I would've liked to give it 4 stars - it was a very well executed game, good graphics, good storyline, but what let it down so much was that the HOS were just too difficult. I like my HOS to be challenging but not impossible. In each HOS there were at least 3 objects that were so well hidden as to be practically invisible, and I didn't do one scene without using the hint. Unfortunately the hint takes time to recharge, so I found myself wasting a lot of time on the HOS waiting for recharge, due to the practical invisibility of the objects. Once, even with the hint, I still had trouble seeing the object. Also, knowing what to do next can be difficult as you have to guess what needs to be done, which I found to be a little annoying. I was disappointed, as this game could've been really good - the mini games weren't overly difficult, but I don't like to spend the majority of my time whilst playing a HOS/puzzle game, searching for objects in the HOS.

another good gamer

thought this game was pretty amazing like the story line


STORYLINE: Dept. 42 is a paranormal agency that investigates signs of evil by dark magic threatening people. The evil artifacts have been housed in a secure mansion. But it has burned and scattered the artifacts around the world. You go in search of them so the world can once again be safe. GAMEPLAY: is straightforward. A wide variety of cases (9) cases to solve. The end of each case is a natural breaking point. You have a task list to guide you to the next steps. Game is lengthy enough that you won?t want to solve all 9 at one sitting, even though none of the cases is very long (35-50 minutes). You can replay the HOS and mini-games after you?ve finished playing the game. THE REST: Nice blend of adventure and HOS. Artwork is drab, antiqued, and handdrawn, with objects blended into the background too well. I have a 27? screen and had trouble finding items; they were hard to differentiate when the background area is the same color scheme. You have to have the tip of your cursor (a finger) on an item to collect it. I took off 1 star for the difficulty of the HOS. HOS should be challenging but not make one frustrated and blind trying to find objects - and the hint is very slow to recharge. It could be a 4 1/2 star if things were more findable. Music is apropos for each case (ex: Indian music while investigating a case on a reservation). A nice game to fill your idle time.

get your reading glasses out

the graphics are pretty dark in some of the hidden object games. hard to see some items when it isn't dark..or maybe it was just me. hint button rechrges fairly quickly. the mini games are somewhat hard for me, anyway. i am not usually good at them anyway. i don't do logic puzzles well or number puzzles well.

Good story, impossible hidden object scenes

I enjoyed the story of this game, which was to collect magical evil objects in different parts of the United States so they could be contained. There are nine objects, so there are nine locations (chapters). The problem I had with this game was the hidden object scenes. In each scene, there were multiple objects that were so small or so dark that I couldn't find them. The hint button recharged very slowly, so these HOs took a lot of time and quickly became frustrating for me. Because of this issue, I cannot recommend the game.

Great game BUT

I like this game but it got very slow at the end if the hour

Great game with a good story as well

This takes a while to finish. There are many hidden object as well as many mini games. I loved the story line as well. It keeps you interested. Some of the mini games are difficult as well, and I had to skip a few out of frustration. LOL

Great Game!

This is a great game! You are searching for missing artifacts that cause strange things to happen to the people that possess them. The story line has many mini stories as you track down these artifacts. As the demo finished, I had only collected one of the 7 artifacts and was working on the second. Based on this, the game may have a long play time. The graphics and sound are good. There are many hidden object scenes and mini games. Some are easy and some a bit of a challenge. This will be a great Daily Deal purchase for our ever growing collection of games from Big Fish.

High Quality Fun

Pluses: Excellent graphics, non-intrusive music that changed with the different quests, HOS very well-done (and if a scene was repeated (which was rare), the objects already found did NOT reappear - thank you, developers!!), entertaining story-line for a game of this type, mini-games of varying degreee of difficulty (see below) that were a bit out of the ordinary, good length. All these pluses make the game eminently replayable, not always the case for this kind of game. Plus, once a HOS or a mini-game is completed, it becomes playable on its own. Minuses: Two of the mini-games (in particular, the last one) were pretty tough, at least for me. However, they were skippable and also there is a good walkthrough available. Likewise, a few (maybe 5 total) of the hidden objects were EXTREMELY hard to find (but you could always use a hint). And finally, as is sometimes the case when non-native speakers design the HOS, a few (a maximum of five in the whole game) of the objects had names that were not familiar to a US person (but I had no trouble figuring them out, and the narative was perfectly fine in terms of the translation). I am only mentioning these minuses because they might bother some people but they in no way detracted from the game for me.

Very interesting game!

Plus = I had heard about this game, so was pleased when it showed up as a Daily Deal. The storyline was interesting, and the game played well without any technical problems. In this game you are hunting for nine supernatural relics (artifacts) in order to save the world. You visit various locales in your quest. The game play was easy for me, and I was able to complete the game without having to resort to using a Strategy Guide or Walkthrough. The visuals and graphics were also clear and crisp on my desktop computer. Minus = Players who do not like occult or supernatural themes (which I love) may be uncomfortable with this game.

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