Эхо прошлого: замок теней коллекционное издание

  • Integrated Strategy Guide
  • A new bonus adventure
  • Concept art
  • Amazing wallpapers
Min System request
  • OS : Windows XP/Vista/7/8
  • CPU : 1.0 GHz
  • Memory : 1280
  • DiretX : 8.0
  • Hard driver (MB) : 388

Оценка игры: Эхо прошлого: замок теней коллекционное издание

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Оценка за раз
Жанр : Puzzle

Find your A-HA! moment with mind-bending puzzles and jigsaw games.

Рейтинг игр (англ. Game Rank)

1489 баллы

(представления, взгляды: 446)

Echoes of the Past: The Castle of Shadows Collector's Edition Image Echoes of the Past: The Castle of Shadows Collector's Edition
5 извне, за пределами 5 на основе 65 оценки пользователей
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USD 6.99 0 from 1 продавцы В наличии
Возраст: 3 ГОДА СТАРше 8

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Echoes of the Past: The Castle of Shadows Collector's Edition game play Echoes of the Past: The Castle of Shadows Collector's Edition Игровой процесс (играбельность игры, геймплей).


a bit of a different HOG

I just finished the CE version and I really liked it. They tried something different with the hidden objects and I think it really worked. My only problem with the game was that the strategy guide was outside of the game, meaning that you have to leave the game to get some help. Now maybe that was a good thing since I wasn't as tempted to peek at the solutions but it was awkward. However, overall I really enjoyed it and will now replay the earlier games of the series I had already bought..

Better than first Echoes of the Past game

The storyline kept making want to see the ending. At first the puzzles were easy like the first game (Royal House of Stone), but once you progressed to the castle they got a little more challenging. All in all it was fun and with the bonus of the Collector?s Edition I think I completed it in about 3hrs 30mins which is a much better length then the first game of the series. The artwork was good, but it lost a point visually for the Hidden Object Scenes. Granted the first game had a grainy resolution for the Hidden Object Scenes and so did this one, but what made the difference was the spacing of the objects in this game. It made it a little easier on the eyes, but it was still hard to stare at it for awhile (hurts the eyes when it is blurry looking like that). This made the difference between it being Good rather than OK (which I gave for Royal House of Stone's Visual Quality). There was voice acting again in this game which was done well. Although, you could tell that the actors were trying really hard to make an accent for the character speaking that was not their natural accent. It did not bother me too much to affect the rating. I do recommend this game because it is the back story for the next Echoes of the Past game called "The Citadels of Time".

Echoes of the past

I have to repeat myself. As in the others two installments of the series, it's an enjoyable game likely to keep you addicted to the story in progress and admiring the graphics. Puzzles interesting with the right twists to keep you puzzling (they are puzzles, isn't it?) over them.

First-Rate Game !

The story in the beginning is excellent and already holds you! The graphics are excellent, and also the effects. Really good Atmosphere. Sound is great! - without loud noisy and screamings as in so many other games. Many places to go, lots to do, very interactive and interesting game.. Many HOS and puzzles, and most are new and different from the usual. All objects found on a HOS, after will be placed in a different scene - very entertaining and innovative! All "Echoes of the Past" are excellent and very enjoyable games !

Get them all

All the echoes of the past are great fun games. Not too much moving all around to keep play flowing.

Good game

This was, for the most part, an enjoyable game to play. The storyline was interesting, the puzzles interesting and the hidden object scenes were good. There is a journal that is updated with the story and there is a task list. The voice acting was okay but the accents did not match the setting! There are a different variety of hidden object scenes from finding one type of object to putting objects back into the scene and the regular find the object listed. There were a good number of mini-games / puzzles and they were, for the most part, easily solvable. Some instructions were not very clear and by looking through the walkthrough I was able to figure out what was supposed to be done. The hints for the hidden object scenes were limited but could be replenished by finding mirrors in the scene. I found that most objects were easy to find. The general hints for the game were not very helpful at all and if you get stuck then the strategy guide is available to look through. Although in order to look at the strategy guide you have to exit the game and go to the main menu and then go to the Extras and then select the guide. During the game in a couple of places the game would freeze and only by using Windows to stop the game could I get back to playing it ? for some reason it did not lose any game progress. Upon exiting the game each time it would try to bring up the Big Fish Games home page. As soon as I closed the window it would halt the game properly. No game progress was ever lost though. The minor problems were not big enough to not want to continue they were just minor nuisances! The bonus adventure was fun and enjoyable as it unlocked the rest of the extras.

Great game

It does have the walkthrough guide within the game, but, you have to go to the main menu and click on extras in order to get any help that you might need. Once you get use to have the list of items at the top compared to usually having them on the side or the bottom, the game is great and I believe that I will purchase it to play the full version.

nice game

this game was fun to polay and the graphics were great.

Not a bad game to play

The story line was way to long but I enjoyed this game like all HOG.

Up with the best - Excellent

This game is akin to the Ravenhearst and Dire Grove games. Plenty to do, plenty places to go and an enthralling and challenging game. The graphics are good and clear with clean lines and good detail. The dialogue is interesting and to the point - no wasted hoo har. The plot is to find numerous items to free several ghosts to gather vital pieces of an amulet that was broken and strewn throughout the various scenes in the game. The puzzles and mini games were what you would expect in a Collectors Edition, most require plenty of thought and require careful attention to the subtle clues in the scenes, together with referal to the journal or diary constantly. The hidden objects are quite reasonable without being dead easy as they range to varying degrees of difficulty to find. There is a fair amount of backtracking, to find various items which are to be used in other places but you would not have it any other way in a C.E. game. The bonus feature is equally as good. Buy it, well worth the money.

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