Придворные тайны: аромат желаний коллекционное издание

  • A bonus game that takes you to London!
  • Gorgeous wallpapers, screensavers, and concept art
  • Downloadable music tracks
  • An integrated Strategy Guide
Min System request
  • OS : Windows XP/Windows Vista/Windows 7/Windows 8
  • CPU : 1.6 GHz
  • Memory : 1024
  • DiretX : 8.0
  • Hard driver (MB) : 1130

Оценка игры: Придворные тайны: аромат желаний коллекционное издание

Остановить кровавый след маньяк аромат и обман в придворные тайны: аромат желаний! Ты только в ваших силах отыскать в тихой французской деревне, когда вы получаете срочный запрос из Парижа. Молодые женщины исчезают средь бела дня, власти сбиты с толку, и виновные все еще на свободе! Как любой трудоспособный детектив отказать в таком случае? Остаться на след убийцы в этой интригующей скрытых объектов головоломки приключение. Это коллекционное издание полный эксклюзивных дополнительные услуги вы не найдете в стандартной версии. В качестве бонуса коллекционное издание покупки учитываются три марки на ваш ежемесячный перфораторной карты игра-клуб! Коллекционное издание включает в себя:

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Жанр : Puzzle

Find your A-HA! moment with mind-bending puzzles and jigsaw games.

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1282 баллы

(представления, взгляды: 174)

European Mystery: Scent of Desire Collector’s Edition Image European Mystery: Scent of Desire Collector’s Edition
5 извне, за пределами 5 на основе 65 оценки пользователей
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USD 6.99 0 from 1 продавцы В наличии
Возраст: 3 ГОДА СТАРше 8

Описание игры:

Несколько молодых женщин пропали без вести в Париже. Теперь только вы можете остановить кровавый след маньяк аромат и обман!

AFERON - BigFishGames
European Mystery: Scent of Desire Collector’s Edition game play European Mystery: Scent of Desire Collector’s Edition Игровой процесс (играбельность игры, геймплей).


Be prepared to have a great time!!! :)

Just laid back after finishing yesterday?s ?Dreamscapes-The Sandman?, which I really enjoyed and found myself twiddling my thumbs, waiting for this one?. It?s good to know, that there are other devs, than ERS and Elephant Games out there, who are able to create great games!!! Graphics are enormously clear and detailed, characters and cutscenes are very well animated. Story takes you to Paris in cholera-times, where you have to stop a women murderer. Very thrilling!! 3 modes to choose from and you have the choice whether locations of interest should be indicated on the map or not. Map is interactive, allowing you to jump. We have a detailed journal and a hint, which shows you the direction where to go next. And what makes a CE worth a buy for me: Lots of achievments to earn and 35 collectables (fleur-de-lis) to find. And a welldone bonus-chapter, which takes you to London. (I don't care about wallpapers, screensavers, music...) It?s not only that we have to stop the masked murderer, we also have to create different fragrances for different purposes: We?ll get an alchemist?s box together with a scent catcher (attached to the inventory). And we will find recipes during the game to create those fragrances? Loved that!! Good balanced amount of slightly interactive hidden object scenes (list) and interesting, new minigames/ puzzles, not too challenging. This is a game which may satisfy experts (as it is just a lot of fun), aswell as beginners (as it is not too difficult)!! Happy gaming!!! :)

Young women killed...lovely fragrances everywhere...who kills ?

Played 45 minutes, casual - 3 modes casual, advanced, hardcore - Integrated SG which only shows 2 chapters - Notebook - Interactive map - You get achievements throughout the game, no hint in H0, no skip in mini games, etc - 35 hidden symbols to be found - Soon after starting the game you get a scent catcher to create new fragrances of perfumes - Interactive H0 - Good mini games - Hint very useful outside H0 - Very good graphics - Good music that fits well the game Young women are killed and there are fragrances of perfumes all over the place. Up to you to catch the murderer. This reminds me strongly of Patrick Suskind's book, The Perfume. For me the book was a masterpiece, I just hope the game will be too as it's a straight buy !!! (crush)

everthing you want in a game

Pretty good game and fun to play. Really not a hard game either. Graphics are good and has voice over. The HOS are like most of the others and easy. The puzzles are not all that hard either. Has a map which works ok and the hint button works good. You do have to go back and forth but all the games are doing that now. Has a good flow.

Smells Great!

One of my favorite novels is Perfume and I love that this story slightly resembles it. A Serial Killer is on the loose in Paris and he targets beautiful women. His weapon of choice is a fatal perfume that apparently dehydrates the human body, leaving behind a withered corpse. As a hired Detective, it is our role to catch this madman and find the missing daughter of our benefactor. We soon find ourselves emersed in a very entertaining Hidden Object Puzzle and Adventure Game that offers eye-pleasing graphics, beautiful musical score and voice-overs along with three play modes to choose from. You also have the option to turn on your interactive map that does allow you to jump to areas of interest. Extras also include collectables that were easy to find but then got trickier as you moved on. There are achievements that are game oriented, so not very challenging and there is the scent collector. An engaging storyline, very good graphics that could have been sharper but it seems that the washed out look is becoming somewhat fashionable, great game mechanics, game features that are fun. A very well rounded game that earnes s stars from me and has a very pleasing smell to it. (I just couldn't resist)

Hmmm, What IsThat Scent?

European Mystery: Scent of Desire is the story of a detective (you of course) who is trying to solve a rash of deaths of women who have been killed by dehydration. I?m finding the story quite interesting and enjoy the things I need to do in order to solve the mystery. Can you sniff out the killer? Although some have commented on the ?foggy? appearance of the graphics, I think that only some scenes appear that way and most of the game has crisp, clear graphics. I like a game that is colorful, and this one certainly fits the bill for me. As a note, I found moving from scene to scene to be seamless with no time delay whatsoever. The person who commented that this was a problem may have issues related to their computer rather than the game. Along with a very nice musical score, we also have good voice-overs. The HOS are mildly challenging but not frustrating. Most of the puzzles are very enjoyable but I found one that just drove me nuts and I finally hit the skip button. The CE edition of the game has achievements and some bonus hidden objects to be found. Pay attention, because some of them are very well hidden. After reading some of the early reviews, I purchased the game outright and I am happy with that decision. I find Scent of Desire to be a game well-worth adding to my collection and am sure that I will play it more than once. As a final note, I think we should all look for future games from this developer because recently they have presented some very nice games, and I think they will only get better. Kudos for a very nice, entertaining game.

Do I smell something fishy here?

I don't think I've ever played a game where scent is so important. Makes me wish for, the as yet uninvented, smell-a-game. I'm downloading the full game now. The strategy guide is helpful, as are the hints, which in casual mode recharge quickly enough so one does not get frustrated. The graphics are crisp, unless covered in smoke, which is as it should be. The music unabtrusive, the other sounds fit well into the game. The VO's are clear, understandable, and have useful information.

This is a buy for me!!

I played the "try me" as I always do and this is a really fun, well drawn game. It is very well drawn and the sound is pleasant. The games are not terribly difficult but they have a slight twist to some of them which I like. The way the game flows from one part to the other is what made me decide to buy this game. The hint button will point you in the right direction and tell you what you need to know. The story line is compelling and keeps you interested. I don't buy CE but will certainly buy this when it switches to SE. I will enjoy playing it and I hope you will too.

European Mystery: Scent of Desire CE - A True GEM!!

Yayyyyy!! My favourite type of graphics and the story line is unique and fabulous....have not even played the whole "free" portion and know this is a DEFINITE buy for me! Now I just have to wait for the money. lol So excited by this game, let's hope the rest is as amazing as the first 1/2 hour. No glitches...whatsoever! okay, that's quite enough gushing.

Finally something new

There are three modes to play in. I prefer hard core. No help at all. There is a stradegy guide for those times you get stuck though. Also hidden symbols to find throughout. Great story, graphics are wonderful. My only complant would be that the HOS are a bit too easy, and so are the puzzles for my taste.

Very Nice Game

The story begins with you, a retired detective, receiving a message about some mysterious deaths, all of them seemingly random. You decide that you can't pass up the opportunity to solve this puzzle, so off you go! Pros: + Great graphics. Some are a little foggy/hazy in places, but for the most part everything looks crisp and bright to me. + Voiceovers are pretty good. Music is fine. + Collectibles are fun to find. + Three game modes to choose from, and you can decide whether or not you want the map to have help indicators. + Puzzles are twists on the usual puzzles. I haven't seen anything terribly new, but they're still fun. + Hidden Object scenes have interactive parts, which I like. + Achievements! (Even though none seem too hard to get, and some are automatic.) + Wallpapers and whatnot are unlocked when you buy the game, if you enjoy using them. + There's a chemistry kit where you get to mix perfumes, and a bottle that helps you to collect various scents around the game. + No lag between scenes here for me. Cons: - The story isn't very inventive, but I'm glad it's in such a nice setting. - The "bad guy" is a little weird because he keeps popping up out of nowhere! All in all, this is a really nice game. It's nothing groundbreaking, but still quite enjoyable.

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