Веселая Ферма 2
- Frenetic Time Management sequel
- Secret gags!
- Bring produce to market
- Get help at our Forums
- Visit the old farm in Farm Frenzy
- OS : Windows XP/Vista/7/8
- CPU : 1.0 GHz
- Memory : 256
- DiretX : 8.0
- Hard driver (MB) : 41
Оценка игры: Веселая Ферма 2
Дать старый Макдональд баллотироваться на свои деньги в этом сиквеле неистовый Веселая ферма. Кормите кур, собирайте яйца и склада для доставки ваших товаров на рынок. Поднимать пятки, зарабатывая достаточно денег, чтобы модернизировать свои здания. Вы найдете урожай, полный веселья с 17 секретных приколов для поиска, и 19 наград, чтобы выиграть. Купить пять продуктов в городе и доставить товары для счастливых клиентов в Веселая ферма 2, Управление временем приключений.
Test your hand and eye skills with quick action and challenging levels.
6900 баллы
(представления, взгляды: 870)
Возраст: 3 ГОДА СТАРше 8Описание игры:
Поднимать ваши пятки в этом загородном стиле сиквел и управлять фермой неистовый по-домашнему время управления игрой.
AFERON - BigFishGames
I have been playing this game for about 5 years and I have enjoyed it every time I play.
The Farm Frenzy games are among my favorites - I never grow tired of them. I like that you can go back and try for gold on each level - especially since some levels take a lot of timing (but I've gotten gold on all levels several times now). It did take me a long time to determine when exactly the bears were coming - until then, I lost a lot of animals. (Hint: there's a shadow). Even though there are a number of Farm Frenzy games, the wide differentiation of animals and types of villian animals makes it fun for me. And I like how you can click on the surprise appearance of fun animals (like coming out of a manhole cover in the middle of the field).
it is aesome you get to clicked eggs from chickens .You buy grass .It is amzing. YOU SHOULD BUY IT! :)
I love all of the farm frenzy games - and this one was fun and a bit different from the others. I higly recommend all of the FF games unless you hate being addicted!
superb game i likes to play again and again
fun game for make up think brain
i love it very much it spends time very fastly
I love all the farm frenzy games and this one doesn't disappoint. They are interesting, challenging and there is plenty of game play for your money. Once you have finished all levels you can go back to beat your score.
A very good game , challenging with cute animals and interesting products to make. Maybe one of the best games in the farm frenzy series, in my opinion.