Жестокие истории: Собачье сердце

  • Rescue your canine companion
  • Investigate a cruel love story
  • For a more in depth experience, check out the Collector's Edition
  • Get the Strategy Guide!
  • Check out our Blog Walkthrough
Min System request
  • OS : Windows XP/Windows Vista/Windows 7/8
  • CPU : 1.6 GHz
  • Memory : 512
  • DiretX : 8.0
  • Hard driver (MB) : 1148

Оценка игры: Жестокие истории: Собачье сердце

Граждане Houndspoint всегда любил и доверял их собак компаньонов, но недавняя волна скоординированных нападений со стороны пачки странное собаки бросили снежная гора город в состоянии страха. После того как ваша любимая собака, Пиппа, похитили существ, вы обет, чтобы обнаружить причину внезапной атаки и выяснить, кто или что стоит за всем этим. Исследуйте красивых скрытых объектов сцены и таинственные места, чтобы раскрыть правду в ожесточенной сказки: Собачье сердце!

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Жанр : Puzzle

Find your A-HA! moment with mind-bending puzzles and jigsaw games.

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4757 баллы

(представления, взгляды: 265)

Fierce Tales: The Dog's Heart Image Fierce Tales: The Dog's Heart
5 извне, за пределами 5 на основе 65 оценки пользователей
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USD 6.99 0 from 1 продавцы В наличии
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Fierce Tales: The Dog's Heart game play Fierce Tales: The Dog's Heart Игровой процесс (играбельность игры, геймплей).


Terrific game !! Devs hit again!

Cutscene already holds you: a group of furious dogs attack a man who falls off a cliff! Game very well developed, great story with good following, very good sound and VO, excellent crisp graphics, appealing characters (as Pippa, the cute little dog, and its owners, two children ... and the interesting furious dogs), very appropriate atmosphere and gorgeous locations. The only place that I did not like was the cave with snakes ... arghhh! I hate snakes ... and there has a lot! Reminded me the movie Indiana Jones! Interactive HOS, with good visibility, entertaining mini games although some are already well known. Three play modes. It has a journal and a map. The map takes you straight to the place you want, just clicking on it. One thing I loved is that, different from other games, you can hold an object and click on the place or thing that you will use it ... it does not "fall back" in your inventory to be picked up again!! The game itself is not challenging, as well as HOS and mini games are not difficult, but it is an excellent entertainment and provides plenty of fun. I chose to buy the CE for having SG and Bonus play!

Tired of the Same Ole, Same Ole Story? Try this......its NOT!

Well now! Not exactly what I was expecting! For those that state we get the same ole story line, try this! No grave yards, no witches, no skulls, and well, yes you do have snakes (fear not, it?s only in one scene). For those of us that love a good story line, here ya go, it?s very unique and I believe I can safely say there?s not been one like it?. ?Play options-there are 3, I played in advanced (middle) and had NO sparkles. Wide screen DID fill my 15" laptop screen (thank you!) ?Hint button in advanced seem to take a good 4 minutes or longer (didn?t time, just felt like that). ?Graphics, the scenery is very good except the people and dogs could have been better. ?There is voice over throughout the game, performed better than most. ?Music is on a loop, it?s ok and you really don?t notice as you are so busy searching and reading, yes there is some text, not much buy you will want to read so you know what is going on in the story. ?HO-full but not cluttered or junky. There are not a lot of HO. Items are well hidden but not impossible to find. ?Puzzles-not really a lot. HO and Puzzles are fairly balanced. Nothing new, but ones that you rarely see. ?You get your handy dandy journal that reminds you of what you?ve found out and items you?ve gotten ?Inventory-there is one particular item that you carry quite a long time, most are used within an acceptable amount of time, not necessarily immediately. ?There is a map that will teleport you, and you will be doing a little backtracking (not excessive). ?Storyline is very captivating, you will not really get the full grasp of *why* until mid-way through. It is a not a short game, took me about 6 hours altogether, I read everything, did not skip games and just enjoyed the scenery (I love to search an area for things to do). Game play is fluid, I did not get stuck until the end when I had to use the hint button more than several times (that?s how I know it took so long to fill), that could just be b


Purchased this game right away..ive been waiting since the ce came out..not second thoughts didnt even play this one..I highly recommend this game..its an outstanding game all around..great visuals and sound..the dogs make you very aware they are there with their howling..the graphics are very good and the hurt little dogs makes your heart just reach out to help them

Really Attached to this One!!

Maybe it's the fact that the plot involves dogs, however, I immediately became quite attached to this game and could hardly wait to purchase. There's a violent pack of dogs attacking people, but first there's the sound of a horn, and then another, and then they're gone!! As gameplay begins, children are playing outside in the snow and I am screaming at them to get inside as there is a pack of violent dogs out there somewhere. Oh, boy! Seems to me that when a game's story line is that intense along with awesome graphics, I want it, so,maybe I'll read the CE reviews a little more and decide rather than jump on the SE too fast. Either way, this game is a purchase! Enjoy! -Mama Mia-

really good game

This was a fun game. The HOS are good and most of the puzzles are not that hard. Some going all over the place but still had a good flow.

Super great

I am very envious of anyone who can get the collectors addition. I just played this lesser version and it was so good. I am not sure my computer could down load the whole game. The file is sorta big and I know the collector addition is even bigger and will not even play on my computer. I think I need to find a way to own this one. The map was no help though and the help button would indicate areas that I had no tools for yet so that was a little disappointing and left me to figure it out on my own.

Loved It! Engaging Story and Unique!

I just finished the game and thoroughly enjoyed it! The dog needing help just drew me in and the story line was very well developed from beginning to end. The graphics were absolutely beautiful and I really took my time appreciating the scenes, almost all of which had some animation, adding to the atmosphere. The cut scenes were very well done, as was the voice acting. There were a surprising number of different areas, some of which were very unusual. The puzzles were quite unique and numerous and I found many rather challenging. The HO scenes were beautifully rendered and had some interactive elements. There were some items that were difficult to find in shadows so I just used the hint. A couple times, I had to click around in the vicinity before the object was registered - a complaint others had but I didn't find overly bothersome. I consulted a walkthrough on one puzzle, being brain-dead and building the item backwards. Which reminds me that there were quite a few things to build from several objects which really added to the dimension of the game and expanded into the Adventure realm (especially seeing as I'm not that fond of HO scenes). After playing leisurely for about 10 hours, the last hour became more difficult because there were fewer inventory items but a lot of areas to figure out where to use them. That's where the hints became invaluable and useful to just "clear" which areas could be dismissed. The map made it easy to hop to different areas and I didn't feel any need for a strategy guide. All in all, I found this to be a first-rate game with a great story, great game play and atmosphere and I highly recommend it. I can't wait for a sequel!

great fun

I was doubtful when I first saw this game but I'm glad the reviews convinced me to give it a chance. First of all, the graphics are wonderful and the story is original, focusing on our canine friends. Those are good reasons to try it. The HOS are clear, fairly easy and not your typical junk pile. There are more HOS than the, average but fun, puzzles yet they are not over done. Gameplay is mostly smooth and logical. A travel map is provided but it does not show active tasks. However, it does give you a good view of each scene so you can recognize if you need to go there. The hint button is also helpful with navigation. This game was really great fun from beginning to end.

Super Game!

I'm really enjoying this game! I bought this today after playing the CE trial version. Have been waiting for the SE to come out. Story is good, HO scenes clear, and puzzles are challenging without being overly difficult. A very fun and enjoyable game!

Happy ending! Interesting game

Interesting storyline. Various scenery. Relaxing and fun to play. Music went along with gameplay. I would get caught up in one area and forget there were many other plays to explore. I also got caught up in the storyline. The puzzles were not overly challenging. Again, I really nice break from some of the other games. I enjoyed the game play and I hope for a sequel.

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