Найти Надежду
- Fantastic gameplay
- Realistic environments
- Restore Hope's home!
- OS : Windows XP/Vista/7/8
- CPU : 1.6 GHz
- Memory : 512
- DiretX : 8.0
- Hard driver (MB) : 118
Оценка игры: Найти Надежду
Восстановить красивый сельский дом и следуйте за историей Хоуп, молодой женщины, воспитывающей семьи в счастливые времена и трудности. Ищите недостающие предметы и разместить их назад в комнаты, чтобы вернуть ее дом к его прежней красоте. Как тебе помочь надеюсь, ты встретишь ее муж Джек и их сын Нейт, и следите за своей жизнью через трудные времена, процветания, войны и мира. Окунитесь в поиске надежды, забавная игра скрытых объектов!
Spot hidden objects and solve puzzles and mysteries in lush, eye-catching scenes.
5515 баллы
(представления, взгляды: 213)

Возраст: 3 ГОДА СТАРше 8Описание игры:
Восстановить красивый сельский дом и следуйте за историей Хоуп, молодой женщины, воспитывающей семьи в счастливые времена и трудности.
AFERON - BigFishGames
I liked this one a lot, but unless you are also 'of a certain age', the nostalgia of the story may not hit you. And this one is all about the story. You want to find out what happens next. The finding and placing of objects is ok, and the scenes are nice. But it is short, and replay value is minimal. If it were a lot longer, and carried farther along in time, it would be well worth buying for those of us into nostalgia. Not sure it is worth it, as is. But I did enjoy it, once!
I really wanted to finish this game because the storyline is so absorbing, but I finally got too frustrated. Finding the objects isn't too hard, though the graphics aren't great. After gathering the objects for a photograph, you have to place them in a room or in the garden. In the first scene on the porch, this isn't too hard - it's obvious where a broken rail or floor board should go. The placements get increasingly random, however - there is no obvious place in the workshop for a paper plane, for example. The game tells you where to put them by flashing the object in it's place for a few seconds. This is entirely random, however, and I got tired of waiting for a 'flash' that would show where to place the last couple of objects.
The Title pretty much explains it all. I hated the story. It was based on some woman who after overcoming some hardships learns how shallow she really is. Not to mention it's very repetitive. I wish I hadn't wasted my money on it. I think I bought it for $2.99 on sale, but even that was too much for this bomb.
Especially Peggy's when she said it's a game about "a self absorbed, spoiled woman feeling sorry for herself." Good grief! If I could I would have smacked the woman in the story and told her to snap out of it and grow a backbone. I know it's only a game (a depressing one at that), but seriously, I could only take so much of her whining and complaining that just by attempting to cook her husband a cake, she was trying to "be someone she's not." She must have said that at least three times during that particular segment. I'll say this, the "arrrrrrrgggghhh" factor for this game is high and less than halfway through the demo I was like okay, enough, I can't take anymore.
Unlike many others, I do not care at all about the story - I just want to play. This story is very depressing so be forewarned. The items are sometimes very tiny & even after getting the hint, you may say, "Where?". The sun comes in the windows (theirs not mine) making it much harder to find items than it needs to be. I rarely use hints or a magnifier but this time, I threw caution to the wind & used both - maybe just to get on with it! The game shows you exactly where to put an item back in the scene - what's the fun in that! You will be given a tool shed to put tools in, well duh - tools could be on the table, floor. wall or hanging from the ceiling so you will often have to wait for the game to tell you where to put it unless you want to click around alot. Unlike, Dream Inn, where they may give you a bird & you will look for other birds that it might go with & you have a basis for figuring things out for yourself. This one might be okay for a "free" game.
Played free trial and then bought game, played 10 more minutes and I was finished the game. Started a new player and all the clues and lists and scenes were exactly the same so there was no point to playing again. What a disappointment. Don't waste your money.