Починяй-ка: мастерская Кейт
- Save the family auto shop.
- Various cars and locations.
- Help Kate find true love.
- Get help at our Forums
- OS : Windows XP/Vista/7/8
- CPU : 1.0 GHz
- Memory : 256
- DiretX : 7.0
- Hard driver (MB) : 39
Оценка игры: Починяй-ка: мастерская Кейт
2-й финалист лучшее время управления игрой 2008 года Кейт приходит домой из колледжа, чтобы найти ее отца авторемонтной мастерской финансовые затруднения. Но она не позволит семейный бизнес сдамся без боя! Подготовить для различных задач в шесть захватывающих локаций, более 10 видов автомобилей, несколько различных мастерских и множество неожиданных сюрпризов! Вы можете восстановить семейное дело-бизнес? Расширяйте свой бизнес от засушливой Невады до гламурного Голливуда. Прибой Тихого океана и неожиданные смотреть Кейт история любви развернутся.
Test your hand and eye skills with quick action and challenging levels.
6805 баллы
(представления, взгляды: 533)
Возраст: 3 ГОДА СТАРше 8Описание игры:
Помогите Кейт расширить семейный бизнес от засушливых в Неваде, до роскошных автомобилей-ритейлера на Голливудском бульваре.
AFERON - BigFishGames
I could not help but want to keep buying, fixing, and selling cars! Before I knew it my demo was fast running out, and I knew I had to get this game! You start with a garage and parking lot, renting out cars in your lot, and fixing up cars, keeping them clean to rent or sell, or improving them through body work and other upgrades. People drive by with cars to sell in various conditions. You don't have to worry too much about the prices, as you can resell a car for the same price you bought it for, or improve it to sell it for more. The price is fixed based on the condition, so you don't have to pay too much attention to the actual price, and can be assured you'll make money by improving the cars and reselling or renting them out. The story is quick and enjoyable...you really want to see Kate succeed!
Not the most complicated of games; but the free one hour trial went by soo fast. Really enjoyed it.
The only 'Fix-it up' game I've played which is a shame because I really enjoyed this one!! (Must get buying the rest) It's rather unique in the fact you own a repair shop and you have to repair and upgrade cars - and the goals are fun because not only do you need to make money but sometimes it is necessary to keep certain cars etc etc. I found the harder levels to be nearly impossible plus the extra levels which you need to make an extra item, like a helicopter are near impossible. Loads of fun though with some great graphics and an interesting enough story!
This game Kate is getting started and it takes you to the garages where she fixes up cars and trucks. Her World Tour is even better.
I'm not usually into Time Management games but this one is pretty good. For some reason it keeps freezing though - just temporarily glitching, but it happens a lot - making it very frustrating. My computer exceeds the spec for the game so I don't know what the problem is. The other thing I find annoying is the characters that keep popping up to "talk to you". Sometimes they're adding in extra challenges but really all the story stuff is unnecessary. Sometimes they block the screen. But it's a challenging game that I'm enjoying. I'm hoping to uncover a sandbox but I'm not hopeful!
Buying, repairing, upgrading, selling and renting cars. Which makes this a unique game and worth an extra star. Although I enjoyed it for the most part, some tasks became very repetitious very quickly. I thought the cut-scenes were a little cheesy. Otherwise a game to definitely to take for a spin :)
You have to enjoy this game from the start to finish. Best part is once you beat this one, the story goes on in another fix-it-up game. A very well balanced time manage game series.
I loved this game. I had a hard time turning down cheap vehicles that I could flip the upgrades and sell for so much more! The challenges were fun and great and there's always a level or two that frustrates you a little, but it's never so bad that you aren't going to finish the game. Just take a break and come back to it. I don't always listen to the game music, so you can decide if you want the game or your music on. I always wonder what the people do after dropping their vehicle off on the side of the road ... maybe they take the bus or maybe they're waiting around to buy a better car from you?