Забытые Загадки: Лунная Сонаты

  • Haunting Hidden Object fun
  • Thousands of riddles
  • Learn secrets of the Opera House
  • Don't forget the original riddle! The Mayan Princess
Min System request
  • OS : Windows XP/Vista/7/8
  • CPU : 600 Mhz
  • Memory : 128
  • DiretX : 6.0
  • Hard driver (MB) : 58

Оценка игры: Забытые Загадки: Лунная Сонаты

Франциска фон Амадеус был вундеркиндом и талантливый композитор. Город Годесберг дал вам доступ к своему журналу, наполненный тайн и загадок. Используйте подсказки, чтобы обнаружить скрытые объекты в течение многих камер Лунная оперный. Вы заметите, изможденный, призрачная фигура до сих пор украшает втором этаже балкон. Между Treble Clefs и забытые загадки, вы можете решить тайну за лунного света Сонаты?

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Оценка за раз
Жанр : Puzzle

Find your A-HA! moment with mind-bending puzzles and jigsaw games.

Рейтинг игр (англ. Game Rank)

6935 баллы

(представления, взгляды: 166)

Forgotten Riddles: The Moonlight Sonatas Image Forgotten Riddles: The Moonlight Sonatas
5 извне, за пределами 5 на основе 65 оценки пользователей
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USD 6.99 0 from 1 продавцы В наличии
Возраст: 3 ГОДА СТАРше 8

Описание игры:

Призрачная фигура Амадеус по-прежнему украшает Годесберг - решать загадки и найти скрытые объекты в Оперном театре.

AFERON - BigFishGames
Forgotten Riddles: The Moonlight Sonatas game play Forgotten Riddles: The Moonlight Sonatas Игровой процесс (играбельность игры, геймплей).


Different hidden object game

I bought this game back in 08, it was very colorful with sharp graphics, I find it interesting with the riddles, it was my first game of this type and I truly enjoyed very much. The challenge level was good, no frustrating or hard but it did challenge me enough.


A very different game, diffrent from most other seek and find game. I like it very much. Grafic clear and storyline ocay.

Something a bit different

I very much enjoyed this game. While there are no snazzy graphics or flashy game play, I still found the scenes to be quite beautiful and intricate. This differs from a normal HOG in that, instead of a simple list of objects to find, your list of objects is only obtained by solving riddles. I especially enjoyed the scenes that required scene manipulation in order to solve the room. I wish there were more HOGS like this.


This is a game that's a mix of HOG & Riddles. My family and I really enjoyed playing it. I downloaded it with a 50/50 chance that I would like it or not based on the reviews, because thats what the reviews were, basicly 50/50. So I downloaded the free hr just in case.....BUT WITH IN 30 MINUTES OF PLAYING THIS GAME WITH OUR 17 YR OLD DAUGHTER....WE BOUGHT IT! It is a little different then the other HOG's because you have to find the objects based on riddles....Which made it more fun for our whole family. I would recommend this game if you are like me and enjoy HOG's, Brain Teasers, & Riddles because it is a mix of all three. I have played A LOT of the HOG's on BF & this one stands out as one of our favorites. Even our 17 year old daughter asks to play it for a few minutes before she goes to the beach (we live on an island of the coast of NC, anyway# next thing she realizes is that an hr has went by. We challenge each other to see who can find the most hidden objects with using the least amount of hints....& ANY GAME THAT BRINGS US CLOSER & WE SPEND TIME PLAYING TOGETHER IS A GOOD GAMES #especially at her age). I hope you at least try this game.....download the free hr & just give it a try. Good wishes to all-have a great day.....Off to play the game!!!!!

More like this, please!

Full marks to Blue Tea Games - the Forgotten Riddles games and Enlightenus I and II are really something different - keep it up!!

Very unique!

I absolutely loved this game but I had one major downfall! I literally finished this game within the demo and it took less than a hour playing the full version to complete it. I think this is because I'm experienced in HO games and I didn't find the riddles too complicated, but I was disappointed as I really liked how unique this game was.

Riddlers will love it!

I am really enjoying this combination of riddles and HO. AND - a biographical story line to boot! Not too hard, but a few stumpers in the riddles.

Out of the Ordinary

Intriguing story about a fictional composer (Francis von Amadeus), and his patron?s (Johann) household in the 19th century. The house later became an abandoned opera house. Neighbors talk about a ghostly figure making appearances and mysterious music playing from the opera house and you are investigating. Visual effects are beautiful, very detailed and most are true to the period. Music is relaxing, accompanied by good sound effects of thunder and lightning for atmosphere. 10 chapters, each with a varying number of locations to investigate. There are two endings for the story, depending on whether you play the Apprentice or Archaeologist mode (a reason to play at least twice). A refreshing and unique play on HOS. Instead of a list, you must solve riddles in order to determine what you must find. You also encounter secret room puzzles, in which you must put items back into the picture, causing a change in the scenery. The next time you are investigating the secret room, you will have to switch back and forth between the initial scene and the new scenery to solve the riddles. I found this quite fun. Caveat: If you leave the game without having placed all the items back in the secret room puzzles, you will need to restart that puzzle.

Hidden Object and Puzzles

Good story line. -Great Graphics and Sounds (No voice overs) -High End Puzzles -Riddles you Have to solve Not an Adventure game Just Hidden Objects, Puzzles and Riddles (Lots of Riddles) Different twist on getting more Hints as well. But they are Limited if A Lot of Hints is your thing This might be a Con for you/

Hard to see some of the Hidden items

Plus = This is a different style game, where you have to solve the riddles to advance to the next scene. The best part of the game (for me) was the music, if you like beautiful classical music you will enjoy the soundtrack for this game. Minus = I was not able to finish the game because many of the items in later scenes are hidden in detailed settings. Even with my 21" wide screen monitor I could not see them, so I have never finished the entire game. However, I have gone back under different profiles just to enjoy the musical background.

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