Фрукти Фрик для новичков.

  • Many fun levels.
  • Colorful adventure fun.
  • A game and a meal in one!

Оценка игры: Фрукти Фрик для новичков.

In this jump-and-run game for kids and casual gamers, you collect fruit and clean up the jungle by eliminating unhealthy food and other things. You'll meet the most extraordinary opponents: a target-tracking fried chicken, roast suckling pigs running wild, and fire-summoning shamans all will try to stop you. A simple level structure and a moderate rise in difficulty across levels provide players with many successes throughout the game.

Оценка за раз
Жанр : Arcade & Action

Test your hand and eye skills with quick action and challenging levels.

Рейтинг игр (англ. Game Rank)


(представления, взгляды: 189)

Frutti Freak for Newbies Image Frutti Freak for Newbies
5 извне, за пределами 5 на основе 65 оценки пользователей
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USD 6.99 0 from 1 продавцы В наличии
Возраст: 3 ГОДА СТАРше 8

Описание игры:

Collect fruit and clean up the jungle by eliminating unhealthy food and stuff.

AFERON - BigFishGames
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