Грим фасад: Тайна Венеции коллекционное издание

  • Bonus gameplay
  • Integrated Strategy Guide
  • Stunning Screensaver
  • Wonderful Wallpapers
Min System request
  • OS : Windows XP/Vista/8
  • CPU : 1.4 GHz
  • Memory : 1280
  • DiretX : 9.0
  • Hard driver (MB) : 763

Оценка игры: Грим фасад: Тайна Венеции коллекционное издание

Две молодые дамы пропали без вести, и это до вас, чтобы найти их в мрачной фасад: Тайна Венеции, страшные скрытых объектов головоломки приключенческая игра! Две молодые женщины просто оставил бал-маскарад в гондоле, когда они пропали. Водитель гондолы был человек в маске медико Делла песте. Разыскать его и раскрыть страшный секрет! Это коллекционное издание полный эксклюзивных дополнительные услуги вы не найдете в стандартной версии. В качестве бонуса коллекционное издание покупки учитываются три марки на ваш ежемесячный перфораторной карты игра-клуб! Коллекционное издание включает в себя:

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Оценка за раз
Жанр : Puzzle

Find your A-HA! moment with mind-bending puzzles and jigsaw games.

Рейтинг игр (англ. Game Rank)

1452 баллы

(представления, взгляды: 258)

Grim Facade: Mystery of Venice Collector’s Edition Image Grim Facade: Mystery of Venice Collector’s Edition
5 извне, за пределами 5 на основе 65 оценки пользователей
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USD 6.99 0 from 1 продавцы В наличии
Возраст: 3 ГОДА СТАРше 8

Описание игры:

Две молодые дамы пропали без вести, и это до вас, чтобы найти их в мрачной фасад: Тайна Венеции, забавная игра скрытых объектов!

AFERON - BigFishGames
Grim Facade: Mystery of Venice Collector’s Edition game play Grim Facade: Mystery of Venice Collector’s Edition Игровой процесс (играбельность игры, геймплей).


Bellissimo Game !!!

I really liked this game...I personally know very good Venice City( I studied there 4 years) and I want to congratulate with the programmers for the venetian atmosphere perfectly recreated The monuments and the most important building are in the game...althought not in the exact geographic location :( The story is Great and realistic.. it could be "Based on true story"... I definitely recommend this game !!!! 5 stars

A beautiful, chalenging game

Like most ERS games, Grim is gorgeous. The plot is predictable but the game play is great all the same. There is, however the added layer of the shopkeep who you must interact with. There is voice acting, and an effort was made, however silly the accents were in the end. Pet peeve: although lovely, those gowns would not be anything but scandalous in the 1800s. Nice try though! The vices are utilized here and are used well, much better than I've seen in other games.* While you are reminded occasionally that lives are at stake, the game never really rushes you or makes you hurry, and the final show down doesn't feel like there is a timer attached. Alright, not one of my usual rundown categories, but: Biggest pet peeve of the game: Music gets repetitive and VERY boring halfway through Scary? Not really Good for kids? PG-13ish Guide required? Yes; included Buy? Yes Last line: Great game. Add it to your collection, but half way through mute the music and turn on the classical radio station. * *cough*SacraTerra*cough*

Fun game!

This is a really neat game, I loved the graphics, the story was interesting, it flowed nicely. HOG's were tougher than usual. I loved the part of this game where you had to use coins and buy clues! Really made the game interesting. The costumes for the ladies were a bit hoakie, but it was not a huge part of the story, so it was ok to overlook. And my favorite part, NO LOCKED DOORS! I am so tired of that in these games, key for this, key for that, I am glad I bought this game!

ERS do it again!

Absolutely love this game! One of my favourites by far and I've played hundreds!! ERS never fail my delight in playing these games, the graphics are just stunning and the storyline is divine. I just love listening to the characters and the story is a big part of the game and just so beautifully written. I'll never get fed up with these great games. Keep them coming Big Fish.

Love Venice and loved this game

I always appreciate artistic and a fun variety of puzzles, this game was better than most on this. I loved finding the coins and buying items at the shop, wish they had different shops to purchase or trade different items or clues to where items are hidden... there is so much to expand on that one new feature to the game. Had a good amount of areas to roam around, the areas were fun, and had good variety. The bonus play was good, I would say great if it was a bit longer. Still, I enjoyed it and recommend the CE. But for double the price these developers need to make longer bonus play!

Detective on the Hunt

This was a good game. Scavenger hunt and HOG. Lots of back and forth which makes the game fun. The graphics and scenery were wonderful. Beautifully done. I recommend this game.

Love the Game . . . Great Opportunity to Store Up On CE

I don't know where I was when this game came out, but I love it. The storyline is pretty good and the hidden object scenes are graphically well done. I don't know what the standard addition offers, but this, CE offeres the following -- strategy guide, earn extra hints by finding extra fans, and golds coins throughout the game. The mini-games are interesting and not at all difficult. However, you have the option to skip in the casual. Speaking of modes, you have casual and advance modes. I only played 30 minutes and with this price -- $6.99 -- I'm off to purchase.

I'll never forget it

This was one of the first games that really caught my attention. I enjoyed everything about it. Got a little confused at times, because I couldn't find the objects I needed to continue, but found my way in the end.


I truly enjoyed Grim Facade: Mystery of Venice Collector?s Edition. Everything was just perfect to provide me with several hours of entertainment. The music is so beautiful that I save it to my I'Pod.

Ers Games Studios always offer challenge Games

It is a very interesting story with gorgeous graphics and lovely puzzles.Certain puzzles were more difficult .Personally I skipped 3 of them but with a little more insistence I believe I could be solve them. Music could be little better.There are a lot of HOGS but not boring.Be carefull to colect the Fans in some of them.I enjoyed this lovely game and do not hesitate to buy it.

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