Привидениями прошлое: Царство призраками коллекционное издание
- Bonus gameplay
- Integrated Strategy Guide
- Wonderful Wallpapers
- OS : Windows XP/Vista/Win7/8
- CPU : 1.8 GHz
- Memory : 1024
- DiretX : 8.1
- Hard driver (MB) : 750
Оценка игры: Привидениями прошлое: Царство призраками коллекционное издание
Вы унаследовали дом, только чтобы обнаружить, беспокойные духи скрываются, и только вы можете услышать их. Лет назад, женщина упала от чердачное окно, но к ее гибели, теперь она преследует ее бывшего дома из другого мира. Помочь ей с ее незаконченное дело и положить ее душу, чтобы отдохнуть в этой невероятной игре скрытый объект головоломки приключение. Общаться с умершими и разгадать тайну гибели Эмили. Все не так, как кажется в привидениями прошлом: царство призраков. Это коллекционное издание полный эксклюзивных дополнительные услуги вы не найдете в стандартной версии. В качестве бонуса коллекционное издание покупки учитываются три марки на ваш ежемесячный перфораторной карты игра-клуб! Коллекционное издание включает в себя:
Find your A-HA! moment with mind-bending puzzles and jigsaw games.
1418 баллы
(представления, взгляды: 202)

Возраст: 3 ГОДА СТАРше 8Описание игры:
После того, как Сара наследует дома, она обнаруживает, что беспокойный дух может говорить с ней! Помогите Эмили ее успокоить души в привидениями прошлом: царство призраков!
AFERON - BigFishGames
This review is based on the trial version, which took me exactly an hour to play: I think this game, which is from Gogii Games, is very cleverly done. The graphics, although they could have been better, are acceptable to me. Not too keen on the glaring light scenes in the mirror images, but the HOS (hidden object scenes) in them are very clear and objects are easy to find. HOS in general, although some of them are a little crowded, are well done, with objects not hard to find. There is a choice of system and custom cursor, and an option to tick a box for slower computers. The game did not fill all of my widescreen monitor, but that doesn't bother me, because I am used to it, getting no widescreen with most games. There is voice-over. When you are done with an area, a sign comes up at the top, telling you that the "Area is cleared". I like that. Keeps me from sniffing around the ground and corners again and again, in case I may have missed something. SLIGHT SPOILER I said this was a cleverly done game, because I like the fact that you can get objects in the past, and then have to hide it, and get it back in the present. I also like what you have to do with some of the paintings in order to get something done or get an object from the painting itself. END OF SLIGHT SPOILER I also like the mini games I have encountered in the trial version - they were different from the norm, and I managed to do them. HINT and SKIP buttons fill quickly - always a plus. I also like the SG (strategy guide#. You only get one line of instructions, but when you click on the sideways arrow, more info comes up. And then there are these little squares, which turn into a picture when you click on those. The instructions on how to use the SG is at the bottom of the SG. Really liked it this way. One last thing for those fishies who wonder if it only happens to them: When I click "Play" on the GM #game manager), the GM says bye-b
I see some negative reveiws for this game but, I think it a great game. The way you have to hide some objects,from one time to another is great! Hide them well,and pick them up on the other side. Great idea!! Way to go! Play this game for yourself,don't let the feedback change your mind! A buy for me.
The graphics was good and music soothing. Takes you from the present to the future with a sinister plot thrown in. I didn't like the crasing sound when you used a hint. Strategy guide was nice to be in game, but it would have been nice not to have to scroll to where you left off. It was nice to bring things from the past into the future to progress in the game. Everyone will enjoy the game. It is also another great game from the developers; Gogii. The you BFG for another great game. Hopefully game will start where it ended in trial version which didn't last full hour. Undecided on whether to purchase it now or later when it is a SE. My great grandsons birthday is tomorrow and he'll be 1 year old. Have to buy him a gift and something for my great grand daughter and 3 grandchildren also. Happy holidays fishies and have a safe one.
Haunted Past: Realm of Ghosts is a very engaging, often mind-boggling, game, jam-packed with puzzles from beginning to end. Set in a creepy decrepit mansion, this game is unique right off, as we choose among three levels of play: casual, challenging, and custom, in which we can design the difficulty of the play. I began with Custom, but after 20 minutes or so, started over at Casual, and was never bored. I usually play at the Challenging level of all HOGs, but even at Casual, I needed occasional hints throughout the game. However, the hints never ruin the play?they simply point us in the right direction if we are lost?and with so many rooms, two time eras, and several ongoing puzzles, it is very easy to get lost! It takes a while to catch on to how things work, but it is fun to solve the mysteries and satisfying once we do. We time jump to the past, still in the same mansion, but when it was beautiful and well tended. In the past (which we reach via mirrors and other reflective surfaces), our task is to locate objects we need in the present. We find them, hide them where they will be available in the present (assuming we can find them, have the right tools to unearth them, etc.) It is a lot of fun! I recommend this game highly, if you like a game that takes a while to play and keeps you guessing throughout. The Bonus Play in the Collector?s Edition is also very long; I would say 60-90 minutes. At the end, a message tells us we will soon have another chance to use our ?gift.? I hope the game makers consider ?soon? as just a few months, since I am already looking forward to their next game. Five bright stars for this highly compelling game!
I must say that I have purchased over 61 HOG's but never have I found a game such as this. I have been on the edge of my chair playing this game .... I definately give this game a 10 out of 10. I never purchase a game without playing the 1 hour demo, and I have to say that this one is at the top of my list of HOG's Graphics were excellent, sound and story were remarkable. I must say that whomever love HOG's this one is a keeper.
OMG I enjoyed this game so much, I was so disapointed the demo was over a buy for sure, this was such a different delight as a hog, so cool graphics, voice over cool, going to different worlds , hidden places to come back and get things great ,great , you our did your self with this game loved it. recommend this game to everyone,,its a challenge you can customize . its just great enjoy
From the very beginning, this game is so engaging! I love how you can customize not only the difficulty level but whether your hint recharges are shorter or longer and other things as well to suit your liking. The graphics are great, the music and voices are done well and even the lightening outside sounds realistic and a bit scary. I enjoyed how you go into the ghost realm through reflections to find something to "hide" and go back into the natural realm to retrieve what you've hidden.....very clever! This game seems to have a good balance of everything. I've only played the demo which is short but hope there's puzzles involved to play.
This game went way too fast! The is the best Adventure HO Game I have played in a long time. Very different from the norm. The sound effects never got annoying. The "lightening" sound was very very realistic! I've haven't played a game like this one. To go from the present to the past, hide objects, then go back to present to find them. Utterly brilliant! I highly recommend this game!
I don't usually write reviews but this is worthy. The voiceovers are fantastic for a nice change, the gameplay is involving and fun, plus the graphics are well done. Hiding things for different realms is a great and unique idea. Definitely worth the purchase. I read in another review that the game isn't super long, but when it's this good who cares?
I haven't even finished the demo yet, but I love it !! Will definitely buy the C.E. Great background music (not annoying), outstanding graphics, and different than the other games. This game definitely has a different feel to it. There are a lot of different rooms; always moving. The sound effects, for example, lightning is not the standard, canned sound. I love the fact that when you're done in an area it says AREA CLEARED. Being able to move between realms - like it. You see the room as an old dirty room, then you pass through to the 'other realm' and see it as it once was. Great graphics. I definitely recommend this game.