Привидениями прошлое: царство призраков

  • Appease the spirits
  • Communicate with Emily
  • Explore another realm
  • For a more in-depth experience, check out the Collector's Edition!
Min System request
  • OS : Windows XP/Vista/Win7/8
  • CPU : 1.8 GHz
  • Memory : 1024
  • DiretX : 8.1
  • Hard driver (MB) : 621

Оценка игры: Привидениями прошлое: царство призраков

Вы унаследовали дом, только чтобы обнаружить, беспокойные духи скрываются, и только вы можете услышать их. Лет назад, женщина упала от чердачное окно, но к ее гибели, теперь она преследует ее бывшего дома из другого мира. Помочь ей с ее незаконченное дело и положить ее душу, чтобы отдохнуть в этой невероятной игре скрытый объект головоломки приключение. Общаться с умершими и разгадать тайну гибели Эмили. Все не так, как кажется в привидениями прошлом: царство призраков.

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Оценка за раз
Жанр : Puzzle

Find your A-HA! moment with mind-bending puzzles and jigsaw games.

Рейтинг игр (англ. Game Rank)

4967 баллы

(представления, взгляды: 179)

Haunted Past: Realm of Ghosts Image Haunted Past: Realm of Ghosts
5 извне, за пределами 5 на основе 65 оценки пользователей
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USD 6.99 0 from 1 продавцы В наличии
Возраст: 3 ГОДА СТАРше 8

Описание игры:

После того, как Сара наследует дома, она обнаруживает, что беспокойный дух может говорить с ней! Помогите Эмили ее успокоить души в привидениями прошлом: царство призраков!

AFERON - BigFishGames
Haunted Past: Realm of Ghosts game play Haunted Past: Realm of Ghosts Игровой процесс (играбельность игры, геймплей).


Absolutely loved it!

Really enjoyed playing this game and found the switching over to the other "realm" really unique. The graphics and gameplay are perfect, puzzles not too difficult. A great game all round. The CE version has quite a lot more content and is well worth buying.

Good, but it took me only 3 hours total!!!

This was good and graphically it reminded me of the first ?Princess Isabella,? but it just didn?t last that long. It was over fairly quickly even for a standard edition game. It did make me wish that I had gotten the Collector?s Edition when it was deeply discounted. The graphics were really good. There were some clever things like hiding objects in the ghost realm and using them in the real world. That made it interesting. But it was disappointing that you really didn?t get a chance to spend that much time in each area. The ghost realm was beautiful and lush while the present day was dark and decayed. Similar to ?Princess Isabella.? But it all just went by so fast. The overall game mechanics and concept had potential, but they just didn?t expand on it enough. I don?t think you should have to buy the Collector?s Edition to get the developer?s full vision for the game. The Standard Edition should be a finished concept. And I?m not suggesting that this game isn?t finished, but I used a free game coupon. I would have been upset had I paid $6.99 for only 3 hours!!! Even the average time management game lasts longer. However, it was still worth playing. I did really like it. But it left me wanting A LOT more!!!! So, I wish I could write something more thoughtful and had more to say, but there?s just not a whole lot of game to play in the Standard Edition.

Excellent Hidden Object Game

I loved this game, I thought the graphics were fantastic, the storyline was interesting and kept me wanting more. I have definately put this on my to buy list. I found the game to be not too challenging, but challenging enough and if I got stuck the hint button helped. It recharged fairly quickly.

A Very good game

I really liked this game,very different. The hint system was excellent. Not too much wandering around. The music and graphics were good too.

loved it

i got it and i dont regret it even if it has some negative reviews. i loved going from world to world to find items, it was different and entertaining. the story was really nice, not original but still nice. the graphics are bright , things are easy to see. didnt even need to use the hint button. not scarry at all but a nice game overall

Love This Game

I really enjoyed this game. Not too hard, moves along nicely, and the graphics were beautiful, gorgeous colour. Some may find it too easy, however having said that, I played in casual mode, so you always have the option of choosing the harder. Also liked the fact that you travel into another time to hide objects and return to the present to get them. Thought it was a neat change up from the usual.

An Enjoyable Good Time

Played the whole game before submitting my review. The art and visual was very well done. Not a lot of actual hos but I thoroughly enjoyed jumping between the ghost realm and the actual "time". Deciphering the glyphs were not hard at all just a matter of remembering doing those as a kid. The object hiding between the two realms was also interesting and made a change of pace from other games. The hos were not difficult and the items were readily identifiable. I also like the "Area Cleared" announcements as it saves time from going back to places that you do not have to especially since there was no map to follow. The hint button filled quickly on the casual game and rarely had to use it. It was also helpful to be able to use it when I lost what I was supposed to be doing which happened a couple of times when I got off the computer and then went back to the game. It was not one of the more difficult games but I thoroughly enjoyed playing it. The music/sounds did get annoying once in a while but I did have the sound turned down to low. All in all, a game that was not difficult, was not boring, had a great story line and had some twists that kept it interesting,

A little different with good length

I wont repeat what others have said about this game, playing in expert mode I found it fairly challenging at times, working out what to do next, but the hint button is excellent, a different take on most hogs which was nice, took me around 4 1/2 to 5 hours to complete so well worth a punch, would love to see more like this


After much debate I finally chose to purchase the game. What a deal I got for the money. This game was interesting, challenging, and addictive. So sorry it had to end. Great graphics, sound, music and the addition of traveling into the other realm. I'll not ruin it for those who haven't played the game. But i can say one draw back, graphics can be a little dark, but works fine if the lights are out in your room (Which is what I do anyway). If a game can let me visualize me actually being in the game then its worth a great deal for me. Please just try the demo, before you buy, if you are in doubt.

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