Дом 1000 дверей: семейные тайны коллекционное издание

  • Bonus gameplay
  • Integrated Strategy Guide
  • Stunning screensaver
Min System request
  • OS : Windows XP/Windows Vista/Windows 7
  • CPU : 1.6 GHz
  • Memory : 512
  • DiretX : 6.0
  • Hard driver (MB) : 481

Оценка игры: Дом 1000 дверей: семейные тайны коллекционное издание

Руководство Кейт Рид, как она решает четыре галлюциногенный тайн, которые принимают ее в миры, она никогда не себе в Дом 1000 дверей: семейные тайны! Когда мертвых не может найти выхода, Дом 1000 дверей служит порталом, который позволяет жизни, чтобы помочь им. Общаться с духами и встретиться с таинственной Ланкастер семья, которая находится внутри жуткий дом в этой невероятной игре скрытый объект головоломки приключение! Это коллекционное издание полный эксклюзивных дополнительные услуги вы не найдете в стандартной версии. В качестве бонуса коллекционное издание покупки учитываются три марки на ваш ежемесячный перфораторной карты игра-клуб! Коллекционное издание включает в себя:

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Оценка за раз
Жанр : Puzzle

Find your A-HA! moment with mind-bending puzzles and jigsaw games.

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1389 баллы

(представления, взгляды: 194)

House of 1000 Doors: Family Secrets Collector's Edition Image House of 1000 Doors: Family Secrets Collector's Edition
5 извне, за пределами 5 на основе 65 оценки пользователей
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USD 6.99 0 from 1 продавцы В наличии
Возраст: 3 ГОДА СТАРше 8

Описание игры:

Руководство Кейт Рид, как она решает четыре галлюциногенный тайн, которые принимают ее в миры, она никогда не себе!

AFERON - BigFishGames
House of 1000 Doors: Family Secrets Collector's Edition game play House of 1000 Doors: Family Secrets Collector's Edition Игровой процесс (играбельность игры, геймплей).


Exquisite Holiday Gift for Hidden Object Fans

Just when it seems the games cannot possibly get any better, another beauty like this emerges. House of 1000 Doors is a stunning HOG, with seven surprisingly long chapters (plus a bonus chapter in the CE), a very compelling story, and some of the best artwork to appear on the scene. This is the kind of game that keeps me up way past a normal bedtime: one chapter can easily take an hour, if you play as I do, which is enjoying the sights, sounds, and surprises along the way. I am never in a race to see how fast I can finish, but I do like to be challenged and occasionally stumped so that I have to take a hint to see where to turn next. With this game, I even resorted to the Strategy Guide once to set me on my path. You can?t get a much better effect than a huge mansion with 1,000 doors that simply ?appears every few years.? The occasional creepy storyline leads to glorious redemption and before we know it, we?re headed in another direction for more adventure. The game begins, as they often do, upon receipt of a mysterious letter to set us on our quest. The huge mansion appears before our eyes, and we search through its doors, fireplaces, mirrors and pictures that morph into more doors, trains, toys that turn into real places...well you get the idea. This is a highly imaginative and enjoyable game, which I recommend without reservation.

House of 1000 Doors: Family Secret CE

A very interesting game. Somewhat different HO scenes. As you find an oject, the words disappear, and go to the found object. The strategy guide is easy access if needed. There are 35 bonus morphing obects hidden throughtout. The graphics are crisp and clear, a wide screen, a plus. The only thing I had problems with, were the interactions needed to be taken between two items in the HO areas. Most of the time, it would take multiple attemps to get the interaction to take. I will be purchasing this game to finish.

The reason I buy CEs

This game has everything - great graphics, good soundtrack, excellent puzzles and challenging HOSs - in fact this game is the reason I buy CEs. The game length was good and having a map which enables you to jump from area to area is great. If it had opened in widescreen my cup would have runneth over!! Will definitely be playing this one again. No hesitation in recommending it and hope there's a sequel.

WOW!...a great H0 game to keep u interested...

Well I am going to go off 'the grid' and add my .02c, on the other hand will spend .04c of my time to say am doing a critique on the 'demo'...I LUVED IT! Occult does not bother me nor does Ghosts nor VooDoo, but scenes from asylums and dead bodies are way to much for me to deal with even in a game! So to the game... Great Graphics...Morph object is easily found...Voice overs are one of the best I have experienced in a long while...Map to track where u be is great, saves the 'tennis shoe' running effect...Storyline is 'o.k.' of course you are hunting out the ghosts its a 'dissapear/appear' mansion...Liked all the 'options' that were presented...AND...It kept my 'interest' which has not happened in a long while for a H0 game!...for demo I will happily give a 'five star'...with a 'thumbsup'. BTW...the kid is ADORABLE! Needless to say, its on my 'wish list' to purchase!

Great graphics, great gameplay !

This review is based on the trial version, which I wasn't able to finish within the hour I had: There is an option for widescreen, and 2 resolution settings. There is a choice of custom and system cursor. I used the custom cursor, because the system cursor will add the custom cursor and show both at the same time when there is an active place. There are 2 play modes. There is voice-over, and I liked the refined English [or British] accents. The graphics are very well done. The HOS [hidden object scenes] are interactive. I have not come across any junk piles in the demo, and graphics here are clear and crisp, and objects are not too hard to find. Both HINT and SKIP buttons fill very quickly in easy mode. There is a journal and, after the initial gameplay, there will be a map, which not only shows where you need to do something, but you can use it to jump to different places. Gameplay is fun and entertaining. I only encountered 2 puzzles while playing the 1 hour I had, so it seems that there aren't as many puzzles as some HOGs have lately. There are 35 "Beyond" morphing objects all over the place to find. I like this kind of game. And I don't mind that many of the things I have to do and find [lots to do in this game] I already did and found in previous games. I am loving this game, and I have bought this CE, especially since it reminded me of ERS' games.



This is what ALL HOG should strive to be!

This is the kind of HOG that got me hooked on the genre! I love this game so much! Totally a purchase! The game itself is not overly difficult. The puzzles are fairly easy and up to this point I have not had to use the SG. I can honestly say though, this game ROCKS! The story line is fresh and interesting with just the right amount of darkness that it reels me in (like a big fish ... Ok bad pun) I Love the look of the game. My only criticism is that if you are a big "tough puzzle" person, you may not like this, but for a really fun cool adventure with some fresh HOS and a great story line, look no further! This is a GREAT way to spend some winter hours. Two fins up for this one! Bravo!

Jolly Good Fun, 5 star entertainment

I enjoyed the game! Beautiful Graphics, Interesting storyline,talking with ghosts and helping them to get free of the house. Great voices throughout the game. If I were going to deduct a star it would be for repeated location on hidden objects screens. However the Hidden object screens were made interesting to find objects not seen easily, so it was more fun and didn't really care about repeated locations. Hints refilled quickly, mini games easily skipped if unable to complete it. I look forward to more games like this. CE should equal in my opinion voices through out the game, and this one didn't disappoint me. There is nothing bad I can say about this game. It is Jolly good fun! I love all the interactive adventure parts. Congrats to game designers they also give you option to whether you play it casual relaxed which I always choose, or more expert level. Music did not get on my nerves so it fit the game. My favorite part is talking to the ghosts or people.


I downloaded the demo for House of 1000 Doors: Family Secrets yesterday and began playing immediately. When my computer screen suddenly went black and I read a message telling me my 60-minute free trial had expired, I almost wept! I was so completely enthralled with wandering around this haunted house (that can materialize and then disappear again in locations all over the world), searching for special items needed by the ghosts I met, solving obscure and challenging puzzles and locks, and generally having a great adventure, I had forgotten about time! Well, all I can say is I hit the BUY button as quick as I could! Then, once the game was downloaded, I created a new profile and began all over again, instead of picking up where I left off as usual. I took my time and savoured every moment, noticing things I hadn't the first time! The protagonist is a struggling author of supernatural fiction now suffering from writers' block. She receives an invitation to attend a s?ance, where the ghost of her long-dead grandmother begs her to visit the House of 1000 Doors, and free her tormented soul. Few people have ever been able to enter the house, let alone leave it, but Kate Reed is about to become one of them. The options include casual or advanced game-play and the custom curser changes from a magnifying glass to a question mark and grasping fingers. The background music is beautifully haunting, the graphics are incredibly detailed and the game-play is flawless. The solid plot is well-developed and the voice acting is very well executed! What more can I say about this game? House of 1000 Doors: Family Secrets #Collectors Edition# is one of the best Hidden Object Games of 2011. Give yourself an awesome game for Christmas. You deserve it!

Great Game

This is the first time I have had a game go so long. Ten hours into it and I finally got to the bonus game. Great graphics and the mini games are fun. Some of the mini games have not played before, and I have played alot. Even the bonus game is long, which is a surprise. They are usually short. Get this game you will enjoy it so much. I will play it again because by the time you get done you have forgotten the beginning. Fantastic, Have fun and play.

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