Джевел квест пасьянс второй
- All new layouts.
- Unique African setting.
- New jewels and special moves.
- Play Jewel Quest Solitaire
- OS : Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7/8
- CPU : 600 Mhz
- Memory : 128
- DiretX : 6.0
- Hard driver (MB) : 41
Оценка игры: Джевел квест пасьянс второй
Пасьянс со сложной твист! Джевел квест пасьянс 2-это совершенно новая карта сопоставления, Jewel-обмен, разгадывающие тайны приключений. Эмма путешествия в глубины Африки, чтобы найти своего пропавшего мужа, героя Джевел квест, Руперт. Играть впечатляющий раскладов пасьянса против богатых, ярких фонов. Играть ваши карты мудро и зарабатывает камней в доску, чтобы увеличить ваш счет в драгоценном безумие!
Enjoy familiar favorites like solitaire, bingo, poker, dominos, and game shows.
7160 баллы
(представления, взгляды: 263)

Возраст: 3 ГОДА СТАРше 8Описание игры:
Приключения продолжаются! Играть увлекательный пасьянс макетов и матч драгоценности для руководства дикое путешествие Эммы через Африку.
AFERON - BigFishGames
As a fan of the Jewel Quest series I couldn't resist buying this instalment. I've always enjoyed the combination of solitaire and match 3 and this is no different. Graphics and game play are usual good quality.
This game has a great mix of Jewel Quest puzzle and Solitaire. Two of my favorite games. Some of the puzzles are particularly challenging. There are lots of levels and they can be replayed as well at the end.
Such a nice twist to be solitaire and Jewel Quest gems. A must for all.
I enjoyed the Jewel Quest Series, each one. The newest was not disappointing at all. I enjoy Solitaire and since I had played the Jewel Quest from the beginning, I found these to be great fun, not a match 3, but good none the less. I play with out sound and don't read all of the story. What I read was good. For Jewel Quest fanatics this was a nice change and a good game.
I think this is the best game ever. would to download and buy !!! thank you
Nice sequel. Interesting storyline illustrated with hand-drawn graphics and handwritten notes. Fairly relaxing solitaire game with a variety of card layouts. Love the added bonus of turning jewel boards gold using swap tokens.
Fun game, really enjoy combining 2 game plays into one.
fun to play and its new and its a blast to play
I have been playing this game since it has been out. A very good cards game with the board game as extra. There is a lot of level to play. The graphics are very nice. The music is well appropriate and the lenght of gaming is very good. You can play for hours without being bored.There is a good level of challenge in every level. I really enjoy this game .You can even play the cards quest without playing with the board game. Enjoy
I would recommend for all our sakes that you read my review for Jewel Quest Solitaire - not a whole lot has changed. So saying, there are only 2 differences in this newest version of Jewel Quest Solitaire: 1-you are not playing the regular solitaire but you are matching cards - and not just 2/2, 1/1, K/K but you can match one up or one down - (i.e., 2/1, 3/4, K/A). 2-the storyline. I guess in the last game you (Rupert) met and married and moved to Paris. Now, you have disappeared on the way to give a talk at some archeological whatever and it's your wife to the rescue. Unfortunately, I was so un-enamored with this game that is so similar to the previous game I quit only several hands into it. And unlike the previous game, even the storyline wasn't enough to pique my interest. Therefore, Glam-ma says try it you may like but I didn't.