Королевство Сказок

  • Explore 45 extraordinary levels
  • Ensure the welfare of your subjects
  • Earn different achievements
  • Exceptional HD graphics with widescreen support
  • Dive into highly detailed animated environments
Min System request
  • OS : Windows XP/Windows Vista/Windows 7/Windows 8
  • CPU : 1.6 GHz
  • Memory : 1024
  • DiretX : 9.0
  • Hard driver (MB) : 437

Оценка игры: Королевство Сказок

Пророчество осуществилось! Настал день, когда могучие драконы искать новые территории для своих! Теперь, только самые смелые и просто лидеров смогут наладить дружбу между людьми и драконами. Шаг в роли терпеливых и альтруистические лидером которого является стремление обеспечить безопасность и процветание ВСЕХ людей и существ в королевстве! В Царство сказки вы будете исследовать земли, собирать, производить и торговля ресурсами, строительство и ремонт объектов жилья и общественных структур, а также работать над повышением уровня вашей тематики' счастья! Вдоль вашего путешествия вы встретите друидов, лесных фей, троллей, драконов и других интересных существ во время гонки против часы для выполнения задач в этой великолепной и весело время управления и стратегии игры!

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Жанр : Time Management

Manage time, customers, and money in games for the serious goal-setter.

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4407 баллы

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Описание игры:

Пророчество осуществилось! Настал день, когда могучие драконы искать новые территории для своих!

AFERON - BigFishGames
Kingdom Tales game play Kingdom Tales Игровой процесс (играбельность игры, геймплей).


Really Great Game!

This game was developed by Cateia Games and is a spin off of their game "Fate of the Pharaoh". Though the storyline is quite different from Fate of the Pharaoh, the game play, on the other hand, is somewhat similar. I played this game HD mode and the graphics were surprisingly really good. There's an option for Relaxed Mode which is untimed, or Adventure Mode which is timed. As is the case with every other game of this genre, each level becomes increasingly more difficult, though never to the extreme of impossible frustration, and you're actually given enough time to reach expert on each level. Though I must admit.....I did have to replay a few of the levels before actually achieving expert, but that just means this game is challenging and not too easy. I truly enjoyed playing this game and absolutely recommend it to those gamers who are a fan of strategic Time Management games!

Fun TM Game

Based on the 60 minute demo. From the creators of Fate of the Pharaoh, another TM game that plays exactly the same; building, generate resources to build, and gather happiness. The previous game was based on pyramids and a Pharaoh, while this game is based on dragons and a King. -Two modes of play Relaxed and Adventure. -9 Achievements. -Ability to play in High Definition. -Excellent tutorial that walks you through each newly introduced feature or goal. -4 types of characters: Tax Collectors, Workers, Druids, & Soldiers that gains experience, which produces a faster character in the higher levels. -Unlimited amount of characters that doesn't require the castle to be upgraded to utilize. -Soothing background music without constant character dialogue. I played the game in HD without any problems and the graphics were really good. Background music is one of the first things I usually turn off but the music to this game was actually nice and soothing. Many TM games have characters, who are constantly talking when they finish a task, but these don't. Instead you get an appropriate sound when a goal is completed. I played both modes, Relaxed and Adventure, and found both easy enough to attain the goals within the allotted time but that could change as you achieve the higher levels in Adventure mode. While the game plays exactly like its predecessor, Fate of the Pharaoh, this is still going to be a buy for me. It has everything I like in a TM game. If you enjoyed Fate of the Pharaohs, this game might be for you too.

I oughta sell your eyes to my angry sister....

This game was delightful! I didn't want my adventure to end with level 10 so I just had to use one of my game credits to purchase this latest addition to my collection. ~ Delightful Music & Sound Effects ~ Adventure and Relaxed Modes ~ HD Graphics option ~ 45 Levels & 9 Achievments to unlock ~ Clear details & excellent expanded tutorial ~ Charming Graphics ~ Never a dull moment! - Will keep you busy for hours!

Another winner!!

Played well in HD mode without hitches. I agree that expert level can be reached in all levels with a little planning before jumping into the level and with very little frustration. Try it in relaxed mode first if you are new to this type of game,

Highly Enjoyable

This is a strategy/time management game similar in style to the Timebuilders and Royal Envoy series where you must build and upgrade houses and raise money/supplies to meet certain goals. The storyline was refreshingly different and enjoyable and gameplay was intuitive and easy to learn. The tutorial was not invasive and could easily be turned off by anyone who is a seasoned player at this type of game. The graphics were quite nice although I found that to sometimes find the hidden treasure box I needed to turn the brightness to maximum on my computer. No big deal. I can't really comment on the music, as I almost never listen to the music of any game while playing. I would definitely recommend this game to fans of Royal Envoy and the Timebuilders and I'd gladly play a sequel to this as well.


I purchased this game a few minutes after starting the demo when I saw that there were two mode choices- "Timed" and "Relaxed". Anytime these building/strategy games have a relaxed mode available it's a must buy for me. Sometimes you just don't want to race against the clock and stress out over a game. For me anyway I prefer to be able to relax and enjoy my games. The graphics are beautiful and the gameplay itself is fantastic. I really really enjoyed this game and wish it had been longer. Happy Gaming!

One of the Best TM games I've played! 5 Stars all the Way!!

This one is a winner! It's got everything we TM fans want- Great storyline, excellent graphics, relaxed and timed mode, and a tutorial that you can skip if you don't need it. The only thing that irritated me was the screech owl sound that plays every minute or so. Other than that little sound, It is a fantastic game!

Enjoyable game

Timed and relaxed modes. Graphics, music, sound effects all stellar, full wide-screen. Fairly easy to get gold thus far, up to level 12. If you like building/upgrading and gathering, this is a great game.

Lots of fun and not terribly difficult

I had fun with this game. You have to build structures that provide resources in order to meet your goals. Sometimes I had to try several times to finish within time but I managed to do it. Not an overly-long game but long enough to be fun. If you like TM games like Roads of Rome, I think you'll like this one.

A real fun game!

Loved this game! I played the Adventure mode and it wasn't too stressful getting to gold, or finding the secret bonus. At first it was hard finding it, but a fun challenge in the end. I thought the graphics were great, although perhaps a tad small for those with eyesight difficulties. However, they didn't take away from the overall game particularly, as once into the game, things were familiar, anyway. An enjoyable, fun storyline and one game I would readily go back to and play again!

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