Хроники любви: заклинание-коллекционное издание
- A full bonus quest
- Magnificent wallpapers
- Built-in Strategy Guide
- Concept and final art
- OS : Windows XP/Vista/7/8
- CPU : 1.0 GHz
- Memory : 512
- DiretX : 9.0
- Hard driver (MB) : 290
Оценка игры: Хроники любви: заклинание-коллекционное издание
Удалить зло проклятие, что вызвало всего королевства оказались в ловушке в их мечты! Сохраните прекрасную принцессу, прежде чем это слишком поздно! Это ранняя коллекционное издание. Игра планируется выпустить в 2-3 недели так, коллекционное издание для тех, кто не может ждать, чтобы спасти королевство. В качестве бонуса, коллекционном изданиях покупки графов сторону три марки на ваш ежемесячный перфораторной карты игра-клуб! Опыт эксклюзивное коллекционное издание дополнений! Коллекционное издание включает в себя:
Find your A-HA! moment with mind-bending puzzles and jigsaw games.
1492 баллы
(представления, взгляды: 201)

Возраст: 3 ГОДА СТАРше 8Описание игры:
Удалить зло проклятие, что вызвало всего королевства оказались в ловушке в их мечты! Сохраните прекрасную принцессу, прежде чем это слишком поздно!
AFERON - BigFishGames
This truly is a pleasant game to play. I enjoyed finding pieces of objects, the story line was nice as were the hints and map that is a transporter one. Also, You really have no problem in getting lost and knowing what to do. My suggestion: If you liked this game, you probably would love the Dark Parables ones. For your HO's,at the bottom of the screen, you are shown pieces of objects to find. There are usually three to complete. The scenes are extremely colorful . I bought the CE's for these, and had to use the guide often I'm on the intermediate level. Thank you all for your input re this particular game.
This game is awesome. Make many like this game. Keep it up.
Long enough and fun enough to be worth buying, even the collector's edition! Especially if you like the lighter titles. I thought the characters and puzzles were fun, and there were a few challenges that weren't so obvious. It's one of the type of search games though where you look for pieces of an item that is pictured and broken up at the bottom of your screen. Sometimes I enjoy those, but not always. I usually prefer the more traditional search games where you're looking for listed items instead of fragmented images.
Great game! One of my favorite HO's of all times along with "The Fool". Very kind and beautiful game! Besides, the music is marvellous!
one of the best hidden object games i`ve played in a long time. very enjoyable
I enjoyed this game and thought it was fun to play. It was a different style of a Hidden Object Game. They did not give you a word list to find objects in a scene. Instead you had to find parts to make a bigger object. They gave you a picture of what to look for and the visual drawings were well done so there was no mistaking what you had to look for. You would have to do a certain sequence of actions to get a desired result that you wanted for your main character. What made it rather easy is that they told you what you needed to do at the top of the screen when you did not do what the character wanted to do. The music suited the game and the story made you want to know more about what was going on. It was a good length to play since there were many places to visit and steps to do. Overall I recommend this game. I bought the collectors edition because the drawings were well done and the bonus content was fun to play too.
This had a bit of a different "personality" than your run-of-the-mill HOG. It was refreshing to play something with some differences. I found this game to be very fun. At first I didn't know what I was supposed to do or where I was supposed to go, then I realized you need to use your journal (or whatever they called it) to see what your next objective is. You can also quickly move from one location to the next using that book as well - didn't waste time "walking" around in this game. The story line was not as predictable as I thought it might be, which is fun as well.
The complexity of the game was perfect! I couldn't stop playing it!
It was a lot of fun, H.O.G.'s that actually had a relevance to the story (which makes for a nice change, instead of just collecting random objects) which lead to puzzles. Also a running search for items throughout the game, and pictures of the objects so you know what they look like. It's not going to challenge you to the outer limits or anything, but it's good fun.
This is perhaps the most charming game I've ever played from this genre. I thoroughly recommend it. CE vs SE If you're like me you've already played the demo and only read reviews to see if the CE is worth the extra pennies. I'm going to say honestly it isn't. I thought the CE would be like the SE game but it isn't. No minor romantic story and it lacks the charm of the main game. Basically your ship is stranded and you've got to get it out to sea again. That's it. There's a little something to do with pirates but its minor. The bonus chapter they clearly just made up in a 5 min coffee break. If want the full trilogy I'll tell you now the final game Salvation is the ONLY one where the CE is worth it. Get SE for the other 2 because I wish I had.