Мария-Антуанетта и ученики Локи
- Interact with famous characters
- Solve brainteasers and puzzles
- Historical encyclopedia included!
- OS : Windows XP/Windows Vista/Windows 7/8
- CPU : 2.0 GHz
- Memory : 512
- DiretX : 9.0
- Hard driver (MB) : 135
Оценка игры: Мария-Антуанетта и ученики Локи
Год 1787 года и французская монархия доживает последние мирные годы. В Вене, Моцарт как раз собирался закончить свою последнюю оперу. Далеко на севере, в Исландии, колоссальное извержение вулкана уже изменила лицо Европы навсегда. Какая связь между этими событиями? Присоединяйтесь к Дюссек Жозефа, известной оперной певицей, как она расследует загадочное преступление и начинает ее поиски истины. Раскрыть вероломный участки вокруг Марии-Антуанетты, королевы Франции, и отследить подозрительными учениками Локи. Путешествие в чудесных городах, как Филадельфия, Версаль, Вена и Прага, а также встретьтесь с известными историческими персонажами, такие как Моцарт, Бенджамин Франклин, Жанна де Валуа и даже Мария-Антуанетта! Отточить свои навыки с помощью головоломок и задачек на сообразительность в этой захватывающей скрытые объект головоломки приключение!
Find your A-HA! moment with mind-bending puzzles and jigsaw games.
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(представления, взгляды: 144)

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AFERON - BigFishGames
I really found the game demo delightful and unique. I enjoy classical music (all music in fact), and found it to be a breath of fresh air to listen to, from most all the other games I've recently played. Furthermore, I enjoyed reading the dialogue, the challenge in finding the very faint-obscure items, little to no hand holding in directions, which are pretty much null and void. Figuring out what to to next, is part of the fun in the game for me. The graphics are drawn like cartoons, but colorful and pleasant to view, and the story is interesting. It is good to see a game come to fruition from another time era, one not usually seen as of late.
A wonderful game, very informative, with great music. I was very pleased that bought it, and even at that price. Compel their children to play. Thank you, and produces more of these games.
I love Marie Antoinette,, seeing the movie with Kirsten Dunts i feel deeply involved with Maria Antoinette... She was brave and Bold even after all she went through.. Well this game was special, its fun exciting and seeing the images and story line makes you want to play even longer.. Trust me
I was doing real good that I decided to purchase the game. There were quite a few bumps in the road as I got further into the game. Some of the objects were a little hard to find but with a magnifying glass and also the hint button i got them. Right now I am on Chapt. 9 Dark Waters and in Pennsylvania and trying to figure out where the "LEAD" is in the hallway where the Liberty Bell is. The hint button does not function here and I have clicked all over the place. Is there anyone who has gotten this far that willingly help this old Granny. I am chomping at the bit and want to finish the game. As far as the game goes, they need to add a strategy guide or a walkthrough for this game. I turn the music down and the sound up. Color and graphics not bad. I for one would have made the hidden objects gold so that they would have been easier to find. As for the "LEAD" you had to find; I would have added a function that said you were either getting hot or cold when you were near the "LEAD". I leave the decision up to the individual player on whether or not they want to purchase the game. Maybe some would if they come out with a walk through or strategy guide. Happy gaming everyone. I would also like to announce that my oldest grand daughter received to $500 scholarships toward college. She wants to be an elementary school teacher. She graduates on the 25th next Friday. Way to go Elizabeth Nichole!! This grandma is proud.
This game must have been created in an older style. The story, the locations and the fact that one does have to talk to a lot of characters reminds me of the game 'Versailles' that I played aeons ago. There are HO scenes with items quite difficult to find. Either because they are so over sized that you can't see them for them jumping into your face or they are very tiny or they are very blended in. I basically ended up looking for anything 'odd'. This, however, is something I found quite annoying, because they are an awful lot of 'odd' items you see, but they may not be useful at first. No voice overs and I'm not sure if I'd prefer voice overs in this game or rather not, because what the characters say can sometimes be a bit strange. I put this down to translation. I wish somebody would tell some developers that there are people who translate professionally. If one would have been used here, I now wouldn't suffer from HO-Scene-Block, a condition that you suffer when you can't find a needed item in a HO scene. At least this what the hint system said: "If you are blocked use a hint" :-). Hints re-charge very slowly btw, frustrating as I suffered "block" somewhat silly in this game. I loved the music, lots of piano, perhaps Chopin or Satie and very in tune with the surroundings of the palace in Versailles. I probably buy this game in a sale and then find out who is trying to get Marie Antoinette into trouble. I won't recommend this game, but nor will I not recommend it. I advise to try it.
need more and maybe people will like it
I should have steered clear of this looking at its poor star rating but I thought I'd give it a go. Mistake. The story line is flimsy and the whole game is illogical. I like games to be a challenge but I had to keep using the hint button as I just didn't have a clue what the they were getting at and what I was meant to be doing. Any game that makes me feel like that has failed for me. Don't waste time on the free 60 minutes and certainly don't part with your cash. Avoid.
Difficult to play because the hidden objects were quite indistinct,and you have to rely on the hint to get you from one place to the other. The navigation feet are so small it took me a while to even find them
Very boring and slow moving...a lot of reading....objects really hard to find....not much for the cartoony look.....
Not fun. hated it. wont try again. will not recommend