Мое королевство для Принцесса II
- Unique gameplay
- Magical characters
- Save Princess Helen!
- Play My Kingdom for the Princess
- OS : Windows XP/Vista/7/8
- CPU : 600 Mhz
- Memory : 512
- DiretX : 8.1
- Hard driver (MB) : 187
Оценка игры: Мое королевство для Принцесса II
Помочь очистить землю, Артур остановить захватчиков и работать с магическими существами сохранить принцесса Елена от ужасной карлик! Длиннобородый похитил прекрасную принцессу, и теперь это наш храбрый герой, Артур, для ремонта все королевство, как он отслеживает неправду. Опыт уникальный геймплей в мое королевство для Принцесса II, веселая и увлекательная стратегическая игра. Сможете ли вы преодолеть препятствия и спасти день?
Test your hand and eye skills with quick action and challenging levels.
5532 баллы
(представления, взгляды: 155)
Возраст: 3 ГОДА СТАРше 8Описание игры:
Помочь очистить землю, Артур остановить захватчиков и работать с магическими существами сохранить принцесса Елена от ужасной карлик!
AFERON - BigFishGames
I just love this game, it's a challenge and it's so much fun!
one of the top games for kids and big kids like us we lean more we need more games like this thanks DEBBIE BELCHER. BIG FAN OF BIG FISH GAMES
I have all three in this series, and they are definitely among my favorites. This second in the series added things like showing the developer's scores for each round, and it feels like a huge achievement when you beat the developer. A game that makes me feel like a champion is a must have! The graphics are crisp, colorful and fun. I don't need to tell you it's a time management/strategy game. What I will tell you is that the game is challenging, but doesn't make you want to tear out your hair (and who wants to have to buy hair restoring products because of a computer game?!). Each one in this series has sufficient additions and differences to make it worth the purchase. This one is a definite steal at $2.99. Get it!
This game was so fun that I went back and played it again and again to try to beat the developers record. There are 4 different lands to play. I didn't like the mini games, but I was allowed to skip a mini game after attempting it.
This game, as well as the entire series, is extremely addicting and fun! I would highly recommend it! :)
love playing it, it is fun to play keeps your mind going and you have to get through before it gets dark i love now i will work on getting one & three since i got two i can not stop playing it i will pass it on so other folks can try it
This one is addicting like the others in the series, but for some reason it is my least favorite. Still fun though!
I get bored real easy. I still like going back to play this game.
Every one should try this game its so fun.I've played almost all there games and this was the best so far!
This is the second of the series and it is sufficiently different enough to warrant the purchase. It is a building strategy game where you direct your little men to build in the quickest or best way to obtain expert level. If you loved My Kingdom For The Princess I - do give this one a go. Good replayability either straight away or a couple of months down the line.