Нэнси Дрю: Плен Проклятие
- Play as Nancy Drew and explore a German castle
- Uncover hidden rooms and secret passages
- Discover captivating facts and local lore
- Get the Strategy Guide!
- OS : Windows XP/Windows Vista/Windows 7/Windows 8
- CPU : 1.6 GHz
- Memory : 512
- DiretX : 9.0
- Hard driver (MB) : 1843
Оценка игры: Нэнси Дрю: Плен Проклятие
Вырваться из цепких рук легендарного монстра в Нэнси Дрю: плен проклятие. Страшный миф оживает в Германии! Много лет назад монстр преследовал немецкий лес, окружающий замок Финстер. По словам местных жителей и сказочники, монстр исчез, когда он утверждал жертвой. Сейчас все испугаются и звуки чего-то большого, спотыкаясь в темноте. Вы можете решить тайну, прежде чем монстр добавляет еще одну главу в эту легенду?
Find your A-HA! moment with mind-bending puzzles and jigsaw games.
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(представления, взгляды: 603)

Возраст: 3 ГОДА СТАРше 8Описание игры:
Все испугались и звуки чего-то большого, спотыкаясь в темноте. Вы можете решить тайну, прежде чем монстр добавляет еще одну главу в эту легенду?
AFERON - BigFishGames
This is a great game, one of my favorite ND titles! The story is a bit darker than usual, and that helps the scariness factor. Humor in this one is great, and some new types of puzzles! A win(ner).
I've only played the demo, but this is a definite purchase for me. A true adventure game with you as the famous detective. This game has great (computer generated) graphics, superb voiceovers and a wonderful sense of humor. I've never played this type of game before. You don't have too much help (especially if you play as Senior Detective), so it's more work than your average HOG. You can't fast forward through the dialogue, there are no hints, and puzzles can not be skipped. There's no map, so I'll be taking notes, but I just want to keep playing. There are puzzles to solve (easy and hard), games to play, a castle to explore and a mystery to solve. So glad BFG is finally getting the Mac version of this series.
I've always been a Nancy Drew fan and when this game was released, I was a little wary- the last few had been a bit of a let down and my hopes weren't especially high that this wouldn't be more of the same. However, as I got into it, I was pleased to find that I had been wrong. This game, as well as the next in the series were a refreshing change from the couple games before them. The visuals are great, as is the sound and interface. Granted, every Nancy Drew game gets tedious at a certain point as you start putting things together and the checklist begins to dwindle, but they usually pick up again as you get to the "game changer" event in each game. I found The Captive Curse to be thoroughly enjoyable and would definitely recommend it, if this type of game is your fare.
This was my 23rd Nancy Drew game, and it is, to my way of thinking, one of the very best! All of the dark, lurking, monstrous, hideous things, found in other Drew mysteries, were present throughout this extraordinary game which took place, for the most part, in a German castle -- Castle Finster -- and Nancy had her hands full of suspects, secret passages, dungeons, codes, mystery inventory, and a bevvy of suspects. The puzzles were very challenging, and even frustrating, on occasion #the forest!#, but the game truly delivered! It was fantastic from beginning to end, and I'll include it in my top 5 all-time Nancy Drew best games! BRAVO, HER INTERACTIVE! BRAVO, BIG FISH GAMES!.
We'd love to play all the Nancy Drew but no more for Mac?! Please creators, make them available for us Mac users! We loved the dialogue, Markus was brilliant, my 5 yr old belly laughed... More please,
Excellent game! Yeah! Nancy Drew for Mac Games excellent choice big fish! I am a fan of Nancy Drew games and I am so happy to see it for my mac computer. Nancy Drew games are a detective game you choose what level you want to play. You help her find and solve mysteries and find the person behind these mysteries.
I have played the entire series of Nancy Drew games and this is of one my favorites! Yes, there is lots of dialogue but that is part of the fun, you have to listen to catch the clues. I really loved the setting of this game, the castle was really cool. I think these were some of the best characters they have created. I played on the Junior level and the difficulty was just right, really fun puzzles. And the extra games in this one, Raid and Monster, are all my time favorites. I extended my play time because I wanted to keep playing them. To me, the Nancy Drew series is alive and well.
I really think The Captive Curse was a great mystery game. The plot was interesting because it really captured the feeling of Nancy being in Germany. The characters are very talkative and interesting, and there were plenty of memorable quotes. The castle was large and there was plenty to explore. The graphics and music were both outstanding! One thing I disliked was the ending - I felt that the culprit's motive was weak, and I disliked the culprit choice. Besides this, I enjoy this game a lot and find myself replaying it often!
Nancy Drew is so much fun! The monster gives you a nice scare. Lots of mini games that can keep you entertained for hours. Good graphics. Just a lot fun!
First off, yes... there is a lot of dialogue. However, that dialogue really does yield some important information that will ultimately help you to finish the game. You are also allowed to make bad decisions and potentially die in-game...so save! I loved the characters, and really felt like I got to know them through the dialogue and interactions. There are two ongoing mini (board) games that are thoroughly enjoyable. I still log into the game just to play them almost a year after first playing the game. The floor plan did take me a little bit to figure out as it is sometimes awkward to move, but once you learn the layout it is much easier. This game really sucked me in, and remains one of my favorites. I'm definitely a fan!