Нэнси Дрю: тропа Торнадо
- Dangerous atmosphere
- Mysterious characters
- Apprehend a saboteur!
- OS : Windows XP/Vista/8
- CPU : 1.0 GHz
- Memory : 256
- DiretX : 9.0
- Hard driver (MB) : 945
Оценка игры: Нэнси Дрю: тропа Торнадо
Университет грантовых конкурсов обычно приносят вне самое лучшее в инновации, но изобретатель П. Г. Kholmeister подозревает, что кто-то саботирует его Кнуд-розыскная группа колледжа "торнадо". Вот почему он нанял вас, как детектива Нэнси Дрю, чтобы под прикрытием в качестве нового стажера! Вам нужно научиться быстро, если вы хотите пережить бурное соперничество и темные, спиральный supercells, нависшей над глубинки Оклахомы! Проверить ваши таланты скрытый объект в Нэнси Дрю: тропа Торнадо!
Find your A-HA! moment with mind-bending puzzles and jigsaw games.
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Важно знать, когда проводить расследование и когда искать убежище в Нэнси Дрю: тропа Торнадо!
AFERON - BigFishGames
Not one of the best Nancy Drew games around, but still ultimately playable. The story is entertaining, & the games contains a lot of interesting facts about Tornadoes etc. Some of the tasks were a little tedious & coming from Australia, trying to drive on the wrong side of the road was down right annoying LOL, however, I still enjoyed playing it.
I've played all of the Nancy Drew games (it's a bit of an addiction actually) and i can honestly say that they have never ceased to exceed expectations! They all present clever challenges and well constructed story lines; a great game!
This is my 5th nancy drew game apart from the dossier games so letting you know I haven't played all of them and sort of a newbie at nancy drew games! (but not at adventure games!) hint - If you are new to nancy drew games this is a good one to start on and do pick the junior level! I really enjoyed this one as it wasn't as infuriating as some of nancy drew games have been. It was easy to work out what to do next. I enjoyed having the choice to replay 2 different kinds of games (one an arcade) to collect 'pa pennies'. The puzzles were a good challenge, some really head scratching, like all nancy drew games, which surprised when I first started playing as the books are aimed at tweens and teenagers so thought the games would be easy, but boy have I been wrong about that! The thing I love about nancy drew games is that you learn quite a bit about the subject matter of the game. I loved driving the car to get to different places and trying to remember the routes, it wasn't timed or hard so that was good. (You do have a gps so you don't need to remember the routes!) Usually there is more introduction to the game as I was suddenly was looking at a twister without having a clue what was going on and speaking to the characters I was none the wiser so thought that bit was poor. (I did find out by scrolling through the phone) It is shorter than other games and I would say easier, which is good for me as sometimes I don't have a clue what is going on. But it's still way longer than any HOPA game. I liked the 'go to bed' as you didn't have to if you didn't want to and I hated the clock in the first game (haunted mansion) as I missed a vital part of the game and couldn't recreate it. So you don't have that problem here. I can see why people don't think this is the best, being shorter and not that many different areas but as I liked all the minigames and objectives were clear it was the least frustrating nancy drew game I played and the talking was kept to more of a minimum in this g
fun and challanging like all the nancy drew collection
This is one of the best I have played.
been a fan of the Nancy Drew mysteries since the '60s. this follows the book style of storytelling.
Final pros and cons after having finished the game: The Good: + Setting - I liked the movie Twister and it was interesting to learn more about the topic. + Good riddles - the number placement to fix the camera was actually pretty easy, then again, I solved a legion of those on this site (in the Online Games section) already. + P.G. Krolmeister was very quirky. + Land Rush! + As usual, little things you find that remind you of old cases - like "Watching Waverley" on TV. The Bad: - Date and weather symbols puzzle! Had to look that one up in a walkthrough since the instructions weren't clear at all. - Phone hints not really helpful this time. "Put three blue circles in corners", or even worse, "Do not use the corners!" Yeah, right. - Scare factor: Zero. (Only one "frightening" scene, and they already gave away that one in the demo and the trailer.) Bottom line: Save for one puzzle it's actually an easy game, and might be even a good one to begin. Interesting stuff that I can recommend.
This game is very fun.Good puzzles and nice challange. This is a game you should buy. Only one puzzle was hard.
I love "Trail of the Twister" mainly for its ambiance. I loved the stormy weather. I enjoyed the country feel and learning about tornadoes. The mystery is about a tornado research team who are trying to win a competition while someone is trying to sabotage them. I was completely surprised to find who the culprit was in the end. You have to drive around a bit. but not as much as in "Old Clock" for instance. Also you drive pretty fast and you have to dodge other cars, so you can have a bit of fun while driving! I liked the minigames. They were all integral to the story and not overwhelming like some ND games (hello Ransom of the Seven Ships!) Some were easy even on Senior level, but some were real head-scratchers. They were also nicely paced. I liked the interaction with the characters. Conversations were mostly to the point and no one went on for ages about their love lives and such. The Krolmeister character on the phone was fun. Other than him, you can only call the Hardy Boys, and there weren't many hints, but you won't really need them. "Twister" is suspenseful and challenging but not overly hard. I'd nearly lost my taste for Nancy Drew after playing the headache-inducing "Seven Ships". This game was challenging but also fun.
There wasn't as much storm chasing in this game as I expected, but there was still a lot to do. There are a lot of extras in this game that are fun, but not required for the story. It makes you want to play it again. I didn't need hints or the walkthrough with this game to see what needed to be done next, which was nice, but I did need it once or twice to figure out the puzzles. The mini games were super fun! And the out takes at the end are great, esp. if you are a fan of The Phantom of Venice.