Nertz Солитер
- Unlock items as you go.
- 8 squirrely opponents.
- OS : Windows 2000/XP/VISTA/7/8
- CPU : 600MHz or faster Processor
- Memory : 128
Оценка игры: Nertz Солитер
Новый поворот на все времена любимым карточная игра, Nertz Солитер является конкурентоспособной пасьянс в лучшем виде. Просто как традиционный пасьянс, построить стопки карт в возрастающем и убывающем порядке, но с футуристическим закрутки. Выиграть, набрав наибольшее количество очков и избавления от вашей Nertz кучу, прежде чем ваш противник. Заказать услуги 3 режима игры. Но будьте осторожны, потому что Nertz может свести вас с ума!
Enjoy familiar favorites like solitaire, bingo, poker, dominos, and game shows.
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(представления, взгляды: 201)

Возраст: 3 ГОДА СТАРше 8Описание игры:
Конкурентоспособной пасьянс в лучшем виде! Играть Nutzy и его семье в этот новый поворот на все времена любимым карточная игра.
AFERON - BigFishGames
I seriously play this game everyday. I am a big fan of adventure HO games, but for some reason this little game has me hooked. It is a simplistic but fun solitaire, kind of like the match 3 which have been done so much, I'd like to see new variations of this game. This game has been around for a long time and I've never seen another form of it, too bad really. I think it's got just enough challenge to keep it interesting has three different game plays to choose from quick play, when you just want to play literally a quick game, Classic Nertz where you pick the level of challenge you want, and Championship where it progresses from easy to challenging. You play against family (Nertz) members from baby to grandparents. I love the Championship rounds, and play it most often. Seriously try this game, simple yes, but fun and both competitive and relaxing at the same time.
This game is about the best solitaire game I have ever played. You really have to think fast. The bad thing about the game is that I do have problems with it freezing up sometime.
It has every option you want, you actually play against characters that you choose by difficulty and speed and you can play up to three opponents at once. If you want it fast and furious or layed back and really easy you can do it all. There are six different characters to choose from. The graphics are fun, the music is ok and not annoying, the sound affects are cute and great, including Nutzy's laugh. If you want to find yourself saying "oh no no no drat!" and laughing out loud you will love this game. I was surprised that my trial had run out on the first time I played it. That never happens lol. It adds a ton of fun to solitaire because it is actually interactive instead of just being you and a deck of cards.
This game makes absolutely no sense! I am not a big solitaire fan but I do appreciate good solitaire games when I'm just not in the mood for anything else....This isn't even a solitaire game...I don't know what it is aside from annoying!
They should put this game on ipod touch.
I have so much fun with this game - love the character choices!