Портал зла: похищенные руны
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Min System request
- OS : Windows XP/Windows Vista/Windows 7/Windows 8
- CPU : 1.6 GHz
- Memory : 512
- DiretX : 9.0
- Hard driver (MB) : 687
Оценка игры: Портал зла: похищенные руны
Врата в другой мир скоро откроется! Вы можете остановить надвигающейся катастрофы - если вы отследить украденные руны! Ванесса является единственной наследнице Абрахама Ван Helsinga, член тайного ордена света, охрана мира во всем мире. И теперь она должна найти украденные руны, которые были запечатаны внутри ворот, за которыми скрывается древнее зло.
Оценка за раз
Жанр : Puzzle
(представления, взгляды: 165)
Find your A-HA! moment with mind-bending puzzles and jigsaw games.
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4445 баллы
(представления, взгляды: 165)

извне, за пределами 5
на основе 65 оценки пользователей
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Возраст: 3 ГОДА СТАРше 8Описание игры:
Врата в другой мир скоро откроется! Вы можете остановить надвигающейся катастрофы - если вы отследить украденные руны!
AFERON - BigFishGames
I absolutely love this game. The dialogue's aren't too long, the story line is very intriguing (in my opinion) and you also have a map which let's you know where you still have work to do + it allows you to travel quickly between different parts of the game without going back and forth like a headless chicken. You can also choose to use a custom cursor or not which for me is also a great bonus. Overall I really recommend this game
Any fan of adventures that include members from the Van Helsing family should really enjoy this game! You begin the game as the granddaughter of Abraham Van Helsing, who has suddenly disappeared! Following notes and clues from him, you must solve many puzzles in order to discover who has betrayed the Order of Light and is attempting to construct an Army of Vampires, Werewolves and other such creatures. I truly enjoyed the fact that this game took ordinary mini-games and added a twist to them! You certainly have to use your mind in figuring out many of the mini-games. The graphics, sound effects and over all storyline are great! The only thing I was disappointed about, was that there are currently no other games under this series! :( I feel that this line could certainly support many adventures under this title! I happily give two thumbs-up for this game and recommend it to any one who enjoys a nice adventure! Good luck to you all! ~Elizabeth aka Elizabeth1975
This game was so much more than I thought it would be, and I have to say I was pretty entertained for a good 4 hours. There is a map, and it not only shows areas of interests, but teleports as well. There are interactive HOG, and HOS where you place the objects in the scene too, ( which I love) The graphics were wonderful, and the cut scenes were fantastic with great dialogue. I honestly had a tough time finding anything to say that I didn't like. The HOS were spaced out enough to be enjoyable, and not too many which can be ANNOYING! Its a fun game that all level of gamers will love! Happy gaming gamers!
This is an exceptional game. Answer a few questions and we?ll see if you?re going to share my opinion. 1. Did you read and enjoy The Da Vinci Code or Angels and Demons? 2. Do you like a game that is weighted more toward puzzles than HOS? The ratio is about 2:1 with 30 Mini-games and 18 HOGs. 3. While the puzzles and HOS are plentiful, do you enjoy games that are heavy on ?telling the story?" If you answered yes to those questions, you will LOVE Portal of Evil. I have never played a game with such an engrossing story line and such unbelievable attention to detail. By now you've read reviews that have told you the story so I won't belabor it. But I will talk about what I think sets this game apart from EVERY OTHER GAME I HAVE EVER PLAYED: 1. Visual/Sound quality: a. When I first started the game I said to myself "this is seriously HD." It is. I also said to myself that the items were a little difficult to see because they are small. This is true, but not long into the game I got used to the size. It turns out that this visibility problem had more to do with background lighting in the first couple of scenes than anything else. It worked itself out quickly. b. The game is brilliantly designed. Visually, it's like watching a movie. One example of detail (it may seem insignificant, but it's indicative of the whole game): you're riding in an elevator. You can see a grate at the top of the elevator and as you're riding up and down you see the background behind the grating pass by as if you're in a real elevator shaft. It's completely REAL. Another example: there is a scene with live suits of armor. The suits of armor cast shadows that are absolutely correct in terms of visual perspective. Oh yeah, another example: The drawn people look LIFELIKE. c. I always say that background music is important because it drives the game and sets the tone. That has never been truer than with this game. At certain points the music sounds like monks chanting...totally a
Fantastic game! Stunning graphics, great story that keeps you glued to your chair. I played for about 6 hours without the bonus. In my opinion it's better to get the CE, as the ending is much more satisfying. And since the quality and attention to detail in this game is so enormously good I didn't mind paying the premium. KUDOS to the dev's and thanks to BF for bringing us this game! I do hope you'll have as much fun as I had, I think this game is an experience you cannot miss!
I really liked this game. The story was good. The graphics were good. Not too many HOS, in fact it was the right amount for me. The puzzles were fun and not ridiculously hard. I can't of one negative. I enjoyed this game very much.
I played the demo everything excellent look like house of 1000 doors and sacra terra, I purchased the SE not CE I still enjoy
One of the best games I have played. Excellent game play and story line. Graphics excellent.
Based on the Demo The soundtrack for this game is great, with eerie,haunting music. The voiceovers are very well done. The graphics and visuals are very sophisticated, each scene creepier and eerier than the next. The avatars are realistic and well done. The storyline, even though it has been done before, is interesting and intriguing, and very well done. The heroine receives a letter to travel to Italy immediately. She enounters a beast as soon as she gets through the gate to the cathedral and it is all high drama after that. The hidden object games are fun, clear, crisp, a little challenging. The mini puzzles throughout the game are entertaining, ranging from easy to moderately hard, all thought provoking and fun. There are 15 messages to find throughout the game. There is a very useful map, and a journal. It is not a very fast paced game but the eerie music and spooky graphics make it very engaging just the same and keep the player involved and entertained. The ghosts, beasts, creepy characters, scary sculptures and statues, hideous paintings, and eerie music added to all the bells and whistles that make this a great dark and eerie hidden object adventure game. I couldn't buy it fast enough.
More of a adventurer game than a HO game. Intro is cool and the graphics are great. The CE was a pretty long game so this should be also but with no bonus chapter. Sound and music were creepy' Not much for HOS or puzzles. The HOS were visited more than once so you it make them easier the 2nd time. Puzzles were good some harder than others. Some I have not seen before. Some instructions were not so good. There was a map and the hint button works good. I would get this one and not the CE.