Puppetshow: Тайна joyville

  • Beautiful, immersive world
  • Find hidden clues to solve puzzles
  • Uncover a dark mystery!
  • Check out our Blog Walkthrough
  • Get the Strategy Guide!
Min System request
  • OS : Windows XP/Vista/7/8
  • CPU : 1.0 GHz
  • Memory : 512
  • DiretX : 8.0
  • Hard driver (MB) : 199

Оценка игры: Puppetshow: Тайна joyville

Кукольный театр в joyville когда был чудесный аттракцион до большого пожара. Теперь ржавые шестерни и темные тайны лежал в странной махинации и растрепанный. Молодой мальчик, Саймон, является самым последним в длинной линии без вести пропавших людей. В puppetshow: Тайна joyville, вы поручили с отвратительной головоломок, найти скрытые ключи и раскрыть темные секреты города, который совсем не радостным.

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Оценка за раз
Жанр : Puzzle

Find your A-HA! moment with mind-bending puzzles and jigsaw games.

Рейтинг игр (англ. Game Rank)

1852 баллы

(представления, взгляды: 296)

PuppetShow: Mystery of Joyville Image PuppetShow: Mystery of Joyville
5 извне, за пределами 5 на основе 65 оценки пользователей
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USD 6.99 0 from 1 продавцы В наличии
Возраст: 3 ГОДА СТАРше 8

Описание игры:

Раскрыть все секреты, найти скрытые объекты и решить отвратительной головоломок, в чьи: Тайна joyville.

AFERON - BigFishGames
PuppetShow: Mystery of Joyville game play PuppetShow: Mystery of Joyville Игровой процесс (играбельность игры, геймплей).


another great ers game

I have bought all the puppet show games and have not been disappointed. They are all fun and enjoyable to play. Hope to see another one soon. Great fun.

Beautiful graphics

I keep buying the PuppetShow series of games primarily due to the beautiful graphics. The hidden object scenes are not to challenging nor are the puzzles. But it is a long play game well into the 6-8hr length and worth the purchase.


I liked that game a lot. For the challenge, the grapics, the storyline. Everything! I you want a game that you will not necessarily finish in 1 day, this is a good one (unless you are just like me and just can't stop playing until it's finished! lol)

Great game

I truly enjoyed playing this game. The graphics are great, the story line flows well and the mini games were fun to play. I didn't want the game to end. I played the Lost Town and couldn't tell you which I liked better. I will be purchasing all the PuppetShow games.

More than excellent

As an avid HOS gamer, whenever I see a new Joyville game, I get a rush of excitement. There are a lot of clever HO games out there, but this one is high up there. The storyline is slightly creepy, the puppets are delightfully created and the storyline and scenes are excellent- challenging and thought provoking. i also love the haunting music albeit at times repetative. Another excellent game- thank you

Must do

Great game and series. It will keep you involved right up to the end.

Puppets,Hardness,And Hidden Objects=Epicness

The Best Hidden Object Game Ever Made Is Puppetshow,Very Challenging With Mini Games Mixed in with The Evil Puppets Of Epicness....Spider Puppets Are Very Evil but,Sometimes Very Helpful....Good Luck My Friends And Find Me On Roblox(website)I Am Wolram On It

Sequels are important

I played Lost Town [which is the sequel] first, so when I played this, I was stunned that the graphics are pretty dated. It's not that it's bad, it's just that Lost Town's graphics really blew me away, so the standards were set high. That being said, that means they improved, did they not? And there's something nice about retro graphics. :) Anyway, they set a nice base plot for the story, and the characters touch the heart [e.g the love/devotion of Felicia's dad]. I must say, this ending is much better than Lost Town's, but this one ended abruptly. Also, it's probably because I've played Lost Town first, but the challenges here are way too easy. But it's fine by me, because it makes for a relaxing play. :) The sequel only got better, so I encourage the hesitant customer to get both this and Lost Town. [Am unsure about the third installment as I've not finished it yet, but I am sure Puppetshow will not disappoint me.]

Simple But Elegant Game

GAME COMPLETED SEVERAL TIMES What a treat it is to be playing Mystery Of Joyville again. The GRAPHICS are simply beautiful ? bright, colourful, exquisitely detailed. Even the ?ugly? scenes look wonderful. Compared to the later PuppetShow games, Joyville is very simplistic, and very much a HO GAME. There are HOGs everywhere you turn, and each LIST is full of items such as ?4 clocks?, so you get to stay put for quite a while. There is some INTERACTION, but it is not indicated on the list, only by sparkles. The PUZZLES were delightfully simple; in a couple of cases I was waiting for the catch! For me to call a puzzle easy, it must be very simple indeed. Some of the appeal of this game is, in fact, its simplicity. The story is simplicity itself. You are asked to investigate the disappearance of a young boy. His family inform of a rash of disappearances from the town that seem to be connected to the old puppet theatre. So you investigate the theatre. I liked that there was NO MAP, NO HINT outside HOGs, NO VOICEOVERS, NO VIDEO CUTSCENES. I?m not saying I?d want all games to go back to that quieter game style, but it is nice for a change. I also love the way animation is implied by a series of stills. I got a real buzz out of replaying this little gem.

Too short!

Big fun but way to short or I am just that good. Easy and relaxing, thought the graphics were great. My first Puppet Town and was looking forward to the others but if they are short like this one, I don't know.

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