Выкуп кладбище: проклятие Ворона-коллекционное издание

  • Bonus gameplay
  • Integrated Strategy Guide
  • Awesome soundtrack
  • Concept art
  • Gorgeous wallpapers and screenshots
Min System request
  • OS : Windows XP/Vista/7/8
  • CPU : 1.4 GHz
  • Memory : 1024
  • DiretX : 9.0
  • Hard driver (MB) : 713

Оценка игры: Выкуп кладбище: проклятие Ворона-коллекционное издание

После получения в автомобильной аварии, вы блуждать в таинственный кладбище при поиске справки. Двери захлопываются за вами, и вы понимаете, что вы оказались в ловушке! Побег из жуткий выкуп кладбище помогая ловушке духами спасти своих родных и близких и бесплатно их души! Используйте Ваши навыки hidden object, чтобы помочь эти призраки и бежать, в выкуп кладбище – проклятие Ворона! Это коллекционное издание полный эксклюзивных дополнительные услуги вы не найдете в стандартной версии. В качестве бонуса коллекционное издание покупки учитываются три марки на ваш ежемесячный перфораторной карты игра-клуб! Коллекционное издание включает в себя:

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Оценка за раз
Жанр : Puzzle

Find your A-HA! moment with mind-bending puzzles and jigsaw games.

Рейтинг игр (англ. Game Rank)

1488 баллы

(представления, взгляды: 194)

Redemption Cemetery: Curse of the Raven Collector's Edition Image Redemption Cemetery: Curse of the Raven Collector's Edition
5 извне, за пределами 5 на основе 65 оценки пользователей
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USD 6.99 0 from 1 продавцы В наличии
Возраст: 3 ГОДА СТАРше 8

Описание игры:

Побег из жуткий выкуп кладбище помогая ловушке духами спасти своих родных и близких и бесплатно их души!

AFERON - BigFishGames
Redemption Cemetery: Curse of the Raven Collector's Edition game play Redemption Cemetery: Curse of the Raven Collector's Edition Игровой процесс (играбельность игры, геймплей).


classic ghost story

i love more traditional Hidden object games and this particular game caught my attention a while ago so i decided to play the trilogy. i didn't understand very good if i was playing as a man or a woman, but at the beggining your character gets trapped in a graveyard, where she/he has to save 1 child and put other 2 souls to peace. the story is classic, as i said. you play in 4 different locations: the graveyard and 3 other spaces in the past, that don't leave the souls of the dead to rest you can chose from 2 levels of difficulty, have a journal, but no map (since is not much needed), plenty of hints, so you can chose how easy or challenging you want it to be. the hidden objects scenes are very crowded, but i found them easier than they seem. even in the crowd, most objects are easy to find, but you have the traditional shadows and drawings on the walls that many game developers offer, to give the game a more challenging look. the puzzles were extremely easy. i made my husband play just 2 of them, since he's the one with more brains, but the rest were no much fuss to me. the graphics are stunning, pretty surprising for a 2010 game. it has animations and voice over when you interact with the other characters. it's has cut scenes and nice chosen music the collector's eddition offers a bonus game play. i didn't really understand what happened it it, some things made no sense, but i was happy to play some more after the main game. the extras also include the soundtrack, wallpapers, and concept art for people who like to study game development. they give some works in progress from the digital paintings that make some of the scenes in the game overall it was an interesting and fun game to play. i'll definatelly go for the other 2 in the trology

Fun hidden object game

Fun and challenging at the same time

Great Game

Fun and had some challenging parts, can't wait to play the next chapter!!

Great Hidden Objects

I loved this game as I love all ERS games. They are the best.


This is my favourite game, I must have played it a dozen times and still I really enjoy it. The storyline is great and I love the fact that it goes onto different areas. The graphics are good and the stories are great.

Lengthy game..keeps you interested

I loved this game... I like how creative it was and it was like a bunch of mini stories within one big plot. The only drawback was the amount of HOS. I normally expect a few throughout the game but it seemed every time I acquired a new item there was yet another hidden object puzzle to conquer. I wouldn't have minded so much except my eyes were overwhelmed with the amount of items they crammed into one scene. Still.. the pros outweighed the one con :) I'd definitely recommend this game for sure.

More bang for your buck!

I am an avid HOG player and this game was probably one of the best in all areas of play. What I thought was exceptionally good with this game is that it is separated into 3 individual games, which are linked as well but you get to explore brand new locations for each one. I played the CE version and was rewarded with yet one more bonus game. The story line is easy to follow, graphics are excellent, mini games are not too hard but still challenging. I wish there were more games like this one as it took me several weeks to complete only because I played other HOG in between. I will definitely play this one again!!!

redemptuon cemetery curse of the raven

i love the game and it took me a while and i like that i love games that take me a while to do and i love the story line

Saving Ghosts

I liked this game. The story line was good and though it took place in a cemetery, you travel to different locations to help ghosts move on - shades of Ghost Whisperer. There are two levels of play - regular and expert. The graphics are rather good, the music was nothing obnoxious which I count as good because it doesn't distract you as you are playing. It was a bit "loopy" during the HO scenes. The HO scenes were also good. You could find everything in a reasonable amount of time. Objects weren't distorted in size or color. I thought the puzzles were easy and there were a reasonable amount of them. There is a journal but it's help was minimal because it was mostly for noting clues in. On the regular level, the hint button refills quickly and is helpful when you get stuck as to what to do next. I bought the collectors edition. It opened up another "chapter" which leaves me wondering how the regular game covered this challenge.

there all good

Cool game and ERS has added new ideas to this one. Has a map and hint button works good. Good voice over and graphics. Music is also good, not distracting. Has a good flow with not too much going from one seen to another. Has a map which helps. You have to find things also for the dog. Some of the puzzles are harder than others. I did not find too many HOS but they are normal. I have all the redemption cemetery games and they are all good, this one I think could be the best. You have a crow that will also help you. Again good game.

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