Королевский Посланник коллекционное издание
- Hours of bonus gameplay!
- Magnificent wallpapers
- Animated screensaver
- Built-in Strategy Guide
- Play Royal Envoy 2 Collector's Edition!
- OS : Windows XP/Windows Vista/Windows 7/Windows 8
- CPU : 1.6 GHz
- Memory : 1024
- DiretX : 8.0
- Hard driver (MB) : 216
Оценка игры: Королевский Посланник коллекционное издание
Принять вызов короля! Сохраните прекрасная земля бесчисленных островов, Islandshire, от безжалостных сил природы. Это ранняя коллекционное издание. Игра планируется выпустить в 2-3 недели так, коллекционное издание для тех, кто не может ждать, чтобы спасти Islandshire. В качестве бонуса, коллекционном изданиях покупки графов сторону три марки на ваш ежемесячный перфораторной карты игра-клуб! Опыт эксклюзивное коллекционное издание дополнений! Коллекционное издание включает в себя:
Manage time, customers, and money in games for the serious goal-setter.
1496 баллы
(представления, взгляды: 1191)

Возраст: 3 ГОДА СТАРше 8Описание игры:
Принять вызов короля! Сохраните прекрасная земля бесчисленных островов, Islandshire, от безжалостных сил природы.
AFERON - BigFishGames
In my opinion Royal Envoy CE defines what a time management game should be. It's got everything in just the right amount. Various components of the game - types of buildings, workers, markets and rent collectors, special projects and challenges, plus the time allotted to complete a level - all these components are perfectly balanced to create an extremely satisfying game experience. Of special importance is the fact that you can keep playing a level after time has run out. You won't get a gold star that way, but you don't have to start over unless you want to. The option is there. Levels are very well designed and exquisitely drawn. The artwork reflects the developer's placing great importance on the aesthetics as well as the gameplay. Foliage is lush in most levels. Not only is it beautifully drawn, but each tree is assigned its own slight swaying motion, as if to a very gentle breeze. Far from being distracting, it's hardly noticeable unless you watch for it. I find it quite lovely. There are tiny butterflies in the shrubbery, little birds fly overhead, and small curious eyes peep out from dark little caves. Amazing attention to detail! The story is cute and funny. Characters are whimsical and fun. They reward you with applause, hopping up and down, and twirling happily around. So cute! It makes you feel good. I found the ending especially funny and laughed out loud. This is definitely a feel-good game. Bonus levels in the CE are more of the same, without the adventure aspect (except the last one!). Difficultly varies but pretty much parallels that of the adventure levels. I relied on the CE bonus walkthrough feature to complete some of the adventure levels, and had to refer to the developer's (Playrix) website to complete a few of the bonus levels. So for me the walkthrough feature is a must. Very glad it's available, however many veteran TM gamers might find it unnecessary. Another bonus feature I especially like is the "Making Of" feature. I don't use the wallpa
Great graphics & soundtrack, good mouse control, increasingly challenging with a building (no pun intended) storyline and fun characters. Timelines the toughest I've ever faced but boy did I have fun! Highly recommend this game for those that really want to be challenged.
What a brilliant piece of work this game is. One of the best I've ever come across. The graphics are fantastic, the replay value and challenge is excellent. I have played over and over again, making new players and going through until I've got a gold star in expert level. The added addition of the bonus games just give you a bit more of the same..but what fun. I tried to get my husband to try this game, but he stubbornly refused saying "oh its just one of those building games - I'm not into them." Finally I convinced him to try it and sure enough he is also hooked. I have recommended this game to friends and all that have gotten it love it. Don't assume it is 'just a building game' I have tried all the others build type games and they don't appeal to me at all. This game is just pure challenge and fun as long as you give it a chance to start getting interesting. The first level's are super easy, so you feel it is a bit boring...but oh no..its just getting your ability up ready for the further challenges. The other beauty of this game is that you don't have to get a gold star to continue, you can still advance and as your skills improve and your thought stategy improves you can come back to it, tackle it again and master it. I know you will enjoy it.
Gwhynot's review said what I intended to say and more. Check out their review Thought the Collector's Edition (CE) was worth having with it's 30 additional levels and other features. If you enjoy Time Management games this is a must have game. I started out with the regular version, but had to have the CE because it's such a great game. Detail in the graphics/animation was awesome! This game will b played over and over again. Enjoy :-)
Humor is a very rare thing in Big Fish games, but here it is. When I stuck the surprise, I could not help laughing. But it is funny all the way, the caracters are unik. It is the best game of its kind, I ever played, folowed by build-a-lot-games. Cedric is one of the few personalitys I remember from a game. But Playrix, some russians, have a good sense of humor and nice drawings, whitch you also find in Gardenscapes. Just now I am waiting for Royal Envoy 2 to hit the big fish.
I absolutely love playing Royal Envoy 2 - the graphics are great, the cut-scenes funny/cute and the level of challenge is perfect (not too hard but not too easy either). They also have a alrge number of trophies you can win - which adds another level of fun/challenge. If you aren't familiar with this type of game, you have goals that you have to meet for each level before you can move on to the next - these goals generally have to do with building certain types of houses or other buildings, making the people in the community happier, clearing roadways, etc... Overall, I would highly recommend this game to anyone who enjoys time management games - it's really a great one!!!
This is the most fun time management game I've played. The story line is quirky and unobtrusive to the game, the levels are appropriately challenging and the interface is easy to use and intuitive. I wish there were more games like this out there.
Excellent value for money - you can play for hours and still find something new (or frustrating)! Certainly makes the brain cells tick! Humourous characters and generally good all round family fun! (Not many games you can say that about!). Hope there's more of this on its way.
This is a wonderful action and strategy game. The graphics are wonderful and is fast paced. It is challenging but not impossible to complete the levels. I'm looking forward to a sequel of this game
This Game is wonderful! Its challanging and addicting. The story line is ok however; the game is great.