Соболь Лабиринт: Салливан реки коллекционное издание по

  • Bonus gameplay
  • Full soundtrack
  • Wallpapers and concept art
  • Integrated Strategy Guide
Min System request
  • OS : Windows XP/Windows Vista/Windows 7
  • CPU : 2.5 GHz
  • Memory : 1024
  • DiretX : 9.0
  • Hard driver (MB) : 879

Оценка игры: Соболь Лабиринт: Салливан реки коллекционное издание по

Каждую ночь у вас один и тот же кошмар. Вы видите детей, блуждающих по лабиринту, взывая о помощи. Эти бессонные ночи губят свои жизни. Чтобы остановить их, вы должны вернуться к Салливан реки летний лагерь чтобы раскрыть то, что произошло в течение лета давно забытые. Будьте осторожны, хотя, этот лагерь не все, что кажется. С каждым шагом, вы можете чувствовать глаза следят за тобой. Раскрыть тайну древних лабиринт в этой жуткой игре скрытых объектов головоломки приключение. Это коллекционное издание полный эксклюзивных дополнительные услуги вы не найдете в стандартной версии. В качестве бонуса коллекционное издание покупки учитываются три марки на ваш ежемесячный перфораторной карты игра-клуб! Коллекционное издание включает в себя:

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Жанр : Hidden Object

Spot hidden objects and solve puzzles and mysteries in lush, eye-catching scenes.

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Sable Maze: Sullivan River Collector's Edition Image Sable Maze: Sullivan River Collector's Edition
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USD 6.99 0 from 1 продавцы В наличии
Возраст: 3 ГОДА СТАРше 8

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AFERON - BigFishGames
Sable Maze: Sullivan River Collector's Edition game play Sable Maze: Sullivan River Collector's Edition Игровой процесс (играбельность игры, геймплей).


Loved! An excellent Sunday guaranteed!

Great interesting story: Return with Derrick to the Sullivan River Camp that left him with nightmares until now, already adult: the labyrinth ... bulliyng ... missing children ... Cutscenes very well made and appealing will hold you in this game. Great graphics, immersive atmosphere, sound very appropriate. Exciting locations with lots to do. Three difficulty levels. It has a interactive map (you can go straight to the desired location by clicking on the map) and a journal. Good balance of interactive HOS, entertaining mini games, not too hard, but very enjoyable and some are brand new! The game itself has good level of challenge, although the HOS are not difficult. Not much comes and goes, found objects are used soon. It only took half an hour playing to decide to buy. Highly recommended!

What A Game For The Halloween Season - Review Of Completed Game

Story: You take on the role of Derrick (now an adult) who is still traumatized by his childhood due to the disappearance of six children while playing at a Celtic Labyrinth so you seek out the help of a psychiatrist who recommends you return back to the scene of where it happened at the Sullivan River Summer Camp to try and rescue them. 3 play modes - I played advanced mode. No sparkles but does show black bar tips up at the top of the screen. Strategy Guide: Doesn't indicate how many chapters and while I didn't use it but did check it out and stays where you last left it. There is voice-over There is a journal and also a map that you can use to travel back/forth. HOS (hidden object scenes): I counted 22 scenes for the main game. All found by word list and are interactive. HINT: I can't comment on how fast it charges up this time around as I only used it one time for the whole game but I can say it's helpful if you're not sure where to go/do next as it will lead you there until you get to where you need to be. Puzzles: Some of the same seen in many games such as rotate rings however came across a few different ones I've never seen before anyway. I did skip a few of these as I'm not a fan of the puzzles and can be skipped in less than a minute. There's also trophies/achievements/badges to be won! My overall impression: Wow! What a way to start off the Halloween season since that is just right around the corner with this spooky, eerie game. I was hooked to this right from the get go and held my interest to the very end as I did not stop playing until I got to the end. I can sure tell there was some time and thought put into this game. The graphics, HOS, music, voice overs along with the story being told. I sure welcomed a whole different setting than the usual mansion and car crash theme and well this here was absolutely flawless for me and just something different. Also a lot of places to go and things to do. The main game here took me exactly 5 ho


What a creepy and sinister game! Such eerie and creepy sound effects and music. Wouldn't want to play it on a stormy night. You go back to your youth camp at the suggestion of you shrink to put your nightmares at rest. Who should meet you but one of the kids who disappeared in a labyrinth and needs your help. Horrifying surprises abound as you go through the camp, making it even more fun to play. There are so many places to explore that the interactive map sure is handy. And so many things going on at once; either a good memory or pen and paper would come in handy. Very detailed graphics and challenging gameplay. If you like scary, this is it!


This is a superb game from Daily Magic, who have given us a few good ones in the past, but nothing as good as this. The graphics, HOS, puzzles, music, v/os and navigation are all all flawless. Such a pleasure. The story is very good, new and in a different setting from the usual mansion/castle/haunted house etc., and very well presented. It is a logical (apart from the obvius Suspend Belief we all have to employ in these games) and well thought out game that makes perfect sense regarding tasks, items and objects and the emplying of said items, and flows beautifully. There is a jump map and an excellent SG. However, I needed it very seldom as the hint button is as helpful as it is possible to be. There are awards, trophies and badges galore to be won throughout for achieving different things. I did not get them all, but I did pretty well. If you are determined to win them all I would say it would not be impossible, if you are a patient and savvy gamer. Me, I am impatient, so I did not mind foregoing some of the rewards. It has a very spooky ambience and gave me quite a start more than a few times. The main game concludes very satisfactorily, for those wishing to wait for the SE, but the BC does follow on with a continuation that did not occur to me. Extremely well put together and executed. I hope this makes sense and does not appear contradictory. It is hard to explain without giving it away and spoiling it for others. It took me 5 hrs all inclusive. I was really immersed in it and I really enjoyed it. Excellent job, DM. You have learned a thing or two since your last one. Keep up the good work.

A Really Great Game

I had the chance to play this in beta trial and I couldn't wait for the complete game to come out, I was very hooked from the beta trial, I like the puzzles and the mystery about the whole story, it is somewhat suspensful in many places, and I especially like the surprises you get by some of the characters. Over all I really like this game and I will be buying it right away. I highly recommend this game for it's fun and interesting story.

FINALLY! Great Game after a long dry spell

This review is based on game play in expert mode. I was so happy to have found this fun and clever game after a long spell without finding anything to catch my interest. Either games could not resist constantly glinting, squinting, and hinting, incessantly, there wasn't anything interesting going on, or the interface was obnoxious. Sable, FINALLY! -Engaging from the start. Interface between gamer and game was very natural, storyline intriguing, graphics consistently beautiful, mini-games easy but clever and fun, and just the right amount of interactive HOS sprinkled throughout. About the Game: THEME=The action takes places in and around a mostly deserted campground that looks like a throwback to times long gone by. Most scenes were used very well, meaning they weren't just walk-throughs, and there were good variety of areas (campground, waterfall, labyrinth, ...). MAP=YES. In a campground style cartoon map, the type given at at state parks, the gamer can jump anywhere already visited. Shows WHERE gamer is but not active areas or undiscovered HOS (at least in hard mode). AREA COMPLETE=NO.Would have been nice. JOURNAL=YES and useful too. Glimmered when new info added; Contains info not found elsewhere AWARDS=YES. For no-mis clicks in a HOS, number of HOS without using a hint, number of puzzles solved without skip, etc. INVENTORY=Although items picked up are not necessarily used right away in only one situation were there so many items that there was a need to scroll. Nice touch. Another nice touch- Items meant for combination with future items to form a final piece were locked out until they were complete. USING ITEMS=Several times when using what turned out to be (after consulting the SG) the right inventory item at the right time on the right thing, the game just kept giving me "That won't work" messages. Grrr. Just kept trying... MINI-GAMES=There are a decent amount and while the lion's share have appeared in other gam

Well worth buying

Return to Sullivan Camp with the now adult Derrick, who has been plagued with nightmares. Artistry is excellent and background music is subdued but a little eerie which adds to the overall ambiance of the game. There are the usual hidden object scenes, but the mini games are very good and different. I downloaded the demo, but only played around 20 mins of it before I decided to purchase the full game. I was not disappointed at all.

good fun game

Nice game. Not hard at all and not going all over the place looking for things. Enjoyable game to relay and play. Has voice over and graphics are good. HOS are not hard and do not need the hint button much but it works good.

Really Cool!

Cheesy title, I know but that's what came to my mind! I played the demo and I really enjoyed it. Not a lot of going all over the place to find stuff and the HOGs had little puzzles in them which I like. Graphics were cool and the story line is a little different. Usual "find and save the kids" but from an evil tree!

Creepily awesome game!

I bought this game immediately just after the first chapter of the demo. Loved the graphic, so real looking, the voice over, the HOG scenes are very neat, no junk.. they look so naturally put together, unlike many other games of its kind. The atmosphere is kinda creepy too. The game length is not very long, though. Finished this game with the bonus chapter for around 6 hours (skipped lots of puzzles). Overall, very happy that I bought this game. No regrets!

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