Подводное в Арубе
- More than 60 levels
- 3 original worlds
- Fun detailed graphics
- Lots of bonuses and powerups
Min System request
- OS : Windows 2000/XP/VISTA/7/8
- CPU : 600MHz or faster Processor
- Memory : 128
Оценка игры: Подводное в Арубе
Эта аркадная игра будет у вас руководство Кенни в поисках семейных сокровищ. Лет назад, пираты украли старую семейную реликвию. Он был сломан, и куски были разбросаны в разных частях мира. Теперь Кенни изложением поставить все обратно вместе. Вы возьмете его через глубокие воды и мимо опасных морских существ. Начните подводное путешествие сегодня!
Оценка за раз
Жанр : Arcade & Action
(представления, взгляды: 1183)
Test your hand and eye skills with quick action and challenging levels.
Рейтинг игр (англ. Game Rank)
7513 баллы
(представления, взгляды: 1183)

извне, за пределами 5
на основе 67 оценки пользователей
Поставьте оценку игре.
Возраст: 3 ГОДА СТАРше 8Описание игры:
Поиск по дну океана, чтобы вернуть семейную реликвию, который был украден пираты лет тому назад.
AFERON - BigFishGames
I'm always on the lookout for games I can play using my USB game controller, and here's one! I must admit, I didn't like the game the first time I played it and couldn't wait for it to end, but there was one level I couldn't figure out how to finish and it bugged me. I just had to play the game again, and now I love it! The music gets stuck in my head. You just have to help out this little guy who can't swim 10 feet, but would rather walk around underwater. He's such a cute dork!
This is a good game and very enjoyable for all the family.
Let me start with what I didn't like about his game.....whoops, there isn't anything. Okay, so lets go with what I liked about it. First off, all the other reviews are pretty much spot-on. This game reminds me of 'Supercow' but IMO is far less 'glitchy'. As with all BFG I suggest trying out the trial but if you're like me, it won't take long to realize what a perfect gem this game truly is.
I loved this game. In fact I've replayed it 3 times and am thinking of starting it again. Lots of variety. Lot's of levels. Easy to manipulate through the screens. Challenging secret areas to find. There is something about the 'coin treasure' games. There is NOTHING that i disliked about this game. Please bigfish give us more of this type. This game is very near the fun factor and quality of SuperCow.