Сезон Тайна: вишневый цвет убийства

  • Gorgeous scenes
  • Intriguing plot
  • Find the murderer!
  • Get the Strategy Guide!
  • Check out our Blog Walkthrough
Min System request
  • OS : Windows XP/Vista/7/8
  • CPU : 800 Mhz
  • Memory : 512
  • DiretX : 8.1
  • Hard driver (MB) : 186

Оценка игры: Сезон Тайна: вишневый цвет убийства

Ирен и Ричард Пембертон перемещаются по всему миру в Японию и живут комфортно в новый и захватывающий мир. Однажды ночью, Ричард был найден мертвым в своем кабинете при загадочных обстоятельствах. Местные следователи считают, что он взял свою собственную жизнь, но Ирэн знает, что это не могло быть самоубийство. Помогите Ирен найти истинный убийца в сезон Тайна – вишневый цвет убийства, фантастическая игра скрытых объектов.

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Оценка за раз
Жанр : Puzzle

Find your A-HA! moment with mind-bending puzzles and jigsaw games.

Рейтинг игр (англ. Game Rank)

2191 баллы

(представления, взгляды: 184)

Season of Mystery: The Cherry Blossom Murders Image Season of Mystery: The Cherry Blossom Murders
5 извне, за пределами 5 на основе 65 оценки пользователей
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USD 6.99 0 from 1 продавцы В наличии
Возраст: 3 ГОДА СТАРше 8

Описание игры:

Ричард Пембертон был найден мертвым в своем кабинете, при таинственных условиях. Помочь жене Ирине найти его убийцу!

AFERON - BigFishGames
Season of Mystery: The Cherry Blossom Murders game play Season of Mystery: The Cherry Blossom Murders Игровой процесс (играбельность игры, геймплей).


Boring & fuzzy

I found the graphics really poor using a new widescreen monitor at high resolution. The objects are quite tiny and difficult to find. Just HO screen after HO screen. Dated and boring

Clear Images

I enjoyed playing this game. The things I liked most about this game were the high quality images (making it easier to tell what an object is), the beautiful scenes and the good storyline.

I just enjoyed this story so much!

one of my most memorable games, very nice detective story, beautiful scenery, lots of fun!.

Loved this HO

The graphics were beautiful, the story line entertaining. Not too easy not too hard game play and mystery solved at the end. Would like more, along these lines, from creators.


My very first review. I almost didn't look at this game due to the previous review, but liked the idea of a mystery. I am SO sick of ghosts and other world experiences. So I tried this game and LOVED it. The graphics are lovely, the story line ok and the puzzles so-so. Fairly easy. Definitely not for experts. It is mainly a hidden object game, but was refreshing and a light delight. I do recommend this game.

The Cherry Blossom Murders

Not sure why this game receive bad reviews, but I personally like this one. Especially since this is set in Japan, my only complaint is that we re-visit the scene over and over and there is no voice over. It would be nicer if there is. The story line is okay and you'll probably not knowing the real culprit until the end of the game. Give this game a try and hope you'll like it too.

Wanted to Like This...But Didn't

I really wanted to like this game because it is different from most of the BF HO games. I liked most aspects of the game, but did not buy it for two reasons. The hits reloaded slowly, and some objects were so small I had difficulty finding them even with hint.


About 4 hours, casual play. Location is Tokyo in 1897. Can you help the widow of the U.S. legal attach? to Japan prove that her husband was murdered and did not commit suicide as the police ruled? The artwork was gorgeous ? it caught the beauty of the cherry blossoms in full bloom. My one complaint about the graphics is that the Japanese didn?t look authentic. Since most of the credits were of Japanese, I?m confused as to why they couldn?t portray the characters realistically. Even though the police have closed the investigation as a suicide, eventually the widow finds enough evidence to convince one of the detectives to take another look. While investigating, an additional murder at the Embassy and a kidnapping of a child occurs. The game is mostly reading conversations and searching HOS. Only a few puzzles. The HOS usually were not too difficult to find ? you could click on the object listing and get its silhouette to aid your search. Music was very relaxing. Ending gave closure all-around.

Well, I enjoyed the cherry blossoms

the couple of traditional Japanese house scenes, and the decent story. Too bad about all those multitudes of hidden objects scenes. And a lot of them at an American embassy. What a waste!

you'll go cross-eyed!

Hogs are my favorite & I'm reasonably good at them; I tried this one first (always!) due to the beautiful graphics. However, by 10 minutes into the game, I was cross-eyed trying to find the itty-bittty, hopelessly blurred ho's. So very frustrating! I rarely have to use the hints, but had to on every scene on this one. Skip it unless your masochistic. Definitely do NOT recommend this game.

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