Секреты темноте: Храм Ночи коллекционное издание
- Bonus gameplay
- Integrated Strategy Guide
- Wonderful Wallpapers
- OS : Windows XP/Vista/8
- CPU : 1.0 GHz
- Memory : 1024
- DiretX : 8.0
- Hard driver (MB) : 556
Оценка игры: Секреты темноте: Храм Ночи коллекционное издание
Ваш друг является журналистом, который находится в казалось бы тихой пустыне город. После ввязавшись с истории, связанные с темными силами, он похищен тремя темными священниками! Теперь они готовятся принести его в жертву, чтобы обеспечить демон тьмы с беспредельной власти, и это до вас, чтобы остановить их! Сохраните ваш друг в секреты темноте: храм ночью, сложной игре скрытый объект головоломки приключение! Это коллекционное издание полный эксклюзивных дополнительные услуги вы не найдете в стандартной версии. В качестве бонуса коллекционное издание покупки учитываются три марки на ваш ежемесячный перфораторной карты игра-клуб! Коллекционное издание включает в себя:
Find your A-HA! moment with mind-bending puzzles and jigsaw games.
1469 баллы
(представления, взгляды: 186)

Возраст: 3 ГОДА СТАРше 8Описание игры:
После похищения, ваш друг должен приносить в жертву мощный демона и его до вас, чтобы спасти его!
AFERON - BigFishGames
This game was addictive and very novel in the way you had to change the scene to progress. :) Without giving away any details this game has hours of total enjoyment, from the great storyline, awesome graphics and just enough puzzles and hidden objects to keep you hooked from the minute you start playing. From the opening scene this game had me totally involved and I had to play it from beginning to end as I just didn't want to stop and play more on another day. :)
This game was so much fun. In most areas of the game you can switch between daylight and darkness, which totally changes the setting. You have to find objects in each setting and figure out where to use them so you can stop the demon. The puzzles were entertaining. The graphics were good. I muted the music, so can't speak to that. You find various clips from your journalist friend that fill in the back story. There are two bonus chapters and both were good and added to the story. I highly recommend this game and am looking forward to playing the next in the series.
This is one brilliant game. It will keep you absorbed in its story and the graphics are excellent. The morphing from the present day back to ancient tombs is clever, and adds a twist to the storyline. Puzzles are sometimes difficult, but there are enough clues around to assist. The 2 bonus games add to the overall value of a super adventure. One of my favourites.
I really enjoyed this game. It had not just 1 but 2 bonus games. they were as much fun & as challenging as the game itself. great mini-games as well as hidden object searches. Very mystical atmosphere. Real glad I bought it. Well worth the money. the strategy guide helped me through tough times. the hint button showed me a few things I would have missed. All in all a real good game.
I really liked this one on advanced mode and did not feel as it was overly difficult. The puzzles were a bit unique and the HOPs were not overly boring or predictable. I loved the fact of the morphing while in a room. It was a unique idea I hadn't seen before and the change was quick with no hang=ups. I also liked the fact there was lots of interactions.
The adventure is dark and spooky but what a game! This is a very long adventure game which will keep you hooked for hours. The game play is excellent and I loved the fact that you can switch on lights to enter a different scene on a different time frame (past/future). The HO scenes are clear. The game is absolutely well designed and the music well suited. The bonus game is as interesting and makes you wish the adventure would never end. I hope there will be more Secrets of the Dark to come. I highly recommend this game. It will indeed challenge you.
This spring and summer I began playing Hidden Object Games. Of the games that I've played, so far, this is my favorite. I like how the scenes change with the lighting adjustments. The sound track is something that I enjoy listening to. With most games, I turn off the sound and listen to my own music, but this music has a beat and is interesting because it features instruments like the pan flute. This is a highly creative game. In the collector's addition there is a generous amount of bonus game play, which makes it well worth getting.
Quite an enjoyable time. Normal hidden object screens with interactive objects and a new variant on putting objects back into the scene. Absorbing storyline and good level of complexity on story puzzles. As for the standard puzzles, even those had a twist (especially like the 4 peg tower of hanoi variant. The TWO bonus adventures were quite significant. Good value, and a very good time. Thanks.
Storyline: Game is about investigating a supernatural force behind the disappearance of people in a city. You will meet a few of those mysterious dark forces very briefly. The bonus games continue the story (see below), although the main game has a conclusion. Gameplay: Main game is a Reverse HOS (put objects where they belong in the HOS), with some animation. [If you see a skeleton, click it.] Objects are nicely sized and not merely peeking out from behind some other object. Graphics and sound effects are good. Different: Game differs from others in that you open or close curtains to change the illumination of 4 locations (hotel, hospital, sheriff, museum), which is really changing from the ?now? to ?sometime in the past.? The differences are dramatic and you only close/open the curtains in the first room in each location. Changes in the past affect the present and vice versa. The last 20% of the game was in one illumination. There are popup clues about when to change illumination so you don?t wonder around for half an hour not finding what you need because it?s not in that environment. Limited traveling to the 4 locations, with 3 of the environments having only 3-4 rooms each. Variety of puzzles and mini-games which vary in difficulty. One cool thing: There are a few flipping games to get all the lights on, or variations thereof. You can restart the mini-game as often as you want, if you get so stuck that you?re dizzy and ready to give up. BONUS: There are 2 bonus games which continue the story. ?Book of the Dead? is puzzles and the locations are new. You are saving the sacrificed residents of the city. In ?Magic Crystals, you?ll encounter traditional HOS with lists of objects in the same locations as the main game, as you try to cleanse the city from any residual dark forces. You will not be changing illuminations very much in either bonus game. You can also replay the mini-games to your heart?s content. TIME: The main game took me just over 5 hours. The Book of the Dead bonus ga
I think according to the lack of reviewers this is probably one of the forgotten great games you sometimes stumble upon browsing for something to download on BF! This is a great game, with both the usual dark theme, switching btw two realities, but also set in a ladscape and culture of Central america that isn't very common and add to the plot. A plot that is very consistence and well made! It's also a HOG where you get lots of things to do but in a concentrated small area of locations. I was amazed as an experienced HOG player how much variety you actually could squeeze into an area WHITOUT running around like a crazy rabbit. This is mostly because all rooms have a day AND night scene. So 3 rooms are actually 6 locations! Visuals, graphics, sound are also great. This is one of the HOGs I play together with my hubby and we're having a great time!