Остров Проклятых

  • Based on a major motion picture
  • Creepy atmosphere
  • Discover the island's secrets!
Min System request
  • OS : Windows XP/Vista/7/8
  • CPU : 1.2 GHz
  • Memory : 1024
  • DiretX : 9.0
  • Hard driver (MB) : 154

Оценка игры: Остров Проклятых

США Маршал Тедди Дэниелс пришел на остров Шаттер, дом госпиталь Эшклиф для душевнобольных преступников. Вместе со своим партнером Чак Ауле, он отправляется на поиски сбежавшего пациента, убийца имени Рэйчел Соландо, как ураган несет на них. Но ничего в больнице ashecliffe является тем, чем кажется, и исчезает пациентов не только секрет острова скрывает. Используйте свои скрытые навыки объекта, чтобы решить Жуткая тайна!

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Оценка за раз
Жанр : Hidden Object

Spot hidden objects and solve puzzles and mysteries in lush, eye-catching scenes.

Рейтинг игр (англ. Game Rank)

3660 баллы

(представления, взгляды: 264)

Shutter Island Image Shutter Island
5 извне, за пределами 5 на основе 65 оценки пользователей
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USD 6.99 0 from 1 продавцы В наличии
Возраст: 3 ГОДА СТАРше 8

Описание игры:

Два маршала США прибывают на остров Шаттер в поисках пропавшего пациента перед ее следу промывают сторону от надвигающегося урагана.

AFERON - BigFishGames
Shutter Island game play Shutter Island Игровой процесс (играбельность игры, геймплей).


Open your Shuttered Window if you View HO Games Negatively! :)

This is a terrific game to my thinking: I have no idea why some reviews are so bad because I enjoyed it immensely. [Mind you, I have not seen the movie but a PC game's a different medium anyway so of course, the experience is altered.] But I saw the preview and felt I would like it...and I read one very positive review so I trusted that and bought this game. I was not disappointed: the graphics are wonderfully atmospheric and the music is suspenseful throughout while gradually building the tension. You play U.S. Marshall Teddy Daniels investigating one patient's disappearance in a hospital for the criminally insane. There is occasional dialogue but it's short and only for plot development. The revelations take place mainly through HOs and some mini-games as well--though the latter can be skipped if desired. What made this exciting for me is that the game is viewed through your eyes [Teddy is never seen] but you suffer from migraine headaches, so...when this happens, you see spots in front of your eyes and blood vessels in your peripheral vision as you try to find objects! LOL. Also, in some HOGs, sea mist rolls in and you try to find objects through the motion of it. So fun! Then, later on, the building's generator begins to fail and the HOGs are in blinking, fading light with momentary blackouts. Finally, there's power failure and all Teddy has is a flashlight for solving the clues. If you don't enjoy Hidden Object games then, this will not appeal to you but please consider playing this IF you like them...because this is my favourite HOG ever! And yes, some items are/were hard to find but so what? [Because there are unlimited hints available.] Oh and incidentally, there was one part in here when I jumped out of my proverbial skin in real life. Buy this game and you'll see!

Worked for me

I know that a lot of folks won't like this because of the visual "migraine" that appears on the screen, but not having ever heard of the movie, I really enjoyed the game play right through to the end, when I finally "got it." Good entertainment, and I went back and played it over again, knowing the storyline and appreciating the way the game came together.

I'd rather live on land.

When I bought this game - it appealed to me. I had not yet seen the movie nor do I care to 'compare' games to their respective movies since doing that is like comparing books to their respective movies. They are not same and never are. That being said - the graphics of this game are decent and the game starts off with lots of promise. However, it quickly goes downhill. My biggest complaint is the storyline - it builds up and then boom - it crashes. There is no closure to the storyline nor is their any 'cliffhanger' which would inspire you to get the sequel (if there was one). As mentioned in other reviews, the whole 'migraine' effect which appears during HO scenes if you click on the wrong thing too many times - is rather annoying.

Little Challenge

I found this one OK. The graphics were good of course, the story line OK, and the challenge OK. Sometimes what to do to move forward, wasn't always obvious. However, I did enjoy it. Thank You Big Fish, Perry

Fun but short

I enjoyed the outdoor graphics and the basement/cell scenes....but the game was very short and I really wanted more background information and/or explanation of the storyline. Puzzles were not difficult and there were lots of HO scenes if you like that. Game was decent; just not long enough and while plot was good, it needed more filling in, I thought.

Hidden object game: shutter island

Doesn't worth the price, game very too short for that price, very disappointed. too easy , the end is very bowring. Hate to pay that much ! without prejudice.

Pity - it promised much more

I know I'm ages late posting a review for this game but it disappointed me. I read the book long before I saw the film and really looked forward to the game. It disappointed in a big way. I adore hidden object games and this appeared to have a lot to offer but did not deliver. Sorry - but the verdict is a predictable 'could do better'.

Huge disappointment

Having seen the movie, this certainly pales in comparison. The game fails to capture the mood and characters, characters in particular. You backtrack and search the same scenes often and the scenes are not the clearest, so finding the objects can be challenging due to the pixelation, which is why I gave it a 3 for level of challenge. That is not a good thing however. Also a very short game. All in all not worth it, not even really as one of the daily deals.

worst hidden object game

I have played dozens of bfg for quite a while and haven't felt so compelled to write a review before. This game was short, hard to see things visually because of screenplay techniques, and not put together as a whole well done at all. I saw the movie and thought it would follow that more closely. Very poorly done. Don't waste your time or money on this one.

I'm sorry I bought it.

I thought I would use my free game credit and not buy it since the reviews were so bad. I liked the movie and liked the game after playing the free trial. I bought it, played it for like another 5 minutes and it was over. I am so disappointed! The graphics were ok but hard to see some times but it was way too short! Plus, the ending was horrible!

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