- Ability-boosting helmets
- Heroic battles
- Gorgeously detailed world
Min System request
- OS : 10.8/10.7/10.6
- CPU : 2.0 GHz (INTEL ONLY)
- Memory : 512
- Hard driver (MB) : 734
Оценка игры: Кальмары
Эпическое подводное приключение - с кальмарами! Стив, Вахины и другие осьминоги в опасности, как инфекционные черной грязи развращают их мир! Лишь несколько героев могут отразить нападение и спасти свои процветающие королевства! Соберите маленькую армию эластичных осьминогов и поведите их на пошаговую битву против темной Орды в эту фантастическую смесь экшена, стратегии и ролевой игры!
Оценка за раз
Жанр : Arcade & Action
(представления, взгляды: 135)
Test your hand and eye skills with quick action and challenging levels.
Рейтинг игр (англ. Game Rank)
1910 баллы
(представления, взгляды: 135)

извне, за пределами 5
на основе 65 оценки пользователей
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Возраст: 3 ГОДА СТАРше 8Описание игры:
Эпическое подводное приключение - с кальмарами! Привести свою команду squid героев для эпической пошаговой битвы против злобных крабов и креветок.
AFERON - BigFishGames
I will have to said it was an interesting experience of this adventure game. Something different from my usual game play. You get to level up your adventurers and equip them from the shop after you unlock the items from the adventures you pass through. Game wise it need some strategy to go the way you want to go and find or pass the level. Mostly it's straight forward. It does keep you entertained for the most part. The characters you have with you can defeat bad guys, heal your parties, get treasure,etc. I haven't formed a solid opinion of this game but from the experience I had for this game from the demo the children might be more interested in this game than adults. Unless you don't mind play the game.
This game ends at level 20 with no real resolution of anything. At all. From any perspective. I thought this game was rather fun. Although some might criticize it for mixing elements, i like games that are complex and give me many things to do. I think it makes them more replay-able. There is a currency to collect and spend, turn-by-turn battles to be fought,arcade style power ups, a story line to follow, and the strategy involved in using the different members of your team and their strengths. I thought the anthropomorphism of squids was kind of interesting. I used a punch card coupon. Unfortunately, my "buy" did not turn out to be very gratifying. First, the game was way too short. it had about 20 levels. Standard for these kinds of games is about 40-50 levels, so 20 levels is pathetic. I felt like the game was just getting started when it suddenly ended. (Spoiler alert - if there is any story to spoil in the first place...) Further, the story line also abruptly ended. There was no resolution to anything. The last scene had the characters basically saying, "Where should we go next?", "Anywhere!", and that was it.You never really meet the game's villain, or resolve any of the problems that the game represents as your goals, or learn the back story they keep hinting at, or anything. Also it is painfully obvious that this game was supposed to be released around Halloween. Thanksgiving has come and gone. That doesn't speak well of how "finished" the game is. The devs seem to think that this counts as a cliff hanger which will generate demand for a sequel. Well, I'm certainly not interested. They should have just finished this one.
This is the kookiest game I ever tried on BigFish. The graphics are very pretty, but the storyline is pretty kooky. The directions are a little confusing, but once you get what you are supposed to do, I think it might be fun for some players, just not me.
I played the full demo of Squids. I found it very unsatisfying and I kept wondering, "What's the point of this?" I think this game tries to be too many things: cute but also complicated, with arcade style battles that also feature RPG-style inventory upgrades. You have a team of underwater characters that alternate turns. There are too many wordy dialogues between these characters which were presumably supposed to be funny and get you interested in the characters, but which I found utterly boring and annoying. I didn't like having to deal with all the characters and their endless turns and would rather just be a single player. There is some sort of plot that keeps referring to the hordes of black ooze (I guess that symbolizes oil slicks), but there isn't much of an explanation and I wasn't interested anyway. You move your characters by pulling their tentacles and sling-shotting them around. This is also how they attack enemies. I found it a pretty boring way of moving around. There wasn't much explanation of how to pick up rewards and get the characters to do things, and I just didn't find any of the cutesiness of this game engaging at all. Making the upgrades and weapons RPG-style complicated didn't help. The "battles" between your squids and ooze-covered crabs just go on and on as you push each other around in various underwater scenes. I got really, really bored with this game even in the space of the demo time. I only played the full demo to give it a chance to get better. It did not. For a much more entertaining, more original underwater adventure, I would suggest Glow Fish.