Странные дела: секреты серый туман озеро
- Explore Grey Mist Lake
- Uncover shocking surprises
- For a more in depth experience, check out the Collector's Edition
- Get the Strategy Guide!
- Check out our Blog Walkthrough
Min System request
- OS : Windows XP/Vista/8
- CPU : 1.6 GHz
- Memory : 1280
- DiretX : 9.0
- Hard driver (MB) : 327
Оценка игры: Странные дела: секреты серый туман озеро
Откройте для себя секреты серый туман озеро! ФБР агент Клэр Эллери обнаружила еще один странный случай, и она нуждается в вашей помощи, чтобы добраться до нижней части набор странных обстоятельствах. Откройте для себя правду в легенде в этой невероятной игре скрытый объект головоломки приключение и спасти день. Погружение в странные дела: секреты серый туман озеро и раскрыть невероятная история с шокирующим!
Оценка за раз
Жанр : Puzzle
(представления, взгляды: 212)
Find your A-HA! moment with mind-bending puzzles and jigsaw games.
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1660 баллы
(представления, взгляды: 212)

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на основе 65 оценки пользователей
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Откройте для себя секреты серый туман озеро! ФБР агент Клэр Эллери обнаружила еще один странный случай, и она нуждается в вашей помощи!
AFERON - BigFishGames
Only done the trail yet but will buy this game it is very intreging and very stimulating you never know whats going to pop up next
This game was excellent . I liked it to play .
i love this game and had alot of fun playing the hidden object game
I got tired of having to go back and forth all the time to keep the game progressing. No voice over so I turned off the music. Good graphic. The HO games were not hard. Just a good game for me.
I seem to be the odd one out as most of these reviews are rather negative BUT I liked this game which surprised me since the other two in this series did nothing for me especially the 2nd one. I thought the music they played really made the atmosphere spooky and it was believable to some extent which really appeals to me in games. I liked the overall story and I felt like the music really kept the game together and made it interesting because it led into events like rising up and then down when it came to what you were looking for. When I demo'ed this, I thought it had too many Hidden object scenes but after playing it, it has just enough. The advanced level doesn't have sparkles anywhere so there were a lot of times I missed places to do Hidden object scenes. Also, I liked having to do something extra to find the tarot card usually by using an item from my inventory. That gave the game something new and challenging because if you didn't have the piece you couldn't advance. Also, the hint button took forever to load on advanced mode so I couldn't rely on it being there so I had to figure it out by myself AND it was reliable in hidden object scenes but really didn't help outside of them so it was a game that needed to use brain cells. I did become stuck and had to refer to a walkthrough at one point. Turns out Im just blind haha Im not surprised I found this game interesting and others did not because I tend to not be impressed by the majority of games anymore. It really takes something quite interesting and out of the norm for me to like it so this game appealed to that. Im not really into witches but she didn't really bother me. I was more consumed with the overall love story theme of kate and sam. (I think thats their names LOL) but then again, I am a chick and in quite a lovey dovey mood lately as my boyfriend is visiting this month from australia =) so maybe this game just hit on a good nerve =) happy gaming.
Nice graphics, well done HOS, interesting puzzles, good length, chance to use your memory skills and no sparkles (neither HOS ) in advanced mode. I couldn?t ask for more in a SE.
This is an odd game, almost as though two people took turns to write the programme. From Sulus Games it has their usual splendid graphics & artwork; the voiceovers are excellent but are only used for some characters & not others. The music is subtle & the ambient sounds lovely. There are two modes of play, regular with a long 2 minute hint, sparkles & glints or expert with no sparkles but a 4 minute hint. You are given a case to hold the inventory & to access you click on it rather than having the items along the bottom of your screen, it was rather a clumsy device to use & did become annoying. In addition a flashlight which is used to locate particular objects that are needed. There is a good mix of hidden object scenes & mini puzzles; in order to solve an H0 scene you have to find a green card before the list is revealed & many objects are interactive. Normally in order to ?open? the H0 scene you have to find an object elsewhere in the game such as a key & this adds interest. The mini puzzles are a mix of very easy to solve to those that took a lot of head scratching on my part to figure out what to do, in fact some I gave up on & had to skip as I could not for the life of me work out the solution. I found the cursor a little ?sticky? which was frustrating at times but not enough to spoil my enjoyment of the game.
Just what I was looking for with uncluttered, good-sized hidden object scenes and relaxing gameplay. Played several times both Easy and Normal modes and there was a difference in challenge--but nothing extreme. Story is about a witch who has captured a small town 100 years ago--sometimes the town appears and then vanishes again. You are a "gifted" FBI Agent who stumbles upon the town as it has mysteriously re-appeared, however, your boyfriend wanders off into the town, after he wrecks the truck, and you are determined to find "Sam". There are 3 Strange Cases Games and I've played Grey Mist Lake first so onto the others. Really a good game to actually relax and not have to find bonus items with too many interactive hidden objects or earn Achievements. I went into the game without high expectations and enjoyed playing very much as it was simplistic, uncomplicated and fun. Enjoy! -Mama Mia-
i think it fun n challenge n it make u more relaxed.
I really enjoyed this game. Kept me interested. The only drawback was the need to click on the inventory to open and close it (rather than mouse over open). Otherwise, super game.