Истории С Драконовой Горы: Стрикс

  • Fantastic graphics
  • Mysterious storyline
  • Explore the mystical woods!
  • Check out our Blog Walkthrough
Min System request
  • OS : Windows XP/Vista/8
  • CPU : 1.0 GHz
  • Memory : 256
  • DiretX : 9.0
  • Hard driver (MB) : 232

Оценка игры: Истории С Драконовой Горы: Стрикс

Мина lockheart мечты стали невыносимыми кошмарами. Она мечтала о ее бабушка Кейт и их старый семейный дом, быть съеденным пламя. Один день, Мина решил вернуться в семейное поместье, чтобы помириться со своим собственные воспоминания. То, что началось как простая поездка поиск внутренних мира, оказались максимально, невообразимые приключения ее жизни! Победить злого духа, называется Strix в сказках из горы Дракона: Strix, забавная игра скрытых объектов головоломки приключение!

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Оценка за раз
Жанр : Puzzle

Find your A-HA! moment with mind-bending puzzles and jigsaw games.

Рейтинг игр (англ. Game Rank)

5162 баллы

(представления, взгляды: 168)

Tales From The Dragon Mountain: The Strix Image Tales From The Dragon Mountain: The Strix
5 извне, за пределами 5 на основе 65 оценки пользователей
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USD 6.99 0 from 1 продавцы В наличии
Возраст: 3 ГОДА СТАРше 8

Описание игры:

Исследуйте мистические леса и горы, чтобы победить злого духа, называется Strix в этой игре скрытый объект головоломки приключение!

AFERON - BigFishGames
Tales From The Dragon Mountain: The Strix game play Tales From The Dragon Mountain: The Strix Игровой процесс (играбельность игры, геймплей).



Thank you Ivan and Cateia team. Very much enjoyed visiting The Dragon Mountain and other locations throughout game. Graphics, art work are awesome as wel as the muscial score. Was an overall very pleasant playing experience. The ability to customize settings is briliant and gives many different types of gamers an opportunity to play. I prefer Adventure Mode and encourage players that normally play hidden objects to replay on Adventure Mode. It is a very playable game on all settings. A very fun game. Who doesn't love dragons and other creatures of lore and get to interact with them? Hope to see many more! Thanks to BFG for an equally awesome gaming Site! :)) Enjoy! - Mama Mia-

Good Game

The graphics and puzzles kept me playing until I finish the game. Pay attention to the dialogues because the answer for the next step o puzzle might be there. Love it!

Very nice adventure game

This is a true point and click adventure game. You will not find HOS in this game. You do have your choice of custom settings which is a fantastic touch. The hint works as far as helping you if you are in the same room as a needed object. This is a great game if you are new to adventure games. It is not overly difficult and there is a terrific walkthrough on BFG available if needed. Art and color were marvelous, as was the music score. I highly recommend.

More task oriented than hidden object

The graphics are lovely & the artwork is very European; it reminds me of some old fairy tale books I used to read. A couple of times I went into a scene & thought 'wow this is really dark' but of course I hadn't lit the candles or performed some other task The music is unobtrusive & fits well with the story, I also liked the voiceover dialogues although they are not clickable. I read much faster than I listen & was ready to move on before the character was halfway through a sentence but did not want to skip in case I missed an important clue. This is definitely more adventure than hidden object game & the puzzles gave my brain a good workout, it took me hours to play & I spent quite a lot of time wandering about trying to find out what to do next. The hint button only worked in the H0 scenes so I did resort to a walkthrough a couple of times. The cursor was very large & clunky; something a little more elegant would fit in better with the artwork

Different from the usual HOG

Instead of getting a separate scene that you zoom into with hidden objects, the objects are in the locations themselves. And if you play in Advanced mode, you don't get word lists at all. Visually, the game is also pretty different from the usual look of HOGs. The scenes seem to be composed of 3D models, or possibly a mix of 2D and 3D. The game also seems to partially be in TRUE widescreen. Most games that fill a widescreen monitor merely stretch the image horizontally, resulting in ugly distortion. This one actually fills the screen without distorting the image. I usually dislike the 3D look in these types of games, but it looked pretty good here, especially because some of the settings looked good, like the institution, which looks like a floating castle in the sky. I really liked the story and there are a lot of voice overs throughout the game that were of high quality and really enhanced everything, although there were a few translation mistakes in the text displayed to accompany the voice overs. The puzzles were of a pretty good level of challenge and variety. Game length seemed on the short side, but I was satisfied with it anyway.

A true adventure game...

The only reason it doesn't earn 5 stars from me is that it's a tad short and the mini-puzzles are way, way easy.... I played the game on the most challenging level and really enjoyed it. The items are (usually) easy to find without resorting to the sparkles and item list. I loved that there were no HO scenes -- all the items were a part of your adventure and found as you went along. The gameplay was mostly linear and logical... very little backtracking... The voice-over is good (not great) and the music (which I always turn way down anyway) is unobtrusive. I feel the developers missed some great opportunities in the game for those of us who love puzzles.... for instance, most items in the inventory combined themselves and, again, the puzzles were extremely easy.... The game was very enjoyable for me.... not sure why others rated it so low.... So give it a try!

A cute, funny game

The storyline is good. The dialogues are sometimes funny. I played in Adventure mode (no sparkles). The graphics are somewhat "old stylish". This game is not really a HOG, more puzzle. The objects are scattered in the location. Some objects need to interact to use them. There are 5 chapters. The puzzles are mostly easy, some challenging. There is no journal. The hint system (in adventure mode) is useless, making it more challenging. It took me 2 hours to finish. Could have been longer.

fun, and pretty

A fun, atmospheric game that will entertain you. It isn't the most challenging game, but it does require you to think a bit. If, like me, you like the harder games, go with the "Adventure" mode. The music is beautiful, and the art work is simply lovely. The voice overs are a bit hit and miss, but the main character does fairly well. There is some humour, some scary-ish bits, and lots of charm. Puzzles were a mixture of all kinds, and were bright, fun and creative. If you want a fun romp for a rainy Saturday, get this and enjoy yourself.

Loved it

Don't know exactly why some games grab you and others not, but with this games I think it's the mysterious atmosphere. I rated 5 stars in details but 4 stars in general cause it was a bit on the short side. There are no HO scenes but HOs all over the place. A bit on the easy side. The dialogue is great, humorous, loved the helper character. I just read on the developper's website Cateia Games there's a second one coming out Tales of the Dragon Mountain 2 - The Lair. It says 2013 I hope it's soon.

Had potential

I think this could have been a very enjoyable and different HOGA game! Lot's of choices in the menu which was a good sign but it didn't flow at all ! To find items (with no help from the hint.....no map, no anything) made it more frustration than anything. As the other reviewer stated. "A lot of going around".....getting nowhere I found. So, although a story that had great potential, mystic etc. etc. I didn't even manage to get the stove lit. My first bad review but ........that's just the way I found it.

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