Потерянное Пророчество Инков

  • Immersive atmosphere
  • Multiple game modes
  • Save the Incas!
  • Check out our Blog Walkthrough
Min System request
  • OS : Windows XP/Vista/7/8
  • CPU : 800 Mhz
  • Memory : 512
  • DiretX : 9.0
  • Hard driver (MB) : 32

Оценка игры: Потерянное Пророчество Инков

Аква был с яркие сны Нового Мира, и просыпается, чтобы найти она нарисовала карту местности, она никогда не была! Путешествие в новый мир и помочь Аква предотвратить катастрофические пророчества происходит, восстановить рушили храмы, и сохранение цивилизации Инков! В Lost инков пророчество может только быть расшифрована и понята, используя ваш матч 3 навыки, и, следуя таинственной мечты Аква это!

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Оценка за раз
Жанр : Arcade & Action

Test your hand and eye skills with quick action and challenging levels.

Рейтинг игр (англ. Game Rank)

5980 баллы

(представления, взгляды: 187)

The Lost Inca Prophecy Image The Lost Inca Prophecy
5 извне, за пределами 5 на основе 65 оценки пользователей
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USD 6.99 0 from 1 продавцы В наличии
Возраст: 3 ГОДА СТАРше 8

Описание игры:

Аква помочь предотвратить катастрофические пророчества происходит, и спасти цивилизацию Инков, в этой захватывающей матч 3 игры!

AFERON - BigFishGames
The Lost Inca Prophecy game play The Lost Inca Prophecy Игровой процесс (играбельность игры, геймплей).


Great game!

Lot of fun.. Just like I want it and this game is great!

Lost Inca Prophecy Addiction

I'm so addicted to this game. I played the 1 hr on demo and just had to purchase it immediately! I normally play HOGs. This is a nice change of pace. I enjoy the combo of M3 and HO. Sometimes you just need to unwind and this game does that for me. The music reminds me of Magic Match, that I played a few years back on a now out dated computer. lol The music can be a bit annoying, so I keep it low. My kitten loves this game too. She watches the big explosions I make, then trys to catch the pieces that go flying everywhere. I have to agree that it is a bit cartoony, but the storyline is good and the graphics are terrific! It's even a great game for kids. I love it! It was even better knowing I got it free with my game club. Well worth joing it too! TY BFG for my newest game addiction. I start playing and can't seem to stop!

LOVE This Game!

I really, really love this game! I love that you can choose how you want to play [swap tiles, chain or groups of more than 3] and that there is the option to not be timed! The sarcastic banter between the two characters is also very funny and appealing! Yes, the figures are drawn in cartoon-fashion, but that's ok as it still has the usual feel of "only you can save the world" without being too serious and that makes it fun! There are cool mini games and the game is Looooong! Lots of power-ups and levels to keep you playing for a long time! So great! So, as you can probably tell, I loved the game and bought it before the 1 hour demo was over! Do try the one hour for yourselves to see if this is the game for you. I don't regret using a game credit for this game!

Nice Relaxing Adventure

A nice game, with a mixture of M3 and HOG. In the M3 levels, you play to gain parts of the artifacts to fix each temple (there are four). You also have your choice of shape (hexagon, rectangle or mixed), and a choice of chain, swap or group. Decent powerups to help you along. Nice graphics, maybe a little cartooney, but this doesn't take away the pleasure of the game. Not overly challenging, but a good game for those, like me, who occasionally want a simple, relaxing game to while away the time without busting the brain.

The same as Lost Kingdom Prophecy

and not as pretty! If you already have kingdom, this is redundant and not worth getting.


I'VE BEEN PLAYING THIS M-3 / HOGGER FOR 6 hours NOW AND AM AT LEVEL 72. Many congrats to SEPPIA INTERACTIVE for MANY fun filled hours.I love the mix !!! I just cleared 1482970 points at level 70 and still looking forward to finishing this one !!!

very nice game quick thinking.

I like a challenge on these games, I just which they wounld'nt last only 60min.

Worth the money

This game is so fun! I have had it for a few years now and its never the same game twice! WORTH THE MONEY!

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