Timebuilders: Пирамида Растет 2

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Min System request
  • OS : 10.8/10.7/10.6/10.5
  • CPU : 1.4 GHz (INTEL ONLY)
  • Memory : 256
  • Hard driver (MB) : 170

Оценка игры: Timebuilders: Пирамида Растет 2

Великого фараона touti и его друзья вернулись на эпическое приключение, который отвезет вас в путешествие вдоль Нила в Времени Строителей: пирамида Rising 2! Когда священник Хапу обнаруживает древний свиток папируса, предсказывая катастрофический конец восемнадцатого династии Египта, он узнает, что для того, чтобы спасти королевство, восемь величественные храмы должны быть построены, и быстро, до конца этого цикла четыре луны. Вы готовы к этой конечной задачей?

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Оценка за раз
Жанр : Arcade & Action

Test your hand and eye skills with quick action and challenging levels.

Рейтинг игр (англ. Game Rank)

3669 баллы

(представления, взгляды: 122)

The TimeBuilders: Pyramid Rising 2 Image The TimeBuilders: Pyramid Rising 2
5 извне, за пределами 5 на основе 65 оценки пользователей
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USD 6.99 0 from 1 продавцы В наличии
Возраст: 3 ГОДА СТАРше 8

Описание игры:

Построить восемь величественные храмы, чтобы предотвратить катастрофический конец восемнадцатой династии Египта как и было предсказано в Древнем свитком в этой эпической игре тайм-менеджмент.

AFERON - BigFishGames
The TimeBuilders: Pyramid Rising 2 game play The TimeBuilders: Pyramid Rising 2 Игровой процесс (играбельность игры, геймплей).


Fun Time Management game (wayyy better than the first!)

I LOVE this game! I remember playing the first one in this series, and it was a fun game. Now this one is even better!! In addition to completing levels and getting Gold Times (that includes getting a Scarab and rebuilding your city), it now comes with cool bonuses that can, at later levels, come in very handy when you're trying to get that Gold Time and win more Scarabs!! I loved the theme, the storyline is funny at times (espcially the Cutscenes!) and the extra challenge that comes in on the later levels (trying to win those Gold Times on those later levels will be tough!). When I played the hour demo, I played 5 levels and got all 5 of them Gold Times (and I loved those bonuses that popped up on the fourth level -- what a surprise!), and right now I almost have 2 temples restored, 265 Scarabs and used 2 bonuses that both cost 30 Scarabs. There is a trick to getting those Gold Times and winning those Scarabs: Just work on your goals displayed at the top-right corner (place your Quarry in an empty lot near your workers hut -- it saves time getting your stones!), keep building your houses and upgrading them, and keep collecting resources to get your tasks done, and you'll easily win the Gold Time!! But on the later levels it is not always that easy getting that Gold Time, so do not despair if you don't get it on the first try -- just replay the completed level to improve your time -- it only gets more challenging the further you go on. But it's still fun to play, even if you don't like the extra challenge of getting the Gold Times. To those of you who read my review, take the time to play the hour demo and see it for yourself -- it's worth the try! I definitely would recommend everyone(or anyone) to buy this game if they like the fun factor or the extra "challenge(s)"!!

Great game

I love this game. I love the series! Listen closely, kids... There was a time when BFG used to give us games like this like every other day, instead of a HOG every single day. I know you don't believe me, but it's true! Also, the 'M' in Mtv used to stand for 'music'. That was even longer ago. Brings me back to those good ole' days!

So Much Better Than the Original! Loved it! 5 Stars from Me!

I liked the original version of this game, but I absolutely love the Pyramid Builder's 2! The storyline is engaging, the graphics are terrific, and the music definitely Egyptian. Most importantly the game itself is great. It builds in difficulty as do all time management games from easy to difficult. I found it challenging to get the gold after the first 10 levels or so. All in all a terrific time management game! Loved it.


I do not usually go 'ga ga' over any TM but this one is way into the 'fun' factor. All hints are great if u look at what u have to accompolish each level. Graphics are ..well...outstanding. Music was fine ... well...so good I did not notice so was not annoying!...It is timed...but...can finish level or go back later if u are a 'gold digger'!...Have not purchased the first two of this series..reason...not known at this time???.... but this will be the gotta have game...So only thing left is 'try it'...and...Really not bored as luv to see those little builder do the 'happy dance'..well thats all!..Thanks dev's and BFG.

Busy & Dizzy

At first try, this game is so busy, it makes you dizzy! lololol I bought version 2 bcos the graphics are much larger than the original I tried in the trial game. Now that I'm getting the hang of it, I'm addicted. So much going on & that little thief is a real pip! A master of disguises. What a sneak, you have to keep your eyes open for that one. lolololol Thank you for putting our a larger version & all the fun characters & animals. I Love It.

Hours of Fun

I purchased the game yesterday and didn't want to stop playing for hours. I like the graphics and animations, and I even like the music (most games I turn the music off). I own the original, and I like this one even more. The bonuses are a great feature that add to the fun.


I love TMs and this is one of my favourites. I like the addition of scarabs to pay for the temple as it is all the more attractive to receive the gold trophy to build the temple at the end of each level. Graphics are good, little dancing men at the finish are cute, I enjoy it just as much as the first.

Must Have

Great Game so much better then the others. I laugh so hard when I got to the part of the mummys. The only thing I dont like in all the games is the theives. Other wise the game is a must have.

Great game, better than the first one... buy it!

I really like this series, I've played the three games of the series and I really enjoy it. This one is a great improvment from the 2 first games. At least, try it!


Love this game. Love resource management games.

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