Сокровища таинственного острова

  • Beautifully detailed locations
  • Tons of mini-games and trophies
  • Escape from Mystery Island!
  • Get help at our Forums
Min System request
  • OS : Windows XP/Vista/7/8
  • CPU : 600 Mhz
  • Memory : 128
  • DiretX : 9.0
  • Hard driver (MB) : 271

Оценка игры: Сокровища таинственного острова

1-й финалист Лучшая головоломка игра 2008 года! Мистический талисман завлекает вас в путешествие на остров секретов. Выжить среди странных обитателей острова, но и найти спрятанные предметы и решить фантастические головоломки. Каждый найденный предмет и головоломка решена принесет вам один шаг ближе к раскрытию невероятного секрета острова. Ваши глаза и ум достаточно острым, чтобы убежать от таинственного острова?

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Оценка за раз
Жанр : Puzzle

Find your A-HA! moment with mind-bending puzzles and jigsaw games.

Рейтинг игр (англ. Game Rank)

6853 баллы

(представления, взгляды: 301)

The Treasures of Mystery Island Image The Treasures of Mystery Island
4.98 извне, за пределами 5 на основе 66 оценки пользователей
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USD 6.99 0 from 1 продавцы В наличии
Возраст: 3 ГОДА СТАРше 8

Описание игры:

Странный талисман привлекает вас в таинственный остров. Решать головоломки и раскрыть свои тайны в этой невероятной игре скрытых объектов!

AFERON - BigFishGames
The Treasures of Mystery Island game play The Treasures of Mystery Island Игровой процесс (играбельность игры, геймплей).


Great Fragmented Object Game

If you are looking for a fragmented object game, this is the game to go for! You are crash-landed on a tropical island, and before you can return home, you have to collect items from the plane's storage and help out to clean up the mess on the island. This game offers you lots of fragmented object scenes in which get pictures of the objects you need to collect, and you have to find the fragments of those objects. This can be a real challenge since many of these fragments are very small and well camouflaged. The game is relatively long and offers lots of different scenes. After you found all the fragmented objects, you need to find in the same scene objects associated with a specific job (like: objects for a musician, a teacher, ...). That is sometimes annoying, since this is far too easy and not on the same challenge level as the rest of the game. There are minigames which are often challenging and which can't be skipped. There is also no hint option for the minigames available - this might be a weakness for some players. But the mini-games are never too hard, so you might need some time with them, but eventually, you'll crack them. For the fragmented object scenes, a "hint" is available in the form of a stone which works like a witching stick: You'll have to go over the whole scene to see where it shines and moves most in order to find it. Fun!

Top Quality

I played this game long before BFG ever started reviews. It was one of those games that I played over, and over, and over again. Being an older Navy man, an avid scuba diver, and a private pilot, I have always been interested in the "The Bermuda Triangle". As a result I thoroughly enjoyed this one. Very good graphics, testy HOS, and clever story line. I have to say it is one of my TOP favorite HOG games.

loved it

I absolutely loved finding little pieces of objects instead of the usual lists, made me feel the same sort of satisfaction as when completing an actual jigsaw puzzle. Wish it were longer and a little more challenging - I played it a few times and finished in a few hours but was very entertained.

Nice game

Liked this best of the whole series.


Game took me over 5 hours to play ? I got an award for that. Story was a little silly, although you don?t find that out until the end. There are 14 trophies (awards), but you?d have to play it at least twice under the same name to get all of them. You can turn tips off and choose your screen resolution. You have to earn 24 cards to finish the game. You play usually 3 locations, a couple of times 4. At each location, you have fragments to find and use. The overview for each location tells you how many pieces of fragments you have to find and how many finished objects you have to use. For me, the 1st two segments of 3 locations each were fairly easy; the 3rd segment of 4 locations was the hardest. The hint works well to find frags by you running your rune over the screen until the frag quivers. Occasionally, objects couldn?t be placed ?because it was too early for that.? In other words, you usually had to place almost all objects at all locations before you could place the last objects. You can?t skip puzzles and you can?t do some of them until after most of the objects have been placed where they belong. You may have to resort to the forum for solutions if you have trouble with the puzzles or to find out where things go. After you find the fragments and put the finished objects in place, a magnifying glass will appear over the location button and you will have to find 10 items that belong to a particular occupation. New items will appear in the location which pertain to the occupation. You do this for 24 different jobs to earn the card. The artistry of the people is very poor, although the graphics of items is okay. You can skip through cutscene conversations entirely or hit the ?skip frame? button to hurry it along. I lost interest in the story about 1/3 of the way through.

Don't Waste your money.

Because of a previous purchase of The treasury of Mystery Island: the gates of fate, I purchased this game without trying it out first. NEVER AGAIN. I could kick my self even tho it was on sale for $4.99. Boring

I don't like it

Even though the graphics are ok I didn't find this game challenging at all. There's just one game mode.

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