Вневременной: Забытый Город коллекционное издание
- Bonus gameplay
- Integrated Strategy Guide
- Stunning Soundtrack
- Wonderful Wallpapers
- OS : Windows XP/Vista/8
- CPU : 1.6 GHz
- Memory : 1024
- DiretX : 9.0
- Hard driver (MB) : 270
Оценка игры: Вневременной: Забытый Город коллекционное издание
После остановки неуправляемого поезда, вы должны сбежать из города, который потерян во времени и пространстве! Исследуйте таинственный город и решите его загадки, чтобы узнать причины ужасной катастрофы. Освободите себя из временной ловушки как быстро, как вы можете, так как Chronometron подсчета через секунд вашей жизни. Погружение в Timeless: забыли город и использовать ваш скрытый объект приключение головоломки навыки, чтобы выжить! Это коллекционное издание полный эксклюзивных дополнительные услуги вы не найдете в стандартной версии. В качестве бонуса коллекционное издание покупки учитываются три марки на ваш ежемесячный перфораторной карты игра-клуб! Коллекционное издание включает в себя:
Find your A-HA! moment with mind-bending puzzles and jigsaw games.
1463 баллы
(представления, взгляды: 187)

Возраст: 3 ГОДА СТАРше 8Описание игры:
Побег из города, который потерян во времени и пространстве! Исследуйте таинственный город и решите его загадки, чтобы сделать его домой!
AFERON - BigFishGames
I am wondering why this game hasn't received a warmer welcome, being seemingly ignored by the majority. It is full of ingenuity and imagination. Not only does it offer many HO Scenes - a feature that should delight the aficinados of the genre, and even ravish those who are not too keen on them, for they are all very pleasant to play, although at times a bit cluttered - but also many puzzles and minigames you don't find in other games; some are very original, others are classics with a twist [except one]. I had fun playing them as I had fun performing the tasks and visiting the various locations well crafted with taste and talent. The HO Scenes do not always come with the usual shopping lists, but also with silhouettes, and with objects you need to move aside in order to find the items buried underneath. Interesting ! I particularly liked the beginning, the voyage in the french bullet train that suddenly turns into an old choo-choo. And for once I didn't have to mute my speakers: the music is not bad at all and there is even a very nice piece that would do well as the main theme of a western or a war movie. Still, the game is not perfect and one could deplore its shortness [4 hours for the SE] without skipping anything, the absence of voice-overs, the amount of bactracking which increases half way through the game, the lack of a map [although the Hints show you where to go if you get stuck], and the very last part of the ending which is quite unecessary. The storyline is another classic, a ghost story mixed with an evil magician who stops time in and around a town. It's a full 4 star game which I can only recommend, on account of its novelties, several challenging puzzles, good minigames, and many interesting actions to perform.
enjoyed the vast majority of the game, but I think I remember there being several times when the next step isn't obvious and you have to go back and visit all the places you've been to see if there's a new search area. I hate having to do that. Some of the puzzles were more annoying rather than fun and challengeing as well, so I ended up skipping a few. All in all though I'd say it's a good game and worth it. Also pretty good length-wise.
Yeah I don't understand the bad press on this one, either. I found it quite enjoyable..not my favorite, but worth the price..plan to purchase it ..review based on the one hour preview..progressed nicely, didn't need to constantly wonder where to go next..not the most challenging and perhaps that is why I like it...not so taxing on the brain..great for a Sunday afternoon!
If you are a true fan of hos, then this is the game for you. There are a considerable number of hos in this game in different varieties so you don't get bored. There are lists, silhouttes, and find all of an object. The storyline was a little flat and there were no voiceovers. It was definitely a "first time" type game from this developer. I enjoyed the game, but I don't think I would have stayed interested for the whole thing. There were no achievements and no map, but the journal was informative and the hint button worked as a directional hint along with hints for the hos. I never even looked at the strategy guide and didn't think about it until after my time for the demo was up. For first time players and those who want a game that don't need much adventure and lots of hos, this is a game you need to try to decide if you like it or not.
not the best game i`ve played but it was pretty good
I hate this game. I don't like to use the word challenging, because you are set up to fail. You can do everything right and it still doesn't work. I'm deleting it and will think twice before buying any more.
This was a really fun game. The really annoying thing for me is that I had to skip one of the puzzles both times I played it. It leaves the impression that there may be a sequel and, if so, I'm ready to buy it
Very good game.It was fairly long,which I like.I would get the se edition.This one is well worth the wait.