В Tradewinds Караваны

  • Epic storyline!
  • Become a legend.
  • Build a custom caravan!
  • Return to forgotten lands inTradewinds 2
Min System request
  • OS : Windows XP/Vista/7/8
  • CPU : 800 Mhz
  • Memory : 256
  • DiretX : 7.0
  • Hard driver (MB) : 70

Оценка игры: В Tradewinds Караваны

Руководство шесть отважных героев на их приключения, как они проводят коварную местность кишмя кишит бандитами. Путешествие вдоль оживленной и опасной Шелкового пути - древний торговый путь, протянувшийся от Китая до Средиземного моря, торговли экзотическими товарами и вступая в сражения в реальном времени. Нанять верных воинов для защиты и исследовать давно Затерянный мир в этой приключенческой игре кишит дразнящие тайны, скрытые города и легенды о мифических существах в tradewinds караваны.

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Оценка за раз
Жанр : Puzzle

Find your A-HA! moment with mind-bending puzzles and jigsaw games.

Рейтинг игр (англ. Game Rank)

1933 баллы

(представления, взгляды: 842)

Tradewinds Caravans Image Tradewinds Caravans
5 извне, за пределами 5 на основе 65 оценки пользователей
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USD 6.99 0 from 1 продавцы В наличии
Возраст: 3 ГОДА СТАРше 8

Описание игры:

Вдоль Великого Шелкового пути, и участвовать в режиме реального времени сражения при построении самых мощных торговых караванов в истории.

AFERON - BigFishGames
Tradewinds Caravans game play Tradewinds Caravans Игровой процесс (играбельность игры, геймплей).


Could have been better

I loved all the Tradewinds games. Sadly this was the only one I really regretted buying. Although promising at first, it hung several times. There was also a timed challenge which was simply impossible to complete that I simply gave up on the game after many attempts.

picaresque adventures and quirky characters

With gameplay this simplistic and repetitive, Tradewinds Caravans proves to be much more entertaining than it deserves. All you do is waddle around the map, back and forth between locations, to complete tasks, trade goods at the best prices and reinforce your small army to boot out highway robbers. Click, click, click. In its defense, the lack of challenging puzzles do give your brain a break if you need it. And yet, the six available storylines, side-quests, characters and dialogue are so offbeat, quirky and engaging that it has become one of my favourite Big Fish Games. There's just something about this little game, it has that special spark of life and personality. However, be warned: there's zero replay value. This game plays like a story: you want to find out what the writers came up with next. While the side-quests are shuffled so that they will never appear in the same order, nor do you play all of them the first time around, once you have completed a quest, when you encounter it again, there's little motivation left to go through the motions (click. click. click.) and complete it. Still a fun little game, warmly recommended!

Silk Road pirates

A nice variation from sailing. Unique graphics, good story, challenging combat. Interesting quests too.

Worst Tradewinds Game Ever Made!

Based on buying the full version. I love the Tradewinds games, but this one was pretty sub-par. You can only travel city to city, so if you need to get somewhere you're going to do a lot of walking. It gets very boring after the first few hours, and annoying. The battle system is unique but gets very hard after a while. The trade system is simplistic at best. Basicly you buy as far away from a city and then walk for days to the furthest city to sell it for a high profit, that's about it for trade, no strategy at all. The side story of all the playable characters is the only redeeming quality, but even that is not enough to save this sinking ship. In the end, I would stick with the other Tradewinds games out there. This one is not worth the time nor money.

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