Погода Господа

  • Step-by-step tutorial
  • Good and bad weather
  • Control the weather!
Min System request
  • OS : Windows XP/Windows Vista/Windows 7/8
  • CPU : 1.0 GHz
  • Memory : 512
  • DiretX : 9.0
  • Hard driver (MB) : 161

Оценка игры: Погода Господа

Есть 100-процентный шанс на удовольствие, когда вы играете погода Господа, уникальное время управления игрой, которая ставит силы природы в ваших руках! Использовать солнечный свет, ветер и дождь, чтобы уговорить урожай из плодородной почвы, а затем превратить ваш урожай в продукты, которые хотят люди. Если вам удастся хорошо свои ресурсы, солнечные электростанции и ветряные турбины обеспечат энергией вашего производства нужен. Вы также будете иметь, чтобы вызвать грозовые тучи, чтобы удалить валуны, послать дождь, чтобы утолить лесных пожаров и запасайте ресурсы, ваши работники должны возместить ущерб от землетрясения. Если вы опережать часы, золотой кубок станет вашим! Дать Матери-Природе заслуженный отдых и играть Лорд погода сегодня!

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Оценка за раз
Жанр : Arcade & Action

Test your hand and eye skills with quick action and challenging levels.

Рейтинг игр (англ. Game Rank)

4851 баллы

(представления, взгляды: 180)

Weather Lord Image Weather Lord
5 извне, за пределами 5 на основе 65 оценки пользователей
Поставьте оценку игре.


USD 6.99 0 from 1 продавцы В наличии
Возраст: 3 ГОДА СТАРше 8

Описание игры:

Управление силами природы в этой уникальной время управления игры!

AFERON - BigFishGames
Weather Lord game play Weather Lord Игровой процесс (играбельность игры, геймплей).


Let the Sun Shine!

Ok, I read the reviews but since I love these types of games I decided to give it a try. What a pleasant surprise!! It's an easy going, no stress game. I enjoy a game where you can take your time - and relax!

Something different

At last a time management thats a little different. This game quickly gets harder and makes you think. Great fun with a hint of brainache, good luck trying to get gold.

The power of the rain and sun

This is a fun game. You are the weather maker. You can buy clouds, combine them to make storm clouds and other weather. Farms need the sun and you provide it by moving the sun over the field. things grow and can be sold for profit. You also generate solar power with your suns. Repair roads but not before a fierce lightning cloud broke them up. All in all a new concept and you have to pre-plan or you run out of money or power. Music is so-so, graphics are clear enough. It gets challenging pretty quick and is different to the usual TM games that use supermarkets or farming. You make the weather and you have to remember what, as an example,combination makes the rainbow cloud. Very cute, gonna buy it.

cool game

I liked it but I love anveyond that is the best game in the world any kind so if you like this game play anveyond!

Put your TM to the test

This game goes in my top 5 list. The overall imaginative design is enough for that honor. Very challenging, music is pleasant, very addictive. game on....

Awesome fun new time management game

I just played about 45 min of demo and it was fun. It was a nice break from time management games with food and farming. Although there is farming in here but a lot different.

Really fresh and stunning!

Solid and innovative time managemnt game. Love to be a lord of weather!

Original and Fun!

This is a really original idea for a game. You get to control the weather to help make plants grow, dry swamps, put out fires, etc. For example, you combine a cloud and a sun to create a partly cloudy...cloud. This game didn't look like much from the start, but when you start playing it, you don't want to stop. There are always new challenges, and it never gets old. I'm considering purchasing it! :D

Totally different

This is very different from the typical TM games. I've really enjoyed playing this. I've actually went through it twice so far and it won't be long before I replay it.

good game

A Game with many fun - very nice

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